Fox News Declares War on Canada

How to lose friends and make enemies.

After 180 Canadian military personel have given their lives in Afganistan. Fox news belittles and mocks the Canadian military. Claim they did not even know they were there. These are the people who keep Americans up to date and mis-informed.

What "front lines" are Alaska and Russia involved in exactly? Fox reporting at it's best!

On a side note, Shame on you Doug Benson. I still have hope that they lured him to this show with a bong and got him blitzed out of his mind before filming.



Canada relies on the US military to fight the US' war in Afghanistan - wait, what?

Maybe the US is lucky to have Canada above it. Canada isn't a target in the world...and being so big on the map, it sure looks like great cover for the world's terror instigator...


This is fucking bullshit. How can this actually air?

btw. Anyone else suspicious that the FOX logo is off screen, over black bars? I don't recognize any of these idiots (that doesn't mean they aren't for real), and this looks like a parody with all this over the top crap and trash talking (although, not so much for FOX). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is a sketch and not a real broadcast. Please make it be fake.


Check out this amazing comment I found on Reddit about this video

user GCRANSTON writes:
"See, this is why Fox News can't get a broadcast license in Canada.

I might also mention

1. War of 1812: Lit the White House on fire; American's commemorate this in their National Anthem

2. Vimy Ridge: First time Canadian Troops under Canadian command; advanced so fast troops were ordered to halt because supplies couldn't keep up. When asked how we took the untakeable position to quickly, Canadians respond with "No one told us it was impossible to do"

3. Passchedaele: Canadian troops inspire the original use of the term "Storm Troopers"

4. Dieppe: Canadian troops undertake practice invasion of the coast of France. Terrible loss of Canadian life. Lessons learned directly led to the successes at Normandy.

5. D-Day: Despite lessons learned from Dieppe, no beach head other than Juno - the Canadian Beach - was successful. American pilots actually bombed Canadian troops stating "no way are they that far inland; we're still stuck on the beaches!"

I'd go on but I'm just too furious with this lack of respect for my country. I will only say that Canada is in Afghanistan cleaning up America's mess, operating in the most dangerous part of the entire country. Maybe the reason Fox can't remember Canadians are in Afghanistan is that THEY WERE DOING SO BADLY THERE THEY HAD TO START ANOTHER WAR WITH IRAQ TO DRAW PEOPLE'S ATTENTION AWAY?!?

Fox News, I say to you with with deep sincerity: Go Fuck Yourself."

wow, couldn't've said it better


In the first seconds there was a logo with the name of the show, quick web search gave the following.

Looks like the same smirking chump to me. Sorry.

>> ^2pornot2p:
btw. Anyone else suspicious that the FOX logo is off screen, over black bars? I don't recognize any of these idiots (that doesn't mean they aren't for real), and this looks like a parody with all this over the top crap and trash talking (although, not so much for FOX). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is a sketch and not a real broadcast. Please make it be fake.


OH MY GOD. Canada made a HUGE impact in WW2, which America has denied to recognize, and has been involved in wars throughout history. I cant stand this bashing...OF COURSE America has a bigger army, and more police, equipped with heavier armor and weapons..its a matter of POPULATION. Canada-33,212,696 America-303,824,640 we dont nned as much force idiots. um and excuse me..most powerful army in the world? in WW2..u know where it counted...RUSSIA killed the most German troops, NOT America, as they claim, even though they had better funding and equipment. Why cant I ever hear Americans say "thanks Europe and Canada for helping us" its not a contest, everyone does their part and to claim that the whole world relies on America for military protection...woah do they need to get their heads out of their asses.


I can't stand this. This, is borderline slander of Canada.

Mounties and Police are two different sections of Canadian law enforcement. My father is a cop, my Grandad was a Mountie.

The Mounties do NOT wear the red jacket as standard uniform, they wear it as DRESS clothes, the same way that police officers have dress uniforms.

This can't possibly be real. It can't, they're talking about every Canadian stereotype under the sun, except the fact that we live in Igloo's and ride dog sleds, and even then, the fact that we live in the "Frigid North" implies it. Even though I'm sitting here looking out my window at the sun shining out on my snow-free front lawn, watching motorcycles ride up and down the street because of how nice it is outside.

Christ, Nomino is so right it's absolutely absurd. The Canadian army has so many achievements, even freaking HITLER respected them.

