Jim Carrey takes on Gun Control, as only he can

Jim Carrey spoofs Charlton Heston in this commentary on gun control set in a fictional Hee Haw episode.

What a moronic (related) video. Gun nuts unable to separate fantasy from reality. Red herring. It's like a FOX News dealie. Attack Carrey because he's acted in films with gun violence, as if it has anything to do with his argument, as it is, in his FoD video. Hell, I'll even GIVE you "hypocrite", because it doesn't negate what he is saying, and now you have nothing left to 'waaa' about except the issue he's addressing.

Red states need more lions.


It's good to see Jim Carrey speaking out in ways other than his normal advocating against vaccines and getting kids killed.

Unfortunately, the rural people he's making fun of have little to do with the US's high rate of violent crime, which is mostly due to liberal street gangs and liberal urban youth.


BTW, liberals don't seem self-aware of how obsessed with penis size they are.

They bring it into discussions about everything, as if in liberal heaven, they'd all be sucking dicks constantly.

(I trust liberals will approve of this comment, seeing how they approve of the video.)


Huh? You were the first to mention penis size here. Something you need to talk about, stud? Lemme guess... I bet you own some big ol' guns.



BTW, liberals don't seem self-aware of how obsessed with penis size they are.

They bring it into discussions about everything, as if in liberal heaven, they'd all be sucking dicks constantly.

(I trust liberals will approve of this comment, seeing how they approve of the video.)


About that pro-gun idiot in the other video... was anyone else curious about who he is shaking hands with in that framed photo in the background? I sure am lol

"BTW, liberals don't seem self-aware of how obsessed with penis size they are.

They bring it into discussions about everything, as if in liberal heaven, they'd all be sucking dicks constantly."

As opposed to conservatives who see sex and gays everywhere?


I thought everyone was - at least a little - obsessed with penis size.

I have to say if this video riles up gun nuts that says a lot about them. It's hardly the most incisive anti-gun advocacy.

It's funny though and Clearly Sam Elliot is amazing.


BTW, liberals don't seem self-aware of how obsessed with penis size they are.

They bring it into discussions about everything, as if in liberal heaven, they'd all be sucking dicks constantly.

(I trust liberals will approve of this comment, seeing how they approve of the video.)


Er, he's not making fun of "rural people".
He's using the broad stereotypes of this show to make a few larger jabs at people who are a little too obsessed with guns and are unwilling to engage in any kind of reform or safeguarding.

WTF? "Liberal street gangs"? You're going to have to explain that one!
Bit obsessed with the word Liberal aren't we?


It's good to see Jim Carrey speaking out in ways other than his normal advocating against vaccines and getting kids killed.

Unfortunately, the rural people he's making fun of have little to do with the US's high rate of violent crime, which is mostly due to liberal street gangs and liberal urban youth.


@EMPIRE said: "As opposed to conservatives who see sex and gays everywhere?"

Responding to criticism with "but conservatives are just as bad as liberals" doesn't seem like enlightened liberalism.

I haven't advocated conservativism. I'm simply someone who was a liberal until I grew up and realized there's an entire intellectual world that liberals don't know they're not aware of. And they'll fight to keep that way.

@Fletch @Deano:

It sounds like intellectual dishonesties don't bother you guys, as long as you're entertained.

"Let's just lie and say people with different opinions than ourselves are the source of our high violent crime rates."


This is not about a difference of opinion, it's about policy.

And boy oh boy, I sure am a dummy! Here I was, happy with my liberal ways, and I forgot I'm an ignorant who doesn't know there are people with different opinions.
We liberals sure are stupid!

Go troll somewhere else.


@EMPIRE said: "As opposed to conservatives who see sex and gays everywhere?"

Responding to criticism with "but conservatives are just as bad as liberals" doesn't seem like enlightened liberalism.

I haven't advocated conservativism. I'm simply someone who was a liberal until I grew up and realized there's an entire intellectual world that liberals don't know they're not aware of. And they'll fight to keep that way.

@Fletch @Deano:

It sounds like intellectual dishonesties don't bother you guys, as long as you're entertained.

"Let's just lie and say people with different opinions than ourselves are the source of our high violent crime rates."


I agree that People on here think differing opinions make them killers or something.
People need to check their facts about things in life and not take any one media outlet or celebrity as fact.

Funny how Jim Carrey has no problem with the gun his guard carrys???


That's a pretty lame argument. His guards, are, as you said, his guards. Their job involves the physical protection of their client. No one is trying to remove weapons from the police, army, security firms, etc. People who ACTUALLY need them for their jobs.


So "physical protection" is ok for celebs but not the rest of the plebes? lol ok

found this, it's kinda funny.


