Donald Trump will never be President of the United States

Hindsight is 20/20 and all that but wow. Kind of makes me cringe now.

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Not all. When Clinton and Schultz stole the nomination, this "liberal" stated clearly and repeatedly that she had just handed the election to Trump....I would say Clinton and Schultz bitch slapped the as to the pundits, yes, and he's still rubbing their nose in it.
What an egoless unifier he is, and what an amazing job he's done at bringing the country closer together already.


Trump Bitched slapped All the pundits and liberals.


he's a gross man that won by the narrowest of margins; look where we stood when Obama ended his term and look where when the molester is out (hopefully sooner than later) and judge; our world reputation has already taken a huge hit; stock market is down; product prices soon to go up; he's a foolish, foolish man surrounded by idiots like bannon


Trump Bitched slapped All the pundits and liberals.

Yet all these pundits pushing false narrative still have their jobs.


I think the issue here is that John Oliver overestimated the intelligence and compassion of Americans.

If he'd spent more time hanging around @bobknight33 perhaps he'd have seem Trump coming.

Still waiting on a response, btw, Bob, I'll rephrase so you don't have to dig through my other comments. You once said Obama would destroy the United States; What specific examples can you point to which support that claim? By what metric was the US worse off at the end of his presidency?

Likewise, you claim Trump will be great for the country. What metrics can you point to which you believe will improve under his reign? Let's get some numbers down now so we can track his progress.

Lastly, when (and I do mean when) Trump fails utterly, will you admit you were wrong about him? What exactly would have to happen for you to admit you were wrong about Obama or Trump?


Wonderful collection. From a very serious perspective, it demonstrates the sense of entitlement, the lack of understanding, and the sheer contempt of the leftist media faction and "their party" for the concerns and challenges faced by a large fraction of our population. That nearly 50% of our population would vote for a bloviating buffoon like Trump says no less about their attitude toward the leftists preferred alternative than it does about their affection for Trump.


It was really more like 25% (about 1/2 of american didn't vote, and so only 1/2 of that 1/2 voted for Trump, so it's about 1/4 of the whole population).
Also a lot of the people voting from Trump were really anti-Hillary votes. So I think the number of people that actually want Trump is quite low.
So it's going to be a very interesting 4 years given that some 75% of the population didn't vote or care enough to vote for Trump.


Wonderful collection. From a very serious perspective, it demonstrates the sense of entitlement, the lack of understanding, and the sheer contempt of the leftist media faction and "their party" for the concerns and challenges faced by a large fraction of our population. That nearly 50% of our population would vote for a bloviating buffoon like Trump says no less about their attitude toward the leftists preferred alternative than it does about their affection for Trump.


Syria line in the sand? Obama pussed out.
Russian invasion of Ukraine. We were obligated to defend them. Obama pussed out.
Obama apology tour.
Obama has lowered our standing in the world.
Obama not securing our boarder.
Obama allowing sanctuary cities.
Yes Obama did destroy out standing and American values.

Trump is still in the beginning and time will tell. That being said His first 2 week were right on in making America first.
Trump starting his promise:
To build the wall.
Stricter controls on who enters America,
A good pick of Supreme Court nominee.
Started the process to dismantle the Un-Affordable Care Act.

I am a Cruze guy but he lost out. Will Trump fail Time will tell.
Stupid, fumbling at times sure but he is not dumb. Is he learning the political ropes sure.

He did beat out 16 professional politicians at their own game and then beat the opposite party. You have to hand him some smarts..

He won by listening to American heartland.


I think the issue here is that John Oliver overestimated the intelligence and compassion of Americans.

If he'd spent more time hanging around @bobknight33 perhaps he'd have seem Trump coming.

Still waiting on a response, btw, Bob, I'll rephrase so you don't have to dig through my other comments. You once said Obama would destroy the United States; What specific examples can you point to which support that claim? By what metric was the US worse off at the end of his presidency?

Likewise, you claim Trump will be great for the country. What metrics can you point to which you believe will improve under his reign? Let's get some numbers down now so we can track his progress.

