Fox News Bites and Rep. Weiner Bites Back

Megyn Kelly goes into epic troll mode at about the 4:30 mark...very professional.

Weiner is awesome, but i dont want to see him ever run for president. Hes one of the few congressmen that fights against the bullshit in the house. The democrats need him in congress.


His point was that the law states a justice must recuse himself if his spouse profits from arguments about legislation. Her point was that the law is unfair. He goes by the law, she goes by emotion. Unfortunately, this country is now run by emotion and not law.


>> ^MaxWilder:

Is there a mechanism for recalling supreme court justices? Because we're gonna need it soon.

They can be impeached, but it requires a 2/3 majority to do it, and there's no fucking way Republicans would vote to impeach one of the conservative justices, even if he went on a killing spree.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'fox news, weiner, troll, megyn kelly, aces' to 'fox news, anthony weiner, troll, megyn kelly, aces' - edited by xxovercastxx


FOX is the only media outlet keeping all the sycophantic, State-Fed, Taxocrat Party water-carrying, Obama Reelection Campaigning dunces from being a monopoly.

So sorry if the truth hurts.


>> ^quantumushroom:

FOX is the only media outlet keeping all the sycophantic, State-Fed, Taxocrat Party water-carrying, Obama Reelection Campaigning dunces from being a monopoly.
So sorry if the truth hurts.

It really sounds like you've been brainwashed when you vomit angry words like that. Your conservative brainwashing source is basically traumatizing you and then blaming that trauma on whoever they want, in this case liberals. In fact, talk about "liberals" and the evil that they commit and intend to commit dominates every piece of conservative media I encounter these days.

You're at that point where there are so many facts against your side right in front of you that you completely ignore them and are only invigorated to keep your perspective. Step back from the us vs. them mentality for a moment, and realize that you can't lose anything by changing your mind.


Meg-gyne is the only polysilastic, DoD-dependent, fire retardant, Jehovahcrat Party mouthpiece keeping the airwaves saturated 'till bursting.

Mr./Mrs. Thomas have BOOM!... money in the bank.

... these are fun to write.


Seriously, QM, I hate to make a personal hit, but in this case (as your taking a shot at a lot of us) maybe you should get checked out for a mental illness or brain tumor. I'm actually very serious. If you don't have a medical issue and you're not trolling (I usually think you're trolling) you might want to consider, for one month, using only pure logic and facts that can be attained only directly or through scientific study (look at who does the study--if the world uses them as a source you're OK to use them--if it comes from a Christian College, I would go ahead and not use that) see if your viewpoint changes at all.

If you REALLY want to make sure you're not getting brainwashed throw yourself into the opposite stream of traffic mentally for about the same time; again using what you consider logically the best choice. If you change you're mind AT ALL (as in, "I have doubts on this subject that was a core belief") you should seriously consider that you're looking out at the world, with a window that's orange and has a screen in front of it.

/Otherwise, keep trolling and I'll keep you on ignore...

>> ^quantumushroom:

FOX is the only media outlet keeping all the sycophantic, State-Fed, Taxocrat Party water-carrying, Obama Reelection Campaigning dunces from being a monopoly.
So sorry if the truth hurts.

>> ^brycewi19:

>> ^quantumushroom:
FOX is the only media outlet keeping all the sycophantic, State-Fed, Taxocrat Party water-carrying, Obama Reelection Campaigning dunces from being a monopoly.
So sorry if the truth hurts.

You can have opinions, but you can't have that one.

>> ^Lodurr:

>> ^quantumushroom:
FOX is the only media outlet keeping all the sycophantic, State-Fed, Taxocrat Party water-carrying, Obama Reelection Campaigning dunces from being a monopoly.
So sorry if the truth hurts.

It really sounds like you've been brainwashed when you vomit angry words like that. Your conservative brainwashing source is basically traumatizing you and then blaming that trauma on whoever they want, in this case liberals. In fact, talk about "liberals" and the evil that they commit and intend to commit dominates every piece of conservative media I encounter these days.
You're at that point where there are so many facts against your side right in front of you that you completely ignore them and are only invigorated to keep your perspective. Step back from the us vs. them mentality for a moment, and realize that you can't lose anything by changing your mind.


Wow she said soliloquy. I wonder how many fox news watchers know what that means. I'd say < 1%.
Weiner is awesome. He would make an interesting president but I agree he is one of the few democrats in the house that actually fights for what is right. And interviewer there, what ever her name is, she was absolutely terrible at her job.


>> ^Lodurr:

>> ^quantumushroom:
FOX is the only media outlet keeping all the sycophantic, State-Fed, Taxocrat Party water-carrying, Obama Reelection Campaigning dunces from being a monopoly.
So sorry if the truth hurts.

