How to Iron a Shirt

Supposedly in three minutes, but I bet you'd need some practice first.

This doesn't seem any faster than my haphazard way of doing it... and demonstrates why I hate ironing. Sure, doing one shirt is ok, but if you have a bunch to do after a wash it gets insanely boring, and it's not something you can really do while watching the tv to ease the boredom, as you have to be watching the ironing.


What is the point of ironing a shirt ? I have not ironed a shirt i think in twelve years, I still do not know why I did it.

Oh I get it, its for presentation. To whore your "style" to other peoples eyes. I am not paid to look good ;/ Business types and I are so different.


>> ^BoneRemake:

What is the point of ironing a shirt ? I have not ironed a shirt i think in twelve years, I still do not know why I did it.
Oh I get it, its for presentation. To whore your "style" to other peoples eyes. I am not paid to look good ;/ Business types and I are so different.

So, you don't "whore your "style" to other peoples eyes?" (whatever that means) Do you buy clothes that you think are presentable for different occasions, or do you just wear any shit, in any condition, that comes to hand? Do you not shower, do your hair, teeth etc, or is that, also, anathema to you? Respecting yourself, and others, is part of what makes an individual. It has nothing to do with your perceived notion of "business types."

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