Japanese Animation of the Hiroshima A-Bomb

The cartoon film which reproduced an atomic bombing situation.
August 6th Hiroshima in 1945.

I've been to Peace Memorial Park and stood a few feet from the building (still standing) above which the bomb detonated. We sang the Japanese National Anthem in the square in front of a large crowd of Japanese people. Very powerful experience. We then walked through the museum there. I fought back tears the whole time.

Here's some perspective: As a result of the attacks, 74 times as many people died in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, as did on September 11, 2001.


It sucks, but the Japanese were prepared to never surrender even at the cost of sacrificing the entire country. If we didn't force them into submission 74 times as many people may have been killed in a lengthy ground war fought with allied forces.

Incredible that anyone was able to survive that.


>> ^lucky760:
It sucks, but the Japanese were prepared to never surrender even at the cost of sacrificing the entire country. If we didn't force them into submission 74 times as many people may have been killed in a lengthy ground war fought with allied forces.
Incredible that anyone was able to survive that.

And that's what Truman told himself every day from August 6th until the day he died.

It wasn't so much the event itself as the reclassification of "enemy" that made it possible. It's despicable in the same way as "If they run, they're VC/Terrists".


We lived it down when we ended the war. We helped build Japan into the country it is today.

Japan should never have joined the side of evil.

Japanese people love the US. Even survivors of the bomb have a great respect for our country.

>> ^elysse:
That is... the most terrifying thing I have ever seen. It's no wonder the U.S. will never live it down.


Everyone was wrong on all sides really.
* Japan did horrible, HORRIBLE things during the war, despicable things to prisoners of war, treating humans as subhuman etc.
* The US did this.

But, the US really did think there was no way out, they thought that Japan would just keep going without abatement unless they did something pretty huge to demonstrate their power, and all they knew to do was use their atomic weapons.

Did it result in less deaths overall? Maybe, maybe not. It did seem to end the war pretty quickly though.


The Japanese have a different outlook at life and death on the battle field. I tend to think that they made the wrong choice, and that their people suffered because of their actions. Ever heard of the Kempeitai? - Ihre papiere bitte.

The normal Japanese people at the time were under the same veil that the German people were under, and the same veil that the United States people are today, loss of liberty and tyranny.

What we did to them was inexcusable, however it had to be done, the Japanese of that era were a powerful enemy, and to this day they are a powerful ally.

What they did to prisoners of war? The tradition of how Japanese dealt with prisoners of war? They offered them sepuku or they cut their heads off, that was how they did it throughout history.

We "Americans" like to think that we never did any thing like that. Don't fool yourself, when you break down the human psyche in training and in battle to the basest of instincts the human sense of morality will distort.

The Japanese non combatants, were proxy to the war.. they were brainwashed by lack of international media, as were the Germans.

When I was in high school I wrote a paper on Rommel, and the attempt on Hitlers life, it was one of the most eye opening moments an 8th grader can have.


In war, the object is to kill the enemy. As many of them as you can. As swiftly and decisively as possible. That is what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nothing more.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea.

Forgive my bluntness, but this lesson was forgotten after the end of WW2. War has become "kinder, gentler" and therefore more likely to happen. It has become a tool, part of foreign relations. War needs to be unthinkable. It demands to be unforgivable. If only to stop it from happening again.


>> ^Payback:
In war, the object is to kill the enemy. As many of them as you can. As swiftly and decisively as possible. That is what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nothing more.
Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea.
Forgive my bluntness, but this lesson was forgotten after the end of WW2. War has become "kinder, gentler" and therefore more likely to happen. It has become a tool, part of foreign relations. War needs to be unthinkable. It demands to be unforgivable. If only to stop it from happening again.

The war then was a different war then the war now in that we needed to stop the war. Every one, even the enemy.

The wars now are for prophet, and for those in power to ensure that they still have jobs, because all they know is how to steal liberties under the false banner of democracy.

Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither - ben franklin.


I hope the leaders of the United States never make such a error of judgment to bring, on their good citizens, wrath and death and horrors that compares to this.

>> ^deedub81:
Talking about WWII in Japan is a HUGE taboo.
...because they know that their leaders were WAY wrong and their citizens paid the price.


American Cowards, American Babykillers.

If there is a god and a hell i pray that the crew of the Enola Gay writhes in screaming agony for all eternity.

9/11 is just the first installment on the Payback for the unspeakable abominations that you have inflicted on the world over the last 200+ years.

The world will cheer at your demise.


>> ^Memorare:
American Cowards, American Babykillers.
If there is a god and a hell i pray that the crew of the Enola Gay writhes in screaming agony for all eternity.
9/11 is just the first installment on the Payback for the unspeakable abominations that you have inflicted on the world over the last 200+ years.
The world will cheer at your demise.

Such a twisted and wrong view of things.

The US were dragged into a war they didn't really want to be a part of (rightly or wrongly), they were attacked by the Japanese.

To suggest that the crew of the Enola Gay should be in eternal agony in hell is such a narrow minded, ridiculous outlook.