It really sounds like you've been brainwashed when you vomit angry words like that. Your conservative brainwashing source is basically traumatizing you and then blaming that trauma on whoever they want, in this case liberals. In fact, talk about "liberals" and the evil that they commit and intend to commit dominates every piece of conservative media I encounter these days.
You're at that point where there are so many facts against your side right in front of you that you completely ignore them and are only invigorated to keep your perspective. Step back from the us vs. them mentality for a moment, and realize that you can't lose anything by changing your mind.

That has to be the most eloquent and intelligent reply to a QM post I've ever seen. Good on ya!


QM can actually be quite funny when it comes to the simpler, very very very, very simple things in life.

But, on the topic of politics... I usually think he is role-playing as a troll in parody of a self-deprecating Tea-Party member that forgot to take his schizophrenia meds in the morning.


I'm not sure why everyone is talking about electing him for president. You guys know his last name is "Weiner" right? Did you know that's a slang word for the penis? He was probably born in some gay hippie colony in France or something. Probably doesn't even have a birth certificate. He'll never get my vote, not in my country. These colors don't run.


>> ^quantumushroom:

FOX is the only media outlet keeping all the sycophantic, State-Fed, Taxocrat Party water-carrying, Obama Reelection Campaigning dunces from being a monopoly.
So sorry if the truth hurts.

Oh so the answer to, in what is your perception, the perceived left-wing lunacy is...

...right-wing lunacy?

Even if I were to agree with you, the answer to stupidity is not more stupidity. You'd be complaining, rightly so, if some left-wing anchor shouted down someone with an opposing viewpoint, but when it's Fox doing it, suddenly it's OK?

I'm just going to say it, if you actually had a reasoned viewpoint to argue, I'd at least respect you, but since you just troll and run away without defending yourself, you aught to be banned IMO


>> kceaton1:

Seriously, QM, I hate to make a personal hit, but in this case (as your taking a shot at a lot of us) maybe you should get checked out for a mental illness or brain tumor.

>>> Are you joking? The left specializes in ad hominem attacks! You're HOME!
And no, I didn't say anything against anyone at this sift, but I do see now that the association of the word 'dunces' was too far away from 'media outlet' and so could be misinterpreted.

>>> To reiterate, the aforementioned "dunces" in question are the libmedia networks.

I'm actually very serious. If you don't have a medical issue and you're not trolling (I usually think you're trolling) you might want to consider, for one month, using only pure logic and facts that can be attained only directly or through scientific study (look at who does the study--if the world uses them as a source you're OK to use them--if it comes from a Christian College, I would go ahead and not use that) see if your viewpoint changes at all.

>>> I knew I was dealing with no one but supremely logical, liberal Mr. Spocks when someone mentioned hating the woman based on the spelling of her name (fortunately still legal according to Big Brother Hate Crime Law Series J11013).

>>> The tragedy is that YOU might be serious. A troll, much like the libmedia, hits and runs long before the ambulance of facts and logic arrives. I'm more than ready to defend my POVs, but since I am not paid by VS I do so at my leisure.

>>> Do you really think insulting the world's 2 billion Christians (I am not one, but there's worse associations out there than Jesus) adds gravitas to your arguments?

If you REALLY want to make sure you're not getting brainwashed throw yourself into the opposite stream of traffic mentally for about the same time; again using what you consider logically the best choice. If you change you're mind AT ALL (as in, "I have doubts on this subject that was a core belief") you should seriously consider that you're looking out at the world, with a window that's orange and has a screen in front of it.

>>> Not only am I huge fan of facts and logic, I'm really big on RESULTS. Does this current rash of leftist "leadership" (2006 - 2010 Congress, 2008 to present White House) have any positive results to share? If so, they were not communicated properly before November of last year.

>>> Show me a nation--any nation throughout history--that's taxed itself into prosperity, especially by the tactics of a centralized government courting a planned economy, pitting one class against another and cannibalizing the productive members of society to get votes from the other kind. Show me a Euro-Union that isn't going bankrupt country by country.

>>> I notice that no one at the sift ever disses, say, MS-DNC over CNN, and the reason for this is both are parroting each other and the taxocrat party line. Don't let something as little as perceived rudeness on M. Kelly's part lead you to believe otherwise.

>>> Do you really want to argue about which side is spoiled and drowning in media groupthink? Assuming "The Right" has Fox (which I don't watch anyway) here's a partial list of the left-leaning propaganda machine, which did the world a favor by 'coming out' in 2008 and openly joining Obama's election (and now reelection) campaign.

