I Don't Wanna Sound Racist But... (PA McCain/Palin Rally)


i really hope these people are as pathetic as they seem, and 2 days after the election they will go back to eating potatochips and watching tv.


Gotta love that woman at 2 minutes in, pointing at the street saying "This is my home, I live here". I just can't figure out why she's for McCain, I always thought homeless people want change the most.


>> ^G-bar:
which state was that in? This is very... interesting...


I'm glad to see that america still the land of the free and a shinning example of racial tolerance the world over.


With McCain so far behind in the polls right now, if he were smart, he would get out of his "Straight Talk Express," walk up to these morons, and tell them that they make him sick, and that he is ashamed to have them supporting him.

If he did that, I'm willing to bet that somewhere between 70-100% of the "Republicans for Obama" would vote for him simply out of respect for his finally admitting that his campaign has gone wrong. It's not like he'd actually lose any of these racist bozos...they'd still vote for him (or maybe Bob Barr), or else just stay home on election day.


wow. ignorance is amazing in this one.

- i'm also appalled by the level of racism in this video. These people are no better than the "terrorists" they fight against.


You just have to love someone all caught up in the mob mentality... "I don't want to sound racist"... but lets face it... I am... and I will... because truth is... when I'm here with like minded people I absolutly do want to sound like the closet racist I am.... I went to school with this guy... (or might as well have...) literally dozens like him...


All these videos of mccain rallies showing the pure ignorance really is disturbing considering mccain still has a very decent poll numbers. Think about it, it really comes across as being only ignorant/racist people are supporting him, so that means probably like 30-40% of the country are like this. That's a scary thought. How do you even begin to fix something like that without getting rid of religion to start with, or forcing some mass mandatory re-education program for the population.


>> ^thinker247:
I wonder what would happen if a prominent black Republican won the primaries to become the next Republican candidate for President. Oh, what would racists do?

Not really a scenario you should worry about. It's about as likely as Palin winning a game of Jeopardy where all the categories are "things a President ought to know" competing against Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Saaay, that would be more fun to watch than a debate!


For background of where my comment comes from understand I'm a Republican, a McCain supporter and disappointed the Condi Rice had no interest in running even after the draft Codi movement that rose up within my party at the start of the primaries.
The video shows us some racist individual morons with a couple choice quotes. Beyond that, I suggest you see past what the videographer and editor is feeding you.
1. There was a crowd of pissed McCain supporters. Why so angry? Maybe because they came to a McCain rally to be confronted by sign-carrying Obama supporters. How warmly would McCain chanting supporters be welcomed at an Obama rally?
2. Were the Obama supporters shouting anything rude and provocative? Obviously not. They were silently waving their signs in slow motion to hip, upbeat music as the video shows. Opposition that shows up at a prearranged political rally would never be rude. Right.

If you are so easily lead to judge a large group of people by a small number of individuals fed to you by the media (even small indy web media manipulators can use misleading techniques) then you may be past being able to think for yourself.

Me? I'll choose not to judge all Obama supporters by a few worst examples, who would say hateful things like, "A perfect opportunity to call in an air strike," and "...and 2 days after the election they will go back to eating potatochips and watching tv."(jsut one of several snarky, urban elitist jabs in the comments at perceived hillbillies between New York and L.A.) I'm afraid of the kind of easily manipulated people who are fed a piece of video propaganda and are ready to propose opposing "ignorance" of "30-40% of the population" by "getting rid of religion to start with, or forcing some mass mandatory re-education program..." I hope they are rare as I think.


>> ^MarineGunrock:
What's really sickening is that people bring their kids to these hate fests.
I'm so sick of where my party has gone.

What we are seeing in this video is not the Republican party, but the soul-less hallowed out shell of civilization that education and rational thinking has long forgotten.

I've never understood the mob mentality. And bringing children to such a rally should be considered child abuse. Some of those kids are going to end up just as screwed up as their parents, or worse.


oh what a sad nation I live in. *sigh*

One thing that has always troubled me is the innate behavior towards another individual of different kind, be it skin color, ethnic origin, or what-have-you. Sure there are some really stupid people out there. But why do they spew BS? Is it because they are not fully aware of all the facts? Or are they being mislead by crafty (or is that dirty?) McCain supporters? I always try to look past the skin tone and the outward appearance when I walk on the streets. Sometimes I'm curious about their culture, much like how I am often curious about the ancient and traditional Japanese culture.