* The crew were but following orders
* Those in command thought they were doing something that, while it would kill an awful lot of people, would end up saving more in the long run
* Was the actions of a country that had been attacked by a powerful aggressor and couldn't see any diplomatic way out

And 9/11 has nothing to do with WWII.

You are a bitter individual who is no better than anyone who has killed during war as you are of the opinion that killing more people is a viable way to make the world a better place.

What a disgusting individual you are.


>> ^Memorare:
American Cowards, American Babykillers.
If there is a god and a hell i pray that the crew of the Enola Gay writhes in screaming agony for all eternity.
9/11 is just the first installment on the Payback for the unspeakable abominations that you have inflicted on the world over the last 200+ years.
The world will cheer at your demise.

Those bastard Americans and their Nanking massacre....oh wait those were Japanese soldiers...Hmm


This myth is a complete lie. This story about "millions of Americans would die" and Japan would never surrender, so the A-bomb was the only choice...

It's a complete lie and simple-minded people keep repeating the gov't propaganda. Go read the no declassified presidential records on this. Truman admits much of the truth.

Why drop two bombs? Why was one not good enough?

The truth is that the Russians were marching towards Japan. If Russian army would have got there, they would be the "conquerors" and Japan would have been under their rule for the last half century. Instead the US rebuilt Japan and created a different foothold into the far East.

For the record, I think the asshole who signed their names to the side of bombs, like Fat Man or Little Boy will rot in hell. I'm obviously not talking about the pilots.

Anyways, go read some Truman diaries. He clearly only used the bombs to end the war a few days earlier and under US victory terms, to keep the Russians out.


July 18 1945 - ... P.M.[Churchill] and I ate alone. Discussed Manhattan (it is a success).

Decided to tell Stalin about it. Stalin had told P.M. of telegram from Jap Emperor asking for peace. Stalin also read his answer to me. It was satisfactory. Believe Japs will fold up before Russia comes in.

I am sure they will when Manhattan appears over their homeland. I shall inform Stalin about it at an opportune time.

Also consider this. The US used up their entire atomic arsenal all at once, we never waited to see what reaction there was to the first bomb.


Also, all historical honest account of US military intelligence at the time, put US casualties around 46,000. (not hundreds of thousands that revisionists now use to justify the million of dead Japanese civilians.)

(go ahead and google 46000 and Hiroshima)


Indeed, prior to the detonation of the A-Bomb, the power of it was simply incalculable and unimaginable compared to anything prior in history. All that was really needed was a showcase of it's destructive power without taking human lives. That by itself should have been sufficient to concede a surrender, certainly there was no need to drop two, let alone one on major cities of civilians.


>> ^Memorare:
American Cowards, American Babykillers.
If there is a god and a hell i pray that the crew of the Enola Gay writhes in screaming agony for all eternity.
9/11 is just the first installment on the Payback for the unspeakable abominations that you have inflicted on the world over the last 200+ years.
The world will cheer at your demise.

Firstly there is no god, only the tyranny of evil men.

Secondly I agree with joe dirt, the Allies will always try to cover their asses for such a dasterdly use of the bomb to show stalin their true power.

Which russia would take steps further to drop the worlds largest nuke called the tsar bomba - King Bomb with 50 megatons.

Lets put it into perspective.

Little boy was 13 - 18 kilotons
fat man was 21 kilotons

Tsar bomba was 50 Megatons. the two little ones don't even come close to the big one.

The bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima were little compared to the monstrosities that we have stocked up today.

What was it for? Its all a waste.


"The truth is that the Russians were marching towards Japan. If Russian army would have got there, they would be the "conquerors" and Japan would have been under their rule for the last half century. Instead the US rebuilt Japan and created a different foothold into the far East."

And two countries have never gotten along better than post WWII Japan and the USA.

...nor has a country ever gone from ruin to residing at the top of the economic food chain as quickly as did Japan (and West Germany). Thank goodness we were the ones who stepped in and ended it and not somebody else.

It's a good thing we didn't let the Soviets do to and Japan and West Germany what they did to East Germany. The bright side is that in the end, communism and socialism lost and (semi)capitalism and democracy won.


The war then was a different war then the war now in that we needed to stop the war. Every one, even the enemy.
The wars now are for prophet, and for those in power to ensure that they still have jobs, because all they know is how to steal liberties under the false banner of democracy.
Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither - ben franklin.

EDIT: Bold Comment written as is on purpose.


Prophet? I don't get it.

>> ^NordlichReiter:

The war then was a different war then the war now in that we needed to stop the war. Every one, even the enemy.
The wars now are for prophet, and for those in power to ensure that they still have jobs, because all they know is how to steal liberties under the false banner of democracy.
Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither - ben franklin.

EDIT: Bold Comment written as is on purpose.


Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by rasch187.

Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008 2:08pm PDT - promote requested by rasch187.


I believe the intended word was "profit", written in bold for emphasis.

I too wonder why they had to kill that many people twice. They only had two but the first could have been 5 miles away from a major city, and the second could have been in the city if the first didn't have the required effect on the populace.

Anyways, videos like this, despite the gory eyeball-meltyness imagery of the slain, are a way to remind us of history. Good sift.

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