THE (partial) LIST

* Media Matters (feeds most of these "credible" media their talking points)
* The old Big 3 networks: ABC, MS-DNC, CBS
* Comedy central (talk about nightly propaganda!)
* Air America radio (bankrupt)
* NPR - (MY tax dollars pushing your agenda---at least Glenn Beck does his thing on his OWN dime)
* Most newspapers besides the WSJ
* Magazine fluff like TIME and Newsweak
* HuffPo
* Hollywood's "product"
* Most of the crap on tv
* Most "rebellious" musical acts and assorted "artists"

Of course, I could be imagining things. It's not like a singer slipped in a message to OBAMA during the Superbowl half-time show.


The left values equality more than truth, and views life as rich versus poor instead of right versus wrong. This is why leftist policies fail to create jobs, wealth, security, confidence and yes, SUCCESS.

The truth (aka "what works") is more important than our self-esteem and feelings.


uhm..dude..that whole post is an ad-hom against the left. Not anywhere in that post do you build up conservatism or actually build up any sort of argument that Fox should be taken seriously in *any* way which is the actual topic du jour.

It's just a spiteful, slur-filled rant. You're not defending your viewpoint, you're just lashing out for attention.

If you're trying to be like your hero, Bill O, then you've succeeded famously. If you're trying to be taken seriously, then it's just more fail.


lol, QM, if you really think those various media outlets are all the same, you really do have some sort of brain tumor.. comparing NPR and " Most "rebellious" musical acts and assorted "artists"" isn't really valid... you are a blatant troll, but congrats for all the attention you're getting. BTW, NPR is the most balanced news network around. My tax dollars pay for your right to free speech too jackhole, so shut up about friggin Sesame Street and Mr Rodgers.


>> ^quantumushroom:

The left values equality more than truth, and views life as rich versus poor instead of right versus wrong. This is why leftist policies fail to create jobs, wealth, security, confidence and yes, SUCCESS.
The truth (aka "what works") is more important than our self-esteem and feelings.

What's interesting is that obviously QM is attacking "liberalism". "Liberals" or independent thinkers are actually interested in facts, the how, the why, the what. It's always suspicious to me when someone randomly blurts out "the truth". It's a tell-tale sign of fundamentalist Christian soda-pop culture. So, what the hell is "THE TRUTH", QM?


I agree with QM

>> ^quantumushroom:

>> kceaton1:

>>> Show me a nation--any nation throughout history--that's taxed itself into prosperity, especially by the tactics of a centralized government courting a planned economy, pitting one class against another and cannibalizing the productive members of society to get votes from the other kind. Show me a Euro-Union that isn't going bankrupt country by country.
>>> I notice that no one at the sift ever disses, say, MS-DNC over CNN, and the reason for this is both are parroting each other and the taxocrat party line. Don't let something as little as perceived rudeness on M. Kelly's part lead you to believe otherwise.
>>> Do you really want to argue about which side is spoiled and drowning in media groupthink? Assuming "The Right" has Fox (which I don't watch anyway) here's a partial list of the left-leaning propaganda machine, which did the world a favor by 'coming out' in 2008 and openly joining Obama's election (and now reelection) campaign.
THE (partial) LIST
Media Matters (feeds most of these "credible" media their talking points)
The old Big 3 networks: ABC, MS-DNC, CBS
Comedy central (talk about nightly propaganda!)
Air America radio (bankrupt)
NPR - (MY tax dollars pushing your agenda---at least Glenn Beck does his thing on his OWN dime)
Most newspapers besides the WSJ
Magazine fluff like TIME and Newsweak
Hollywood's "product"
Most of the crap on tv
Most "rebellious" musical acts and assorted "artists"
Of course, I could be imagining things. It's not like a singer slipped in a message to OBAMA during the Superbowl half-time show.
The left values equality more than truth, and views life as rich versus poor instead of right versus wrong. This is why leftist policies fail to create jobs, wealth, security, confidence and yes, SUCCESS.
The truth (aka "what works") is more important than our self-esteem and feelings.


Of course we have taxed ourselves to prosperity.

If you guys had your way during the 20th century, america would have the stature of Canada - not that Canada isn't a nice place. Our military, our space program, our infrastructure, our technological advantage took taxes.

Now you shortsighted fools want to end that. Well, living in Beijing, I see every day how they are throwing money into all the above categories and getting results. Then, 10-15 years from now, you guys will be lamenting how and why US has seen better days.


>> ^thinker247:

You hate that she spells her name the way it appears on her birth certificate?>> ^smooman:
just the fact that she spells Megyn with a fucking "y" makes me hate her

ya, im a superficial asshole

"your name is Megyn with a 'y' you say? yes, i am intrigued by everything you say and find you unbelievably fascinating"

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