Minuteman Runs Away From Chicano Girl

Minuteman Jim Gilchrist and student organizer Karina Garcia begin a debate that ends when Gilchrist abruptly pulls the plug after he was asked about his ties to the Neo-Nazi group National Alliance. The anti-immigration group the Minuteman Project announced yesterday that they are seeking to strip Columbia University of federal funding for what they say are violations of their civil rights.

And here we go again...it's -NOT- a friggin first amendment right to be able to give speeches at universities.

I agree that it's a shame it happened. If the kids didn't like his stance (and I don't blame then, he's a pure slimeball), nobody was making them go to his speech...they should not have disrupted it. OTOH, anyone kicking someone in the head needs to spend a few years in jail.

I can't feel too sympathetic to either group.

On a totally different (and sexist) point, Karina's a remarkably pretty young lady.


It's not that I disagree with securing the borders, but aren't they already secure? How much more secure must they be? If we weren't picking on everyone in the world, we wouldn't have to worry about so called 'bad' people coming through our borders to hurt any of us.

That aside, I think it's currently too difficult to become a citizen of this country. I wish it was like the ol' Ellis Island days. You walk off the boat, they take your name, and welcome to America!


It's estimated that thousands of people cross the border from Mexico every year. (some stay, some just visit) So our border has definitely never been secure. I don't even think it's physically possible to secure.

And having visited Ellis island, I can tell you it was a little more complicated than that. They used to chalk you up when you came through. All based on looks. Look mentally ill? Too bad. Look like a criminal? Too bad. Look sick? Yep, we'll see ya later.


I suppose there's no good system. Still, I think we should welcome all. Inscribed on the Statue of Liberty:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Whatever happened to that?!


>> ^blankfist:
I suppose there's no good system. Still, I think we should welcome all. Inscribed on the Statue of Liberty:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Whatever happened to that?!

"seats taken!"


Need to point out that both the incident in question and this interview took place in October 2006. Karina Garcia was censured for her actions by the University, along with 6 other students.

That said, Jim Gilchrist still refuses to deny whether he raped and murdered a Chicano girl in the '90s.


>> ^Ryjkyj:
It's estimated that thousands of people cross the border from Mexico every year. (some stay, some just visit) So our border has definitely never been secure. I don't even think it's physically possible to secure.

I wish I could remember where I read it, my memory sucks these days, but I read that the number of Asian illegals coming into the US every year are in the millions, yet you never hear anyone include Asians when they refer to illegal immigrants. All you hear is about how we have to build a fence to keeps the Mexicans out. You never hear about the hundreds of thousands of Chinese who spend their life savings to travel, squeezed into a shipping container, to the US, and who are then extorted for more money, that they don't have and forced into slavery for the gangsters that brought them here, or worse have the container dropped off the side of a ship, murdering the several hundred inside, for fear of having the people discovered.

But hell what should we really expect? This country has never had a history of respecting anyone but rich white men.



And here we're supposed to believe our borders are totally secure.

On the bright side though. I guess that means that we're still getting the "huddled masses yearning to breath free". It's just that now they all come with a little red "p" next to their names.


Murder? Unless she has solid evidence, Gilchrist should sue her smarmy ass for slander.

It's an unenviable position to demand government fulfill its legitimate functions, much more so than demanding free goodies like leftists do. Anyone in Gilchrist's position would be demonized by looney leftists, but since the a55hole5 in Congress (on both sides) won't support and defend the Constitution and enforce the law, what other option is there? Wait until America totally degrades into a corrupt craphole like Mexico? We're already approaching their level of government corruption with the fraudsident's crew.

In this racially-obsessed politically correct 21st century nightmare, Whites are not allowed to have a voice and celebrate their cultural triumphs at all, and so skinhead subnormals readily fill the void. What a shame.

"Chicano Caucus?" WTF is that bullsh;t?

Oh liberals. Always celebrating diversity...except of speech and thought.


