Obama to Critics: Grab a mop!


See Wilder and Johnson. This sounds cute and like a great motivational anecdote tho..
where is the follow thru.
Where are the results we can measure?
Where are the people that got us into such as mess?

If i'm not mistaken, many of them are in his adminstration still.
Great message nonetheless.


I hate vague videos like this. What specific points were being talked about? Was exactly what he accusing Republicans of doing, regarding health care in the past? Why is his system better? This pointless party bashing from both Democrats and Republicans is a complete waste of time.


"I believe in a two-party system"

...Seriously? Sure, that the US system effectively IS a two-party system is fairly obvious, but he's saying it's a good thing two parties monopolize the entire political field?


>> ^rebuilder:
...Seriously? Sure, that the US system effectively IS a two-party system is fairly obvious, but he's saying it's a good thing two parties monopolize the entire political field?

I'm in Israel, and we currently have 12 parties in our parliament. Ironically, the party that got the most votes in the last election is not a member of the coalition.

If you think it's hard to get legislation past one other party that keeps trying to shoot you down, try having to get 6-7 parties to agree with you every single time.


Hmm - perhaps the people who are objecting to health care reform are simply following the President's example for dealing with Afghanistan. After all, isn't it the President and his administration that are saying they must hold constant meetings, weigh every possible angle, and carefully - cautiously deliberate on the minutea of every issue before taking any action, or even before commenting?

See - this is why Obama & his flacks are so full of crap and why they have zero credibility except with mind-numbed zombie-libs. On one side of the mouth they are demanding action now now now now now instantly without question and without debate of any kind. We "must" pass his stupid version of 'reform' when the bill hasn't even been written yet and we are just supposed to trust that they will get it right. But on the other side of the mouth with a different issue they are recommending slowness, circumspection, delay, and debate to the nth degree over a concrete, specific military goal recommended by his own top general. The difference? Politics of course. One issue they feverently want to ramrod through quickly before the people get wind of the real costs & the actual outcomes. The other issue they want to stonewall so as to avoid fallout from their kook anti-military partisan factions.

So - frankly - there's no reason to listen to Obama's request to grab a mop when he won't so much as pick up a toothbrush. Anyone who thinks he scored a point with his stupid comment is an idiot. He had no point. He was slinging bull#$%* and counting on the fact that there were people out there stupid enough to think he made any sense.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'barack obama, health care, economy, republicans, socialism' to 'barack obama, health care, economy, republicans, socialism, socialist mop' - edited by calvados


Is that the California state flag I see? How fitting, the Messiah lecturing "non-communists" from a once-wealthy state bankrupted by liberals and overrun with illegals. Yo yo yo, bring mo' o' dat that commie bullsh;te national, Your Highness, taxocrat majority plans work SO well.


>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Hmm - gurgle... snort... LIBS... snort... gurgle...

Does anyone actually listen to you in real life? They don't, do they?

That's why you're on the internet. I read about one line, and I'm guessing there was a reference to the liberal media conspiracy or some other conspiracy in there. Thank you so much for representing the brain dead, psychotic hijackers of the conservative cause. Your work is done, now take your meds and go to sleep for a few years.



Your name is well chosen. But, as always, it is nice to encounter a person so willing to grapple with issues, avoid non sequiters, eschew ad hominems, and to stick to facts and substance. You represent your side of the debate well, sir. By all means continue to serve as the Jungian archetype of your persuasion.


>> ^KnivesOut:
QM, Pennypacker, stfu and grab a mop.

In Canada, they don't tell you to grab a mop. They just take it out of your taxes, pay someone else to do it. And you get 1:4 people employed at the government level doing the job.

Besides, that US healthcare bill sucks. It sucks and it blows, from someone who has 'federally mandated healthcare'. Leave it to the states, mandate it but keep it simple. But keep the federal government out of it short of basic oversight. Otherwise it will be nothing but a mess. Even the wacky-mc'wacky liberals in Canada figured that one out.


>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Your name is well chosen. But, as always, it is nice to encounter a person so willing to grapple with issues, avoid non sequiters, eschew ad hominems, and to stick to facts and substance. You represent your side of the debate well, sir. By all means continue to serve as the Jungian archetype of your persuasion.

You pretend like you would be willing to have a debate, but I can tell by your discourse that you're not. Here's a hint - I left one word in the quote I edited. Here's another hint - if your posts contain borderline conspiracy rants, don't expect to be taken seriously. As you have pointed out I did not engage your drivel, so you really can't say what side of the debate I would represent. I can - reason. But I make it a point not to waste too much of my time on people who will abandon reason in the end if it turns out the alternative would be to admit they are wrong. You should thank me for not wasting yours.