Lastly, when (and I do mean when) Trump fails utterly, will you admit you were wrong about him? What exactly would have to happen for you to admit you were wrong about Obama or Trump?


I would agree that Clinton -Schultz mess did not help.
A better / closer race would have been Bernie VS Trump.
I think Bernie would have won over Trump.

Democrats put the wrong horse in the race.


Not all. When Clinton and Schultz stole the nomination, this "liberal" stated clearly and repeatedly that she had just handed the election to Trump....I would say Clinton and Schultz bitch slapped the as to the pundits, yes, and he's still rubbing their nose in it.
What an egoless unifier he is, and what an amazing job he's done at bringing the country closer together already.


Actually, at 1:38 that's Keith Ellison, a DFL congressman from MN. Interesting that the one dem shown getting it right is the sole Muslim in congress.


Trump Bitched slapped All the pundits and liberals.

Yet all these pundits pushing false narrative still have their jobs.


I actually agree with these two, and I was quite disappointed about both, but do you honestly believe Trump will stand up to Putin in similar circumstances?


Syria line in the sand? Obama pussed out.
Russian invasion of Ukraine. We were obligated to defend them. Obama pussed out.


We all underestimated how stupid and gullible Americans are.

Yes, let's elect a reality TV show host, someone who lost a billion dollars (in the casino business no less!), someone who has no self-awareness, no intellectual curiosity, a 70-year-old child who fights with comedians on Twitter, to be the president of the most powerful nation on earth. Idiots.

I'm sure those manufacturing jobs will be back any minute now... Will check back in a year.


Trump Bitched slapped All the pundits and liberals.

Yet all these pundits pushing false narrative still have their jobs.


This is a mindset of a child.

"Pussed out"? Presidents aren't the ones on the front lines. There's nothing courageous about sending other men to die.

But you know who really did puss out? Your boy Trump, when he dodged the draft. He was young, strong, and played football. But when it came time to serve... "boo, I have heel spurts!" Pussy.

And I thought we didn't want to start new wars... Or are we back on starting wars? With you right-wingers, every position changes with the wind.

And, out of all things, you wanted Obama to start an actual war with Russia??? Do you understand the calamity that a war with Russia would cause?

...And I thought your boy likes Putin and wants to restore relations... So Obama should've literally gotten us into a war with Russia, but Trump is great because he's tight with Putin and wants to restore relations? There's that flip-flopping from right wingers again... You people really don't think.


Syria line in the sand? Obama pussed out.
Russian invasion of Ukraine. We were obligated to defend them. Obama pussed out.


To be fair, we have an obligation to physically defend Ukraine. They gave up their nukes for our promise (by treaty) to keep their borders secure. It was Putin starting a war by invading them, we just walked away from our obligation to avoid war.
And no, I don't want war with Russia, but neither do they. If we had mobilized troops into Ukraine, I doubt the Russian invasion would have continued to expand, but even if it did come to war that's what we promised, we lose all future credibility if we don't keep our international obligations.


This is a mindset of a child.

"Pussed out"? Presidents aren't the ones on the front lines. There's nothing courageous about sending other men to die.

But you know who really did puss out? Your boy Trump, when he dodged the draft. He was young, strong, and played football. But when it came time to serve... "boo, I have heel spurts!" Pussy.

And I thought we didn't want to start new wars... Or are we back on starting wars? With you right-wingers, every position changes with the wind.

And, out of all things, you wanted Obama to start an actual war with Russia??? Do you understand the calamity that a war with Russia would cause?

...And I thought your boy likes Putin and wants to restore relations... So Obama should've literally gotten us into a war with Russia, but Trump is great because he's tight with Putin and wants to restore relations? There's that flip-flopping from right wingers again... You people really don't think.


It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so...


Ukraine was a NATO arrangement. That is a tough one. Probably not directly attack but use UN sanctions.

Syria line in the sand issue... If Trump was president at the time I think he would have acted in some sort.

Today Syria with Russia on its side. Hornets nest. But It wold be Boss to fly daily humanitarian flights and tell Syria / Russia not F with these flights or else ...