Well, the lawyered-up Gilchrist DIDN'T sue, for 3 years now, so what does that say about the Nazi-sympathizer?

"In this racially-obsessed politically correct 21st century nightmare, Whites are not allowed to have a voice and celebrate their cultural triumphs at all, and so skinhead subnormals readily fill the void. What a shame."

hahahaha.....the canon of videosift belies this thoughtless assertion. Plenty of white discourse, culture, ----and triumphalism as far as the mouse can click.


>> ^quantumushroom:
Murder? Unless she has solid evidence, Gilchrist should sue her smarmy ass for slander.
It's an unenviable position to demand government fulfill its legitimate functions, much more so than demanding free goodies like leftists do. Anyone in Gilchrist's position would be demonized by looney leftists, but since the a55hole5 in Congress (on both sides) won't support and defend the Constitution and enforce the law, what other option is there? Wait until America totally degrades into a corrupt craphole like Mexico? We're already approaching their level of government corruption with the fraudsident's crew.
In this racially-obsessed politically correct 21st century nightmare, Whites are not allowed to have a voice and celebrate their cultural triumphs at all, and so skinhead subnormals readily fill the void. What a shame.
"Chicano Caucus?" WTF is that bullsh;t?
Oh liberals. Always celebrating diversity...except of speech and thought.

Chicano caucus... it's just like the meetings you attend except without, you know, the white hoods and American flag lapel-pins and stuff.

Also, their catering is better.


>> ^blankfist:
I suppose there's no good system. Still, I think we should welcome all. Inscribed on the Statue of Liberty:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
And I'll turn them into wage slaves!



I've no problem with Immigrants, hell my ancestors were immigrants. But I have a problem with Immigrants who have migrated illegally.

One, it shows a complete disregard for the rule of law. Two, it degrades the view of other Legal Immigrants who have followed the rule of law. Now, that being said, by all means do every thing you can to petition for proper citizenship just short of breaking the law. This is the American Way, if at first you fail, try, try again. But moving Illegal Aliens to interment camps, and or treating them like dirt is one thing I cannot stand. They should be provided the right of due process. All humans should, no matter their crime, or whether they are citizens or not.

As an outsider this is how I see it. She is inciting an attack from him. They both have motive that much is evident through there short discourse. I refer to she as her group, and he to his group.

They claim to be showing free speech however they stifled the Minute Man group from talking their jive, by jumping up there and inviting violence.

I tend to think it should be treated how Athiest vs Religion debates and arguments are treated. They should have a real debate with a mediator and the whole lot.

I've never been a fan of the minute men, and have always decried their presence near Polling places. Then again I decry any partisan presence near the poling places.

More importantly who gives the Minutemen the right to, as she said, patrol the desert carrying weapons? I am of the mind that this second ammendment usage is not what the Signers had in mind. She should also be aware that calling some one a murderer can be construed as a libel.

Also much respect to the students for sticking it to the man. The man being the white guy on the stage, and the School Suits.



>> ^videosiftbannedme:
>> ^quantumushroom:
Whites are not allowed to have a voice and celebrate their cultural triumphs at all

As you brought it up, please explain what you mean by white culture. Let's see if you can do a better job than your buddy.

White culture: the reason why 90% of the world wants to live in 10% of its countries.

White culture: you're literally staring at it right now.


Funny, she says "we didn't try to ban them from speaking" (so it's not freedom of speech issue), as if preventing him from speaking by storming the stage is somehow better.

This reminds me of university student mobs described on Pinker's "Blank Slate." One biology researcher (Herrnstein) was misquoted in pro-racist literature and then found that he could no longer speak about his research specialty, learning in pigeons, because wherever he went the lecture halls were filled with chanting mobs.