Since you invited me to, I decided to read this dreck.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
...weigh every possible angle, and carefully - cautiously deliberate...(1) ...zombie-libs. (2) On one side of the mouth they are demanding action now now now now now instantly without question and without debate of any kind. (3) The other issue they want to stonewall so as to avoid fallout from their kook anti-military partisan factions. (4) So - frankly - there's no reason to listen to Obama's request to grab a mop when he won't so much as pick up a toothbrush. (5)

1. Are you saying that careful planning and getting things done right the first time are bad ways of working out problems?
2. Didn't you say something to me about ad hominem and non sequitur? First, you're a hypocrite to expect no one to respond to your ad hominem with ad hominem, and second, the process of solving one problem does not necessarily logically follow from the process of solving a different problem, therefore your argument is non sequitur. Familiarize yourself with logic and the terms you are throwing around.
3. The issue has been debated since May or possibly sooner. How many months is enough for you? Most of our country has had enough debate. Look at the polls.
4. Do you have proof that Obama's process for addressing military issues is more political than deliberative, or are you just vomiting your impressed opinion?
5. Let them continue acting the way they do. If health care doesn't pass this year, it will pass in two years after Republicans lose even more seats in congress for acting like spoiled rotten infants.

Happy now? Go forth and waste our time.


QM, Pennypacker, stfu and grab a mop.

I thought The Messiah was making "shovel-ready" projects, not "mop-ready". No jobs have been created after the looting of the Treasury (for which Bush gets a portion of blame) except in Washington DC, but an increase in thieves is not counted in these staggering new Carter-level unemployment figures.

The community organizer couldn't care less about the American economy. Why? Because he believes that the evil capitalists are being punished for taking an unequal share of wealth, and this is payback. Obummer believes this, he's grown up surrounded by angry moonbat radicals who believe this, and we're now feeling the effects of the same stupid shit that failed over in Russia.

Where does wealth come from? Liberals seem to believe it is shat from unicorns' asses.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to sign for my free gift/Nobel Peace Prize from the Franklin Mint.


>> ^Memorare:
Here's hoping that health care reform will nclude Free Medical Marijuana! Wheee!

Move to Canada. You have a higher chance within the next 10 years of seeing it up here than in the US. It's already a non-issue in a lot of places(BC and Quebec in particular), and as someone who is studying the current trends in Canadian Law Enforcement. It's such a moot point with the average person, and they're so far below the radar that unless you're really screwing up somehow(aka DUI, direct possession while driving, flagrant abuse in a public place), or something stupid like that you'll probably see minor decriminalization as the government tries to stop the already sinking boat from going under.


You pretend like you would be willing to have a debate, but I can tell by your discourse that you're not

In short - "I don't wan't to talk specifics because that would mean I had to actually argue my case and I'm really only comfortable when I'm lobbing ad hominems safely ensconced in the anonymity of the internet. Now excuse me while I flee ignominiously..."

1. Are you saying that careful planning and getting things done right the first time are bad ways of working out problems?

Not at all. I'm noting with wry irony the hypocritical nature of Obama and his administration in taking a "let's go slow" approach with the military (so to avoid liberal backlack) while advocating breakneck haste and reckless speed with his domestic agenda.

the process of solving one problem does not necessarily logically follow from the process of solving a different problem, therefore your argument is non sequitur. Familiarize yourself with logic and the terms you are throwing around.

So - are you then saying that the issue of Health Care is one that requires no attention, no examination, and no deliberation? You are saying that the request for Afghanistan troops from a top general is SO critical that it requires slow, due consideration. And yet you are also saying that the nationalalization of our health care (the single biggest political issue in decades) is so UNimportant that it can be done with no examination of the bill, no open debate, and with undue haste & speed. I think you need a few lessons in logic yourself before you presume to attempt to instruct me. I was perfectly logical in my application.

3. The issue has been debated since May or possibly sooner. How many months is enough for you? Most of our country has had enough debate. Look at the polls.

Yes I have looked at the polls, and 58% of the country is opposed to Obamacare at last count. Does that mean according to your logic that the plan should be abandoned? Regardless, the 'issue' has been discussed but the SPECIFICS of the plan have not. There are no facts. There is no bill. It is only today that ONE version of the bill was submitted from the Senate - and there are 5 other versions which have never been seen. We can't discuss specifics when no specifics exist. Therefore we have discussed only generalities. That is not good enough. We need the COMPLETE finished bill in its FULL text posted for the entire country to read and deliberate over for weeks - preferably months. Without specificity, there is no 'discussion'.

4. Do you have proof that Obama's process for addressing military issues is more political than deliberative, or are you just vomiting your impressed opinion?

Do you have any information that explains why he will not follow the recommendation of his general and add troops? What other reason is there besides politics. When in a war, you follow the advice of your top leaders. They want troops. What else does he need to 'deliberate' except the political fallout he will suffer with his anti-war supporters? Everyone knows he is playing politics with Afghanistan. During his ENTIRE political campaign in 2008 he was constantly harping on Afghanistan being the 'real war' and Iraq was a pointless Bush distraction. Well, now Afghanistan is all his war and what's he done with it?

5. Let them continue acting the way they do. If health care doesn't pass this year, it will pass in two years after Republicans lose even more seats in congress for acting like spoiled rotten infants.

All the political polling to date shows the Democrat party losing a lot of seats in the house and the senate in 2010. It is kind of early for such polls though. Regardless, your peception of a 'demand' for Obamacare is a false one. Polling shows clearly that the majority of the public is against it. They are more concerned about the national debt. If Obama ramrods in Obamacare and increased our debt even more (which it will) then he faces a crippling backlash in 2010 and 2012. If he wants to be a 1 termer like Carter then he's well on his way.

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