That's a pretty lame argument. His guards, are, as you said, his guards. Their job involves the physical protection of their client. No one is trying to remove weapons from the police, army, security firms, etc. People who ACTUALLY need them for their jobs.


I've been looking but can't find it but the last 5 or 6 mass shootings were all done by registered democrats, liberals or their parents were dems....again I can't find the source but there it is.


Watch out they're coming.. and they brought READING MATERIALS!!


And just to re-iterate for those that don't know me, I live in Canada. We are not allowed to use guns in self defense. Neither was the 14 year old girl in england who was killed by a pack of dogs...happen often? nope. But s*it does happen.

My interest in guns is a hobby, I'm safe and legal and resent people equating my sport with crazy lunatics who go on sprees like the guy who ran over 4 people killing 2...crazy.


It's hard to watch this slow train wreck as a passenger, innit?

If you aren't one of the folks decoding the semantics of the recent inane dialog of capacities, background checks, and "assault" cosmetics or the sputum gurgling from the craws of the likes of Feinsteins and Bloombergs, oh well.

Am I one of the only people who thinks Carrey's schtick looks increasingly awkward as he ages?


Up next, a few more parrots, another "clever retort" competition, then the thread peters-out and all save detractors, take a satisfying deep-inhalation of their own farts.


We have the Dangerous Dogs Act in England and it's working quite well for us. Introducing guns to deal with dogs is a completely lunatic notion. We leave that to vets, farmers or police units.

Yes bad things do happen. Introducing projectile weapons into the general population is not a sane answer.

If I want a hobby I'll collect stamps.


And just to re-iterate for those that don't know me, I live in Canada. We are not allowed to use guns in self defense. Neither was the 14 year old girl in england who was killed by a pack of dogs...happen often? nope. But s*it does happen.

My interest in guns is a hobby, I'm safe and legal and resent people equating my sport with crazy lunatics who go on sprees like the guy who ran over 4 people killing 2...crazy.


I don't know if you've noticed but celebs with wealth get better EVERYTHING. They tend not to go to jail for their crimes, live better and longer etc etc.

Whether Jim Carrey's guard carries a weapon or not wouldn't be enough to undermine whatever his specific gun-control views happen to be.
If he happens to own a few cars and ride in planes I wouldn't be surprised if he was concerned about global warming and felt something should be done about it.


So "physical protection" is ok for celebs but not the rest of the plebes? lol ok

found this, it's kinda funny.


Obviously the "dangerous dog Act" wasn't read by the pack that killed the girl.So Vets, farmers and police are never "lunatics"? Does a firearm make someone into a lunatic? please tell me how that happens....I hope mine don't try to convert me to a lunatic.

I fully support your stamp collecting hobby. If you do something in a safe, legal way there should be no issue with any hobby.


We have the Dangerous Dogs Act in England and it's working quite well for us. Introducing guns to deal with dogs is a completely lunatic notion. We leave that to vets, farmers or police units.

Yes bad things do happen. Introducing projectile weapons into the general population is not a sane answer.

If I want a hobby I'll collect stamps.


The inside of your head - wow, just wow.

I thought you guys linked videogames to mass-shootings? Now it's if they voted democrat? Really?

I can't remember the last time we had a mass shooting here but I certainly don't remember anyone saying "... and another thing - he voted New Labour. There you go!"


I've been looking but can't find it but the last 5 or 6 mass shootings were all done by registered democrats, liberals or their parents were dems....again I can't find the source but there it is.


Your first two posts to this thread were trolls. You don't get to take the high road now because you were called on it, and you don't get to imply that people are uninterested in serious discourse just because they disagree with you or recognize your "facts" as regurgitated bullshit. Intellectual dishonesty, indeed.

As a bona fide VS troll, (I've read through some of your previous posts as well), you will always only be a source of entertainment for me.

Edited: sentence clarity to closer reflect reality


@Fletch @Deano:

It sounds like intellectual dishonesties don't bother you guys, as long as you're entertained.

"Let's just lie and say people with different opinions than ourselves are the source of our high violent crime rates."


I think you need to calm down before you suddenly bash out the first illogical or fallacious argument that appears before you.

Animal control is best handled by professionals and owners should be encouraged by both carrot and stick to be as responsible as possible.

Perhaps it would be more instructive to think of this on the macro scale. You certainly can't generalise from any one person be it Jim Carrey or Charlton Heston.

All I can conclude is that allowing access to guns across an entire population means a related increase in the number of injury and fatalities. If the entire population was incredibly careful, responsible and thoughtful it might not present a problem. Then again if they *were* we wouldn't have much of many of our other social problems.

All in all I like a country where guns are relatively rare. In a country like the U.S where they are common and many seem to tolerate the awful human cost, I find that extremely strange and frightening.


