Religious Nuts in Texas Seek to Ban Book About Book Banning!

The very definition of irony. Too stupid for words... and I mean that literally.

An uptight Christo-fascist girl in a small town near Conroe, Texas and her father try to get her high school to ban the sci-fi classic "Fahrenheit 451" for containing "offensive material".

Do you think they missed the point? (From YouTube)

Has it never occurred to you that "irony" isn't mentioned in the Bible and therefore many people wouldn't know what you're talking about?

Can you please leave the cultural imperialism at home, and discuss the issue in terms everybody can understand?


>> ^eatbolt:
Reason given for why it should be banned:
"Reason 1, taking God's name in vain. And 2, it shouldn't be read."

Actually, I hate to correct you, but reason 2 is actually "there's no reason for it bein red." He's upset that the book is the same color as hell.


Page 197: Drunk
Page 199: Bought Cigarettes/Beer
Page 201: Drunk/smellen like...
Page 70: Slapped face

How does this guy possibly deal with the real world if he finds people that are drunk, buying beer/cigarettes, face slappin' and "SMELLEN like" things offensive? He must never leave the house or go grocery shopping.

Must not read his own Bible either because there's plenty of violence in there. More ignorant hypocritical religious folks. Got to love em!


>> ^dragonfriend85:
Yet another reason to never live in the Deep South.
I hate when people talk about our firemen. it makes me want to...ban something.

There are crazy people everywhere. I live in Georgia and I promise, it's not a bunch of bible thumping maniacs. I school in Atlanta, and the only nuts are the ones preaching my damnation (reminding me of a similar character in NYC). According to Woodruff Park man, the party in hell was canceled.
I does suck that I can't buy beer on Sunday, though.


A self-fullfilling prophetic book.
Next up? The movie "Idiocracy" will be banned, because it's boring and there's no reason for it bein seen. After all, there's only one or two really short scenes involvin' ball bustin' and they glorify bein' "smart". Plus, they talk about stuff.


^ Yes, BillOreilly, because wanting to ban Fahrenheit 451 is "free thought".

Anyone know how to coordinate google-bombs? (I think that's what they're called). Everytime someone types in the words Irony, Ignorant, or Devolution and hits "I'm Feeling Lucky" they should be directed to this video.

Anne Coulter looks like a horse and any man who would touch her is a zoophile.


The common factor here is that the subjects are unable to distinguish between literary works of fiction and literary works of non-fiction. In regards to both books mentioned, the subjects appear to view both books as works of non-fiction.


Wow where to begin... Well, being in the public school system I can assure you that this will never actually go through. (so breathe easy)

Whether or not the school system can save the student from her idiot parents is another issue altogether.


Holy craptacular f*cktards Batman!

People really are this dumb. I mean... WOW!

The book is friggen brilliant, love it, and they SO DO NOT GET IT... these narrow minded... argh, it just makes you want to sit them down and explain it all.

EXCEPT that they are so, so, so dimwitted that they just wouldn't get what you're saying, they wouldn't GET that the point of the book is... oh forget it, why get riled up by these morons, they live in a trailer for god's sake.


Atheist Uprising! we need a book burning ourselves... of the bible. and when the media asks why? we can list the offensive things in the bible that most of these fundies are ignorant to and that the media never acknowledges.

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” -Richard Dawkins: The God Delusion


OMG!!! Thats where I grew up, in fact if I were younger I would have went to that school. It was being built when I was attending Conroe High. I cant believe that this is on here, Fahrenheit 451 is one of my favorite books, these people are crazy. Not everyone in Texas is like that, it just takes a few crazies to make us all look bad.


>> ^ctrlaltbleach:
OMG!!! Thats where I grew up, in fact if I were younger I would have went to that school. It was being built when I was attending Conroe High. I cant believe that this is on here, Fahrenheit 451 is one of my favorite books, these people are crazy. Not everyone in Texas is like that, it just takes a few crazies to make us all look bad.

its true, i went to high school in an even smaller texas town they forced us to read farenheit 451 and me and my english teacher would have really long public discussions are about william burroughs and charles bukowski and all the sick shit they write about and how much we love it. noone got the media called on them. its all good. every town has one or two of these.... though my debate partners mom threw a cow because we chose homosexuality as a topic.


How come reporters never ask these people "Well, there are other people with different belief systems who go to this school, how come they have to conform to your belief system? Furthermore, no one else complained about the book other and you and your daughter, maybe the book isn't the problem? Oh, and you're a dipshit."


And you can bet money they were loyal Bush supporters.

Has anybody else seen "Idiocracy"?