Even Ahmadinejad was able to give his speech uninterrupted at Columbia university, is this guy so much worse?


blankfist -- "give me your tired..." was written before welfare. Nowdays, US is attracting a lot of freeloaders. I have some experience with large communities of religious Ukranians/Russians that came here using lax religious freedom laws. Many of them don't speak English, don't work and have lots of children which qualifies them to extra bonuses in welfare. Did carvers of the statue really wants *those* tired masses?


I think gingers should be run out of the country before illegals.

LOL, why cannot the brave Minutemen just let these people on the stage, wave their banner around.. Let campus security escort them off... Then give your talk. Bunch of pussies.


Chicano caucus... it's just like the meetings you attend except without, you know, the white hoods and American flag lapel-pins and stuff.

So anyone who wants the laws enforced is a klansman? Hey if you want to see a real klansman, there's always taxocrat Robert KKK Byrd, "the conscience of the Senate."

Here's a message for you from the hoods at MEChA: "For the race, everything, for therealblankman and other guilty liberals, nothing."

Maybe your property should be seized and given to illegals. After all, since you don't mind them invading your country, shouldn't they also invade your home as well? Their welfare is your responsibility. Work hard now!

As you brought it up, please explain what you mean by white culture. Let's see if you can do a better job than your buddy.

Celebrating the Founding Fathers' genius instead of endlessly focusing on the flaws of their age, and whining about slavery and the genocide of Indians.

Celebrating the great thinkers of Europe and America instead of condemning and ignoring them because they're White.

Celebrating the free market and capitalism (White guy ideas) that bring more wealth to more people than government programs and communism.

Rejecting chip-on-shoulder diversity/multi-cult garbage that equates witch doctors with neurosurgeons.

Being proud of the American flag.

Speaking English. And if you're not from here but here to stay, learning English.

Open borders advocates are the ones setting the stage for anarchy in the name of "tolerance".


Tags for this video have been changed from 'minutemen, neonazi, columbia' to 'minutemen, neonazi, columbia, jim gilchrist, white supremacist, xenophobia, racism' - edited by Issykitty


>> ^quantumushroom:
Celebrating the Founding Fathers' genius instead of endlessly focusing on the flaws of their age, and whining about slavery and the genocide of Indians.
Celebrating the great thinkers of Europe and America instead of condemning and ignoring them because they're White.
Celebrating the free market and capitalism (White guy ideas) that bring more wealth to more people than government programs and communism.
Rejecting chip-on-shoulder diversity/multi-cult garbage that equates witch doctors with neurosurgeons.
Being proud of the American flag.
Speaking English. And if you're not from here but here to stay, learning English.

Open borders advocates are the ones setting the stage for anarchy in the name of "tolerance".

I said define white culture, not conservative culture. There is a difference, but I guess you're unable to see it. Rather an interesting persecution complex you have going here though; it must suck to live in your reality. But hey, you're certainly entitled to it.


>> ^Pprt:White culture: the reason why 90% of the world wants to live in 10% of its countries.
White culture: you're literally staring at it right now.

#1 - A possible effect of white culture, not an example.

#2 - What? My TV screen? The Internet? Videosift? Clarify.


There is a reason that Gilchrist quickly cut and ran away when she asked him about his ties w/ that organization, because they are like peas in a pod/ Best friends forever! White Supremacists/neo-nazis/ Klansman/ Minutemen are all varying names of the same creature, identical in that they are ALL Hateful Bigots.

Oh, and may I say that the stark contrast - between that intelligent fresh-faced young woman and that old crank of a racist asshole - was notably funny. LOL!!!


Wanting more secure borders than what we have currently doesn't mean Gilchrist, or anybody else for that matter, is a racist. I actually think we need to stop throwing around the racist word so liberally, especially when it's not warranted.

In addition, you'll notice that Gilchrist did NOT run due to allegations his organization had ties with the National Alliance. He made his intention to end the interview very clear BEFORE Ms. Garcia even brought it up in the first place, due to advice he received from counsel. So do us all a favor and please leave off the spin.