From wiki: "While the German leader had no qualms about destroying culturally significant locations in France including many French war monuments which were torn down by the Nazis, the Vimy memorial carried no messages of Allied triumph over Germany. So it was protected by Hitler, who assigned special units of the Waffen SS to guard the monument from defacement by regular German Wehrmacht soldiers.[10] University of Ottawa historian Serge Durflinger[1] notes that "Hitler admires it immensely, he says so at the time. As a result, the Germans respect[ed] the memorial all through the war."

Respect from potentially one of the most evil bastards that have ever lived, and these assholes can't do anything but make fun of our army?
An army that has suffered casualties at the hand of the united states on multiple occasions? the first few Canadian casualties IN the this fucking war were 9 soldiers that were bombed by U.S. planes.

Jesus, I don't generalize Americans, because I know there are those of you who aren't completely ignorant to the truth, but people like this need to learn some fucking respect and do some research before they decide they want to make fun of an entire nation.


>> ^yourhydra:
ps. Ive lived in Canada for 12 years...and i have NEVER SEEN A MOUNTIE.

Depending on where you live, you'll never see them either. The RCMP(mounties) are a regional(provincial) police force for many provinces, despite having federal jurisdiction. The only two provinces that have provincial polices forces are Ontario and Quebec. Those two provinces when they operate out of uniform unless it has to do with matters of state, and there's other issues involved on top of it. It's actually rather complicated.

With regards to the video, douchebags who attempt to capitalize on shitty humor are idiots. Doesn't matter where you are, they just think they're the best thing since sliced bread and this type of crap will die a painful death. Anyway, you can get Foxnews on satellite and digital cable in Canada.


I only wish Fox News had the balls to declare war on us; that would get them wiped off the face of the Earth in record time. Please do it, Fox News. I'm dying to volunteer.


Actually the RCMP are the FEDERAL Police in Canada and operate in ALL provinces and in all cities. Larger cities in Canada require a City Police force to maintain basic policing but the RCMP are still there. In the larger cities, the RCMP take care of the larger chores such as as drug trafficking, gun laws, homicide, major investigations and more. They also take care of Security for the Prime Minister.

In the smaller towns that aren't expected to pay for their own police force, the RCMP take care of the policing.

No, you never see them in their Red Surge unless they are in formal dress. We see them all the time at major events, Canada Day Celebrations and so on but on regular days, they are dressed as a regular police officer would be, and yes, they all carry guns and wear armor as part of their regular, every day garb (me neighbor is an RCMP officer.)

>> ^Mashiki:
>> ^yourhydra:
ps. Ive lived in Canada for 12 years...and i have NEVER SEEN A MOUNTIE.

Depending on where you live, you'll never see them either. The RCMP(mounties) are a regional(provincial) police force for many provinces, despite having federal jurisdiction. The only two provinces that have provincial polices forces are Ontario and Quebec. Those two provinces when they operate out of uniform unless it has to do with matters of state, and there's other issues involved on top of it. It's actually rather complicated.
With regards to the video, douchebags who attempt to capitalize on shitty humor are idiots. Doesn't matter where you are, they just think they're the best thing since sliced bread and this type of crap will die a painful death. Anyway, you can get Foxnews on satellite and digital cable in Canada.


On the flip side of the RCMP side of things, if you want to see our soldier's pride, just show up on Remembrance Day. Many of our soldiers are so decorated, you'd be surprised.

Fox thinks they engage in harmless banter, but what they have really done is insulted the many generations of an entire Country.

Us Canadians might be peace lovers but we're feisty, don't piss us off! (blood boils....)

Cheers, and have a great day, eh?


>> ^Sagemind:
the RCMP take care of the larger chores

Interesting side-story.

I mentioned my Grandfather was an RCMP officer, back in WWII he tried out for the military and was turned away due to "Flat Feet" and joined the RCMP instead.

For one reason or another, Winston Churchill was in Canada, not 100% sure the reason, and my Grandad was the one who guarded his room.

Churchill saw my grandad standing outside his room, and struck up a conversation, eventually he said "Do you have to stand here all night to guard my room?" to which my Grandad obviously replied yes, so, Churchill turned to one of the servants and said "Get this man a chair".

And so, my Grandad sat at attention all night long


>> ^Sagemind:
Fox thinks they engage in harmless banter, but what they have really done is insulted the many generations of an entire Country.

Imagine them attending a Remembrance Day ceremony, walking up to a Canadian war veteran, and spitting in his face. Oh, the laughter!

Children. I can understand children being unable to put a face on the people they insult and slander to this degree, but grown adults? What kind of a human being can do that?


It is commentary and attitude as demonstrated in this video that fosters all the negative stereotypes the world has about Americans.

