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Nancy Pelosi Rips Bush Over Oil


Every time I here a Republican say that the economy is doing great, I die a little inside. Ya, it's going great...for the wealthy. Meanwhile, the other 92% of America is too busy trying to cope with price rises for their bread and milk (transportation for things to your Quicky Mart now costs triple what it did 18 moths ago) to actually speak out too loudly about it.

We SHOULD speak out loudly...but we can't. We're too weak from hunger. Besides, we don't have enough gas to actually go anywhere.

(I hope more people take a page from her book.)


Are you all for real? You probably pay more for your internet access than you pay for the increase in gas prices. The economy IS great and if you can't find a way to participate in it then who's fault is that? The President's? Big oil? Try taking responsibility for your own life and stop looking for the government to bail you out. They don't owe you anything more than they already provide you. Anyone with a high school level understanding of economics knows that price is tied to demand. There's no way around it. Gas is worth $3+ a gallon because the demand is there. If demand goes down, the price will too. Where is all of this marxist/communist thinking coming from? Judging from your comment you think that people who are wealthy should have their money taken from them and redistributed by the government? WTF?

James Roesays...

I think the problem with gas is that as the price of it increases so does the cost of living for most of the nation. It becomes more expensive to buy any good, this increase disproportionately affects the poor. A nation that ignores its poor is one that is primed for civil unrest. I would rather not see our nation dissolve into turmoil. As for taking money from the rich, you can put me in the yes please category for that. The repeal of estate taxes is one of the most repulsive things done to America in a while. Also people who gripe about a disproportionate amount of taxes being applied to the rich usually fail to notice that they still get a disproportionately large percentage of all the income in the US, even after the taxes. So sure they might miss out on that chance to buy a private Caribbean island, but at least they can still cry themselves to sleep about it on their 100 foot yacht... I guess what I'm saying is color me unsympathetic.


Ok...dag? James? Sorry for what I'm about to write - I know this isn't an appropriate place to do this - but I HAVE to reply.

sirfignuts, I think you need to get out of your cushy office and take a look at the real world. If you raise prices and cost of living but don't raise salaries, where do you think people will come up with the extra money? If a person makes $800 a month (an approximation for 40 hpw on minimum wage...and if you need a reminder the minimum wage is what the GOVERNMENT says is the lowest someone can be paid and still be able to live) and then suddenly their food bill goes from $150 to $250 and heating bills shoot up from $50 to $150, that means they now have to come up with an extra $200 a month. That's %25 percent of what they earn. It might be easy for you or me to live comfortably, but what about the thousands of poor IN YOUR CITY ALONE.

Unlike you, I am not looking at this from my perspective, so my internet access has nothing to do with it. Just because someone was not lucky enough to be born into a wealthy family or a supportive family is not reason to overlook them. You have had opportunities that most of the poor will not. What if YOU had been born into a poor family? Would you be singing the same tune?

And I think you need to go back to High School, because price is NOT always tied to demand. That's your Republican brainwashing at work. High prices are also the result of scarce commodity...such as the oil crisis we are facing.

I suggest you read a book called "Nickel and Dimed" by Barbara Ehrenreich. At least read the Amazon blurb. If you are unwilling to even LOOK at the other side of the argument, then that makes you a dictator. And History has shown how dangerous that can be.

Oh. And the Government works for ME. They DO owe me. I pay their salary. This government was created BY the people FOR the people. Or have you forgotten that from your High School Gov 101?


All I'm saying is that you have to make your own way. My family was (and is still) poor. I worked crappy jobs to pay for my own college. Talk about brainwashing, I had to endure 4+ years of liberal and marxist rhetoric at school. Blaming failure on your family being poor is just like blaming it on the Government. And the Government gives away thousands of dollars to the poor in school grants. But yet everyone still whines. They'd rather money be given to them for doing nothing in the form of welfare, food stamps etc. And as for taxation, I agree there should be a flat tax so you pay a percentage of what you made. But the communist sentiment of everyone here seems to be that the rich should be taxed above and beyond everyone else. Punish them for their success, right? How DARE they be successful and have money.

As far as gas prices go, weren't all you liberals screaming "No blood for oil yadda yadda yadda"? I seem to remember everyone thinking Iraq was an excuse to take oil for ourselves. So why is the price going up if we stole all of poor Saddam's oil? Wouldn't that end the crisis? Maybe its the fairy tale all liberals know and love by heart. Global warming. You want brainwashing? You are scared of Global warming. Theres a laugh.


Communist sentiment? That's a bit extreme, don't you think? Just because someone has a Humanist point of view, it doesn't mean they are against anyone else's success. And to let you know, the rich are NOT taxed "above and beyond" anyone else. Look at the percentages. Middle class workers are taxed above and beyond the rich by leaps and bounds.

You seem to feel that an Aristocracy is the best way to go. Let the workers toil on the land so the Aristocracy can reap the benifits. Our country was NOT founded on these principles.

I am not an extreme Liberal. I believe in fairness for all Human life. And as far as the screaming goes, if W had not invaded Iraq we would not be in this position at all. There are other, more subtle ways of dealing with leaders of countries without killing them or their people.

The bottom line is that W had a special interest in giving more monies to defence contractors, and THAT is why he invaded. It has been shown that he had every intention of invading no matter what, as per the memo to Blair three months before the invasion...the memo that was sent out at the same time he was telling the American people that he did not want to go to war.

I feel for you.


I feel for YOU! I'm having a blast (literally, I'm a defense contractor, get it?) And where are you from, Canada? Defence? And BTW, Humanism is the new Hippie. Give me a break. Your totally blind to the duality of human nature. It's kill or be killed. Wake up.

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