I actually agree with these two, and I was quite disappointed about both, but do you honestly believe Trump will stand up to Putin in similar circumstances?


Trump won't stand up to Russia. Trump is in bed with Russia.

He has to reward those who helped put him in the white house.


Ukraine was a NATO arrangement. That is a tough one. Probably not directly attack but use UN sanctions.

Syria line in the sand issue... If Trump was president at the time I think he would have acted in some sort.

Today Syria with Russia on its side. Hornets nest. But It wold be Boss to fly daily humanitarian flights and tell Syria / Russia not F with these flights or else ...


And you have the mind set of a fool.

Obama was a failure with no leadership on real issues
HE always lead from behind.

Trump is not afraid to lead.


This is a mindset of a child.

"Pussed out"? Presidents aren't the ones on the front lines. There's nothing courageous about sending other men to die.


Good one there! "I know you are but what am I?!"

Trump is not afraid to lead? What's he leading in exactly?

An idiotic, poorly thought out travel ban that won't help anything?

Mouthing off to our allies, making us look like idiots? (Mexico will pay for the wall... wait, maybe not, but they'll pay 20% tariffs.... well actually the Americans will be the ones paying... sounds like a solid plan everyone!)

Appointing unqualified cabinet members? Rick Perry for energy secretary.... the department he wanted to destroy... the department that he had no idea manages our nuclear stockpiles... the department whose previous leader under Obama was a nuclear physicist. It's now Rick fucking Perry.

The only thing he's leading in is in being the most embarrassing statesman this country has ever seen, arguing with celebrities on Twitter like a child. This moron was actually ranting about Schwarzenegger and The Apprentice ratings in his National Prayer Breakfast speech. All he had to do was just recite a short passage from the bible or something. But nope, not him. He needs to ask like a 12 year old.

We have a 70-year-old man, who also happens to be THE PRESIDENT, who can't control himself and act the part. He really has a few screws loose. There's no other explanation. But we did give him the nuclear codes! Yaay!

Leader - my ass. (Besides, it's Bannon leading him anyway.)


And you have the mind set of a fool.

Obama was a failure with no leadership on real issues
HE always lead from behind.

Trump is not afraid to lead.


Obama has 8 years to become a president and still failed Americans.

Trump has been in office 3 weeks-- sure he is on a learning curve but even with his mistakes he is off to a great start.


Good one there! "I know you are but what am I?!"

Trump is not afraid to lead? What's he leading in exactly?

An idiotic, poorly thought out travel ban that won't help anything?

Mouthing off to our allies, making us look like idiots? (Mexico will pay for the wall... wait, maybe not, but they'll pay 20% tariffs.... well actually the Americans will be the ones paying... sounds like a solid plan everyone!)

Appointing unqualified cabinet members? Rick Perry for energy secretary.... the department he wanted to destroy... the department that he had no idea manages our nuclear stockpiles... the department whose previous leader under Obama was a nuclear physicist. It's now Rick fucking Perry.

The only thing he's leading in is in being the most embarrassing statesman this country has ever seen, arguing with celebrities on Twitter like a child. This moron was actually ranting about Schwarzenegger and The Apprentice ratings in his National Prayer Breakfast speech. All he had to do was just recite a short passage from the bible or something. But nope, not him. He needs to ask like a 12 year old.

We have a 70-year-old man, who also happens to be THE PRESIDENT, who can't control himself and act the part. He really has a few screws loose. There's no other explanation. But we did give him the nuclear codes! Yaay!

Leader - my ass. (Besides, it's Bannon leading him anyway.)


i think we both have different ideas what "great start" represents.

i never understood this fascination with having a "leader",i want a "representative".

i can "lead" my own life...thank you very much.



You have to admit though, its fun to listen to bob already start to backslide. Last week it was a great start without any of the equivocation. Just the fact that he is acknowledging the mistake(S) in his short time in office means Bob has begun his long slow and very rough ride back to reality... ish.


sure he is on a learning curve but even with his mistakes he is off to a great start.

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