If you ever find that someone is rude to you (or worse) once they have learned you are from the U.S., blame the people in this video.


Hey, lookey what I found in the news a few minutes ago:

Four Canadian soldiers were killed and eight others were injured Friday in two separate bombings in Afghanistan, Canada's top general in the country said.

Stay classy Fox News.


Open letter to Canadians,

This show, Red Eye, airs in the wee hours of the morning, something like 3:00am for the East Coast. It's basically Fox News' version of the Daily Show, only with much worse writing and largely not funny. This show holds no credibility with almost any American, even the crazy right-wing neocons. This episode was taking cheap shots at Canada that Americans like to chuckle at every once in a while, largely because most of us know next-to-nothing about your country. I know Canadians do the same to Americans on many occasions; view some of the comments on this video for examples.

Bottom line: Only the worst of the worst would be taking the views from this show to heart and believe them credible. Please don't sweat it.



I do "Sweat" it. I don't see anybody stereotyping American's in the comments except for the odd person saying "And americans wonder why people hate them"

To me, this is nothing like the daily show. The daily show focuses on idiotic things that diplomats are doing, and makes fun of them. Not once have I ever seen the daily show mock and stereotype a full nation.
And, if they did, Jon Stewart is able to pull it off while being noticeably sarcastic. The fact that you had to actually tell us that these guys aren't serious (And even then, i'm still not fully convinced) speaks for itself about this show.

And also, in my opinion, you're selling Americans short, I know a lot of people from all over the states that aren't nearly as ignorant as these buffoons come off as.

Bottom line is, things that could be taken as this offensive from anybody, shouldn't have been aired as a topic.

>> ^Wingoguy:
Open letter to Canadians,
This show, Red Eye, airs in the wee hours of the morning, something like 3:00am for the East Coast. It's basically Fox News' version of the Daily Show, only with much worse writing and largely not funny. This show holds no credibility with almost any American, even the crazy right-wing neocons. This episode was taking cheap shots at Canada that Americans like to chuckle at every once in a while, largely because most of us know next-to-nothing about your country. I know Canadians do the same to Americans on many occasions; view some of the comments on this video for examples.
Bottom line: Only the worst of the worst would be taking the views from this show to heart and believe them credible. Please don't sweat it.


>> ^Shepppard:
I do "Sweat" it. I don't see anybody stereotyping American's in the comments except for the odd person saying "And americans wonder why people hate them"

I'm not an odd person. That is what a large portion of the world do, sadly. The general concensus here in Sweden are more that an American is an idiot until proven not to be. Why? Because who can live in a fucked up country like that and be sane. They elected Bush TWO FRIGGIN' TIMES in a row!?

I KNOW most Americans are good people, but man alot of crap comes out of that country.

And wtf is this shit: "Arn't they doing what most of Europe is doing anyway, which is relying on USA..." HOLY FUCKING SHIT IN A BASKET! WITHOUT YOU JACKASSES THERE WOULDN'T BE A WAR! Nore do we rely on you for anything else. Bullshiting. Fucking. Assholes.


As a Canadian, I am somewhat embarrassed over my countrymen's reaction to the inane ramblings of this one-legged hermaphroditic pedophile.

(edit) apologies in advance to all the one-legged hermaphrodites on the sift.


The show Red-Eye is mostly a joke, but since most of you are just as biased as Fox News but on the other side, you wouldn't know that. Yes, just take this one out-of-context clip and cite it for why you hate fox news, republicans, small children, whatever it may be. Even though it doesn't really hold any relevance to anything.

Seriously. Watch it once. It's obvious it's not serious. But who am I to think any of you might actually try and get the facts instead of mindlessly believing whatever you hear and see without checking it out first... What a world that'd be, eh?


>> ^BrknPhoenix:
The show Red-Eye is mostly a joke, but since most of you are just as biased as Fox News but on the other side, you wouldn't know that. Yes, just take this one out-of-context clip and cite it for why you hate fox news, republicans, small children, whatever it may be. Even though it doesn't really hold any relevance to anything.
Seriously. Watch it once. It's obvious it's not serious. But who am I to think any of you might actually try and get the facts instead of mindlessly believing whatever you hear and see without checking it out first... What a world that'd be, eh?

Haha are you serious? it is obvious the intent is to be funny. Only problem is they fail at it and at the same time show tasteless ignorant bullshit. Bias has nothing to do with anything here.

I love how you mindlessly make assumptions out of all the userbase of this site. Easy to preach, without even applying it to oneself.


Only right-wing USA still has this old fashioned, Roman Empire attitude:
That you are either invading someone or your weak enough to be invaded.