As an American-born individual, I just don't get why some McCain supporters would be so clueless. Sure there are some clueless Obama supporters as well. But am I wrong to think that there seem to be more McCain supporting morons than Obama ones? I ideally want to look past all the political BS and the background BS. I just want to know who seem more prepared to lead a country that is struggling to stand up high again.


I'm a liberal & voted for Obama yesterday, but does it not bother anyone that this video is as one-sided as many from the opposite camp decried here? They edit x amount of footage down into three minutes of the most hateful stuff said by the most ignorant people they find, but the follow-up Obama supporter footage is all smiles set to a rallyish campaign song?

It's insulting. I doubt you'd find quite the same level of vitriol in the Obama camp, but you'd get some strong & unfortunate statements, enough to spin a counterpoint.

Know thy enemy means understand thy enemy. Regardless of the frustrating shenanigans pulled by Fox News & the like, I'm disturbed that the smugness I sense in our own ranks means maybe we haven't learned the true lesssons of the current administration.

The Kool-aid comes in many flavors, friends. Let's not be too thirsty.


ahahaha! Born in Kenya? Seriously? Of all the possible things to say that could be somehow justified or understood (baby killer, socialist, etc. - hateful, but understood) you pick one that absolutely is not true. You fail.


>> ^FNORDcinco:
Did I hear someone say "Monster Truck Superdome" at :17?
Or am I just hearing things

i talked it over with coworkers, you definently heard "monster truck superdome". this gives monsters trucks AND superdomes a bad name.


>> ^JiggaJonson:
reminds me of the 5 minutes of hate from Orson Well's 1984

Wow, good analogy. Though I'd like to see a video showing crazy people on both sides of the political fence, just to keep things balanced. Liberals can be just as crazy as these hate-filled people.

It's sad to think one of the few qualities that separates humans from animals is the ability to hate.

Strange that most of these type of videos come from the east side of the US. Are easterners more politically...um...enthusiastic?


Actually don't like the Racism in this but.. Actually some of what they are saying is True. If you actually did your homework you'd figure this out by now, but if you want to be brainwashed by the liberal (New World Order) be my guest.


For all the folks who think Obama supporters are just as bad, were is the video? Clearly McCain supporters know how to use the net and video cameras, so where is their side?

I went to a large Obama rally in Pittsburgh, and counter-demonstrators showed up, and were summarily ignored by tens of thousands of Obama supporters.

While you might say that Obamaniacs would act this poorly if they were losing, and you could be right, but they have not resorted to publicly wishing harm to their opponent. You can say they would , but you are just guessing, we know, with much documented evidence, that McCain's people will and have, and that makes a difference.

Does the candidate say "he pals around with terrorists", or "don't boo, just vote" ? That's the difference we see in the campaigns, and it's the kind of difference we see in the supporters, the correlation does not surprise me at all.


You nevber hear people shouting mccains name, just obama, or nobama, they ither want obama to be president or not to be president, the other choice is completely nill.


>> ^The_Dragon:
Actually don't like the Racism in this but.. Actually some of what they are saying is True. If you actually did your homework you'd figure this out by now, but if you want to be brainwashed by the liberal (New World Order) be my guest.

Should I put on my tin foil hat so the aliens in the black helicopters can't read my brain waves?


>> ^The_Dragon:
Actually don't like the Racism in this but.. Actually some of what they are saying is True. If you actually did your homework you'd figure this out by now, but if you want to be brainwashed by the liberal (New World Order) be my guest.

The only possible objective statement these people could have said to be true would be Obama being born in Kenya. But according to this:

American citizenship laws and United States Immigration policies indicate that in general, people are born U.S. citizens if they are born in the United States or they are born to U.S. citizens

I understand he was born in Hawaii. And even if he was born in Kenya, if his parents are US citizens, then Obama would be a US citizen, regardless of place of birth.

You can read the rules here: http://www.immigrationtest.org

As for everything else said in the video, it's all hate filled garbage only stupid, sorry excuse for a human being could believe.

If Geico ever runs out of ideas with the cave man bit, they should change it to:

"So easy, even a Ranting McCain supporter can do it."

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