^agreed, It's his associations with and support of overtly racist groups, and his associations with and encouragement of people who shoot and murder non-whites out of hate that make him a racist. If Gilchrist isn't a racist, then what does it take?


Hey QM,

I'm going to put this real simple: you go to Europe and find that most people benefit from the fact they know multiple languages... only stupid people fear bilingualism (or multilingualism, etc.).

As for this video, I hate to say it, but I'm not gonna side with the student. Their actions are NOT rtepresenative of an environment where discussion is to be fostered. Just like the poster a few up said, they didn't ask to ban him from talking, but effectively did the same thing by storming the stage.

That said, the minutemen are douchebags.


>> ^videosiftbannedme:
>> ^Pprt:White culture: the reason why 90% of the world wants to live in 10% of its countries.
White culture: you're literally staring at it right now.

#1 - A possible effect of white culture, not an example.
#2 - What? My TV screen? The Internet? Videosift? Clarify.


Possible effect? As if our scientific and social advancement was caused by "coincidences" or some magic imbuement of the soil Europeans happen upon. No, it is our history that makes us a dominant culture.

The technology and conveniences we enjoy and the world envies were created by "whites", see http://www.amazon.com/Human-Accomplishment-Pursuit-Excellence-Sciences/dp/006019247X/


Secure borders is not really the problem. The problem is the difficulty of legally getting in. If it was easier to legally get in then you would only have terrorists etc. trying to sneak in. If the minutemen are not racists then why don't they help immigration to go over applications for visas and green cards to allow more people into the USA. They could write the congress and senate to encourage easier legal entry. If their problem with illegal immigrants is that they are illegal then make it easier to be legal and then collect more taxes, etc. I suspect that there is some other reason why the minutemen don't take this approach.

PS. going on stage to unfurl a banner is inciting violence? whatever happened to freedom of speech and the right to protest? If peaceful protesting is called incitement of violence then what is the alternative? outright revolt?


I said define white culture, not conservative culture. There is a difference, but I guess you're unable to see it.

For someone who presumably defines "Whiteness" in relation to victimhood, I think it's a matter of refusing to see.

And I find it humorous that being proud of the American flag is solely a "conservative value" (these days, it apparently is).

Do you know why White culture is difficult to define? Because Whites value individuality, individual merit and personal accountability more than other races. The Chinese and other Asian cultures had very advanced societies when Europe was little more than a clod of soil with clods on it, but even their strict codes of honor could not top Western societies triumph of individualism, which when united under a common language, borders and culture made for an even more powerful civilization.

Contrary to the endless whining of the victim-obesessed, history is nothing personal. England and France--two countries of White people--have hated each other down through the centuries. Every population on earth was at one time or another slaves, it's only certain modern opporuni$t$ who thrive on divi$ivene$$ that would $ingle $pecific races out for a per$ecution complex, who know$ why?

Common borders, language and culture make a strong civilization. Without them, a nation's identity dies.

This post was brought to you by Honesty and Truth, which you'll never hear from leftists in their quest to bring about anarchic race war.


The first amendment certainly doesn't include the right to not be criticized or heckled in response to a speech.

I think every neo-nazi would back the minutemen, but not every minuteman would back the neo-nazis. Every American redneck anti-abortion young-earth-creationist is a republican, but not every republican is one. Same thing.

The Lou Dobbs type of immigration-haters are mainly motivated by the idea that it is hurting their employment prospects, more than anything else.

Immigration is one of the "wedge issues" that republicans use to deceive poor people into voting against their own interests. Another is Reagan's fictional racist stereotype of the ghetto "welfare queen" who is better off than working class white people. Another is pandering to fundamentalist Christians with big talk about anti-homosexuality aka "family values" (While secretly getting handjobs in the men's bathroom of an airport).


jwray -- it's an issue of freedom of speech at universities rather than First Amendment which has to do with government restrictions on speech. If a university group prevents you from giving a speech by storming the stage and being noisy to the extent of making your words impossible to make out, they are essentially imposing a form of censorship

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