Stop acting like a fully armed and ready military is the only think keeping the barbarians from the gate! ITS NOT TRUE ANYMORE.


As an American, I would just like to take this moment to say I'm ashamed of my country, and not just because of the never-ending spew of offensiveness from the Fox news channel.

Also, just because something is supposed to be funny doesn't make it any less offensive. Oh, and I never voted for Bush, but to the global videosift community, I would just like to extend my apologies for those that did.

I think it's idiotic that so many Americans mistake blind feverish nationalism for patriotism. And I mention this because it is this sort of misplaced uber nationalism that leads morons to belittle other countries and peoples. If more Americans would stop believing that our country is above all others, we might be able to take an honest look at our flaws and actually make some progress.

But I'm not exactly holding my breath.


The delusions of godhood have been going on for some 233 years now,
emblazoned on The Great Seal of the U.S.:

E pluribus unum "Out of Many, One"
Novus ordo seclorum "New Order of the Ages"
Annuit cœptis "He approves our undertakings"

That last "He" refers to God.

When will the rest of the world finally stand up to US tyranny.


clearly, nobody who posts on this video is a regular watcher of Red Eye.
It's a COMEDY show that airs at 3 a.m. It's ridiculous and done for laughs. How often is Canada made fun of in this country? A whole lot. You can't tell me no Canadian show has made fun of America before either.
Seriously, if you're getting insulted over a joke show, grow the fuck up. Red Eye makes fun of everything and anything under the sun.
Please understand what the show is before you say it's legitimate news. Clearly, you're just angry because a show made fun of something you happen to like. If this video was about something you hated, you'd applaud it and show it to all your friends. Thi s was not an intent to belittle Canada's help with the War on Terror-- it's making fun of the idea of "taking a year off" from the army-- which would sound ridiculous, no matter what country said it. I don't think the Canadians understand how ridiculous Americans think Canada is, and that fueled this clip quite a lot.
Picking apart this video like it's in depth journalism is a waste of your time BECAUSE ITS A FUCKING COMEDY SHOW. Put the same effort into a half hour of Jon Stewart and you'll get the same resort-- a few cheap laughs produced for your entertainment.
Oh, and for that idiot who apologized for America-- I'm not sorry. In the slightest.


such articulate persuasion, way to make a point.

I apologized for morons like you because you're an embarrassment. Obviously, I already knew you weren't sorry. Of course you're not. It would take at least an ounce of self-awareness. It's because of people like you that I'm ashamed to travel internationally on an American passport.

Oh, and part of "growing up" is learning the difference between humor and poor taste. It might be slightly amusing when monkeys fling feces at each other, but personally, I don't want to participate in that kind of behavior. My guess is that you would feel differently.

For someone who is defending, in your own words "cheap comedy", you seem to be the one overeacting. Since you "clearly" believe that you understand everyone else's anger, perhaps you could be a dear and let me know why you're so angry over a little misunderstood comedy?


Oh, it's real. (to all those saying "this is so batship crazy it must be a parody"). Unless they fooled us all, which would just be odd.

>> ^Sagemind:
Actually the RCMP are the FEDERAL Police in Canada and operate in ALL provinces and in all cities. Larger cities in Canada require a City Police force to maintain basic policing but the RCMP are still there. In the larger cities, the RCMP take care of the larger chores such as as drug trafficking, gun laws, homicide, major investigations and more. They also take care of Security for the Prime Minister.

Not sure about the precise jurisdictional stuff, but local police generally do take care of homicides - I'm sure the Feds step in when it's a Federal matter though, but AFAIK in the larger cities the local police deal with almost everything, eh?


Tags for this video have been changed from 'fox, news, canada, war, afghanistan, military' to 'fox, news, canada, war, afghanistan, military, greg, gutfeld, red, eye' - edited by SlipperyPete


some vigilante justice i found on Greg Gutfeld's wikipedia:


Although Greg Gutfeld is married, another running on the show is the fact that Greg has "houseboys" of various ethnicities. These houseboys are unpaid, and are acquired through advertisements in foreign papers for students wishing to "learn a skill abroad." Some houseboys are said to have suffered an untimely demise. Popular houseboys from the past include "Dat Ho," allegedly Vietnamese, "Julio," intentionally mispronounced "Julie-Oh" with a j-sound, and the Greek "Pilates." Occasionally, the houseboy reference is altered to that of a "pool boy." Greg is always clear that every houseboy that he employs is over the age of 18, although the veracity of his claims is always subject to mirthful skepticism from the panelists.""

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