I know it's a comedy and a satire, but it's far too close to the truth for comfort.


They throw cows in Texas? Is it to tenderize them?

>> ^peggedbea:
its true, i went to high school in an even smaller texas town they forced us to read farenheit 451 and me and my english teacher would have really long public discussions are about william burroughs and charles bukowski and all the sick shit they write about and how much we love it. noone got the media called on them. its all good. every town has one or two of these.... though my debate partners mom threw a cow because we chose homosexuality as a topic.


>> ^skai:
I think it should be left to education authority to make the decision whether this book if offencive or not, (but please don't let the lefties or PC brigade)to make the decision. If it were in Muslim country, any thing against Allah, the author and book publisher would have been shot by now. log on wake up people.

"Ahem." 1) Spellcheck. 2) Relevance-Check?
It specifically said that the school board is doing its own investigation. There was no mention of any political organization (outside of a student movement.) If the "self-righteous righties," (you can use that whenever, and you're welcome,) can go 'Durr, this book is anti-Jesus' (RTFB, guys,) then why is it wrong to get an opposing view? Otherwise you've just trampled free speech with free religion (Also only the former is really applicable: RTFConstitution.)


Everyone here seems to think that Fahrenheit 451 is a book about censorship, and that's a reasonable interpretation, but somewhat disappointingly it's not what Bradbury intended. Quoth Wikipedia:

"Over the years, the novel has been subject to various interpretations, primarily focusing on the historical role of book burning in suppressing dissenting ideas. Bradbury has stated that the novel is not about censorship; he states that Fahrenheit 451 is a story about how television destroys interest in reading literature, which leads to a perception of knowledge as being composed of "factoids", partial information devoid of context, e.g., Napoleon's birth date alone, without an indication of who he was."

Somewhat contradicting this stance is the fact that Bradbury later added an introduction to the book which specifically addressed censorship, and does indeed make this video seem ironic:

"There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches. Every minority, be it Baptist / Unitarian, Irish / Italian / Octogenarian / Zen Buddhist / Zionist / Seventh-day Adventist / Women's Lib / Republican / Mattachine / FourSquareGospel feel it has the will, the right, the duty to douse the kerosene, light the fuse….Fire-Captain Beatty, in my novel Fahrenheit 451, described how the books were burned first by the minorities, each ripping a page or a paragraph from this book, then that, until the day came when the books were empty and the minds shut and the library closed forever. ... Only six weeks ago, I discovered that, over the years, some cubby-hole editors at Ballantine Books, fearful of contaminating the young, had, bit by bit, censored some 75 separate sections from the novel. Students, reading the novel which, after all, deals with the censorship and book-burning in the future, wrote to tell me of this exquisite irony. Judy-Lynn del Rey, one of the new Ballantine editors, is having the entire book reset and republished this summer with all the damns and hells back in place."


>> ^BillOreilly:
Well, under this Obama-Nation, free thought will be outlawed anyway, so this is all a moot issue.

Oh I don't know, you're still allowed to prattle on with your own perculiar brand of idiocy, I think free thought is pretty healthy atm.


lets be honest, there are fuckwits everywhere, people so naive and dumb that the affront us all by stealing the air meant for higher lifeforms.

But seriously, America does seem to have far more than anywhere else on earth!


- "How do you feel about the irony of this situation?".

- "Oh, we aint gots one of d'em fancy things. We just le' the clothes hang out ohn the line.".


Hilarious! You can't do any better than this. They have insulted themselves and shown their own stupidity better than i could do even if i was given 5 years and a team of comedy writers/researchers!


Oh, where does one start?

Their last name is "Verm"? "Verm"? Are you shittin' me? "VERM"?!!??

The newscaster was about to lose it, I swear, when she read, "Talking about our firemen." Tookin' bouda fuuuurmin!!! Dukka durrr!!

"It just doesn't need to be read." Well, there you have it. What is enlightening is that this is the kind of logic used by many talking heads on Fox, but since they have bigger vocabularies and are more adept at speaking in front of a camera, they make it "sound" intelligent. "It just doesn't need to be read."



Videos of handicapted individuals remind us that there are truly less fortunate humans. The number of people infected with the mind controlling mental virus of religions is incredibly large. Hopefully, for the sake of our species, a cure will be discovered.


>> ^Trancecoach:
Stupidity should be banned.
This book "talks about our firemen?!" The blasphemy!

If Stupidity was banned in America we'd become some sort of Prison State where 95% of our population would constantly be under house arrest.


You know, I could spend the rest of my life tracking down and killing people like that. It wouldn't make any real difference, but boy, it would sure feel good. Every time.

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