Obviously the "dangerous dog Act" wasn't read by the pack that killed the girl.So Vets, farmers and police are never "lunatics"? Does a firearm make someone into a lunatic? please tell me how that happens....I hope mine don't try to convert me to a lunatic.

I fully support your stamp collecting hobby. If you do something in a safe, legal way there should be no issue with any hobby.


I know! I never knew street gangs were liberals!

Now I have a whole new world view to play with...

Does this mean that icecream truck drivers are conservatives? What about school crossing guards? Auto mechanics? The mind boggles...


Watch out they're coming.. and they brought READING MATERIALS!!


@Deano and @Stormsinger:
"Liberal street gangs and urban youth" refers to the portion of gangs and urban youth who have liberal values (nearly all gangs and urban youth). Those gangs and urban youth are the source of most violent crime, so your thesis that violent crime is due to rural gun-owners is inconsistent with the data.

@EMPIRE and @Fletch:
Your response is that because I have different opinions than you and I'm willing speak against the mainstream, I'm a "troll." That definitely proves me wrong that liberals tend to be closed-minded conformists who punish intellectual diversity


Amen. The meaningless semantics which afford an illusory advantage to the user/abuser.
Ego-stroking clap-trap.


I can't wait until the rest of the world gets as sick of the words 'liberal' and 'conservative' as I am. They both need a thorough Godwinization.


I know the source. It's called Facebook meme's, or in other words, some attention seeking dumbass with absolutely no facts posting some random bullshit and then other dumbasses repost it because it was a picture and a quote.

There's a reason you can't find a source on it . . . Because it's simply not true.

I've read your posts on here and I have to say, I thought we left YouTube. This level of stupidity and willful dumbassery is usually only found there.

Liberal street gangs? Do you even know what liberal means?? Or what a street gang is?

I really hope you're just a pathetic troll and not really this stupid.

This is called a "survey" where people do statistical data mining to find FACTS.


As far as gangs: "The profile of a typical gang member is a male school dropout or truant, who is unemployed or has no employable skills. The gang member is usually in trouble with the police and does not receive adequate family attention. The gang provides identity and status and, in return, the member develops a fierce loyalty to the gang and nation."


Sorry, but liberal isn't listed as a requirement. What really happens is gangs tend to pick on poor, disenfranchised people that liberals, as a political party, are typically trying to help out of those situations so they can become productive members of society. Such programs include, public education, adult literacy programs and so forth.

My only guess is someone's been watching too much Fox News. . .


I've been looking but can't find it but the last 5 or 6 mass shootings were all done by registered democrats, liberals or their parents were dems....again I can't find the source but there it is.


My views on guns: They are good because they kill undesirable life, they get me food, and they prevent forces that might harm me from harming me. All things that a grocery store and a taser can do.


Yeah, it's the liberal values that teaches them to engage in illegal gang related activity. Just like how since most southern slave owners were conservatives, your values caused slavery, you asshole. (just joking).

Also, I call bullshit on your assertion that urban youth gangs have liberal values. I'd say that poorly educated low socio-economic status youths from religiously inclined minorities like hispanics are demographically more conservative, if they bothered to have any political preference at all in the first place. Lets see some proof.


@Deano and @Stormsinger:
"Liberal street gangs and urban youth" refers to the portion of gangs and urban youth who have liberal values (nearly all gangs and urban youth). Those gangs and urban youth are the source of most violent crime, so your thesis that violent crime is due to rural gun-owners is inconsistent with the data.

@EMPIRE and @Fletch:
Your response is that because I have different opinions than you and I'm willing speak against the mainstream, I'm a "troll." That definitely proves me wrong that liberals tend to be closed-minded conformists who punish intellectual diversity


Ha, is anybody in this thread self-aware enough to observe that liberals are unable to debate intellectually, rather than using constant insults?

Let's list them:
1. Somebody who dares to express different opinions must have a small penis.
2. He/she is also a troll.
3. He/she is also an asshole.

That's a lot of ire just for diversity of opinion.

This is what you're not realizing:

1. If you completely remove rural gun-owners from the society, the average crime rates don't go down.

2. So if you want to reduce crime rates, instead of making false accusations of rural gun-owners (untruths are bad), focus on the communities that cause the crime rates (urban youth and gang culture).


Yeah, it's the liberal values that teaches them to engage in illegal gang related activity. Just like how since most southern slave owners were conservatives, your values caused slavery, you asshole. (just joking).

Also, I call bullshit on your assertion that urban youth gangs have liberal values. I'd say that poorly educated low socio-economic status youths from religiously inclined minorities like hispanics are demographically more conservative, if they bothered to have any political preference at all in the first place. Lets see some proof.

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