Christian Fundamentalist Pop: "God Hates Fags"


Through the song I kept waiting for the "SNL" or "MadTV" logo to come up...then I looked at the tag....

This evil shit's for REAL????!!!!!

Unbelievable. We can all feel safer knowing that this guy belongs to the same sect as the man who controls our military.

Upvote to show others why organized religions are failing.


He's totally gay. LOL. And yeah, I realize this isn't going to get many upvotes but the Fundamentalists drive me <ahref="">insane! Thanks, Daphne, you got the point.


Is this boy's mamma still alive???? Haven't even watched it but know what to expect....the man with 2 names strikes again...Moe Ron.

"Holy cock-ring Saint Peter??? Who is that poor soul, I didn't make him???!"
God loves fags, why would he not, he made Tobacco???

Why would anyone feel the need to sing about this shit anyway, and why would any Christian let music like this in their house???? God suffers imbeciles, glad SOMEONE else has that job!!!


Upvote for the dscussion. I was aware that there was this anti-gay attitude comming from some people, but good god, this is over the top. Besides, I'm pretty sure that this isn't going to get gay people to stop being gay. And the singer is the biggest closet case I have ever seen.


UGH! I'm sorry folks, but he does not need exposure. I see why you all want to give it a "psa vote", but he's getting free airtime.

He may have freedom of speech, but the crap he's saying can be ignored...and should be.


If this isn't a *comedy parody, then the guy's an obvious repressed homosexual...The mustache, pink shirt and lines like 'feel me with his love' & 'it's only a choice'? You don't need a qualification in Psychology to get this blip on GayDar!

Oh dear god, it's true! It's real?This guy's a pastor!

"Donnie Davies and the band Evening Service are releasing a great new hit, The Bible Says that captures the spirit of our ministry. Visit Donnie at [obvious URL] to learn more about our exciting young Pastor."


lol..."Comedy Channel"...that's good. I wish there was a "sad, pathetic, hate-monger" channel we could add him to.

A friend of mine was sent to one of those "de-gay your kids" programs by his parents. It's a very, very scary thing that such people exist. What's scarier is that those people fully believe they are doing the right thing.


Is god making the guitar play on it's own? This is like a Stone/Parker joke, ''to get to heaven there is no back door.......get down on your knees'' oooohhhh matron fill me with your love, no way


He's getting so much abuse he's pulled it from both youtube and myspace. I saw another user had uploaded it at myspace, but it's down, too. Maybe it'll show up tommorrow.


Let me point this out again: THIS IS REAL! It's not a satire or parody, as much as it blatantly feels like it! From the MySpace link (above):

This is a song called "The Bible says" by Evening Service. The scariest thing about this is thats its real, and serious. And check out the lamest attempt to make someone look like they can play guitar ever. Unbelievable. They even have a myspace, so go tell them your opinions :-)
Also, if you want confirmation; check out the URL given in the video (
Welcome to Love God's Way Ministries. We are so glad you have taken the time to come to our site. We hope you will browse though all the links and learn about all the programs we are starting. We are a Faith based Ministry with the goal of spreading God's Love through teaching and healing.


The Response has been overwhelming!
We certainly were not expecting this much attention. But don't get us wrong, we will use it responsibly. I've been trying to respond to each and every email, so be patient. We'll be putting up another video this evening addressing some of the issues we're facing.

All press interest please refer to: Publicity

We've done some of the phone interviews and will try and get to all of them. Thank you so much for your interest in our Ministry.
Peace be with you
Donnie D.
And what'e even better, they quote Oscar Wilde as a 'reformed homosexual' - when he was anything but! (he was actually sent down for buggary you retarded American fundamentalist fucks!) Plus, there's a hilarious (and highly inaccurate) 'Gay Bands' section with 'Morrissey(?questionable?)' listed!


"Some critics of CCM (Christian Contemporary Music) often discredit the music as too imitative of mainstream secular music, thus lacking originality. They say that with music so similar to the mainstream, it is a blatant attempt to be popular or relevant to the world. Others believe secular-sounding music to be unholy, and unfit for Christian themes - many Fundamentalist Christians take this position (For instance, Bob Jones University, prohibits its dormitory students from listening to CCM)." [link]

So this guy is a Rebel Fundie. Jeez. Wonder how long before he's on Fox News.


I think it's satire. Between the oddly sketchy list of "suspect" bands and the lyrics telling men to get down on their knees, I sense some leg-pulling.

I looked at the site, and I'm not convinced it's sincere, either. The design is too clean (and the code comments are too conversational and knowing about web standards and the like) to feel like a true amateur job. The clumsy homophobia of the song lyrics don't fit with the professional site at all. The random capitalization feels like literate people trying to disguise themselves.

They even quote from Rabbi Hillel on this page.

The full Hillel quote and more:

If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And when I am for myself, what am I? And if not now, when? (Pirkei Avot 1:14)

That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn. (Babylonian Talmud, tractate Shabbat 31a. See the ethic of reciprocity or "The Golden rule")


what maudlin said.

It is interesting that the only web sites that reference the man and his band are the ones created for the joke. One thing I know about Fundie Youth Minister Promise Keeper types, they leave their droppings all over the ChristianWeb.

Another good poker tell of the spoof is the 'Gay Bands' page on the website. Some funny anomalies like Jay-Z, Eminem (misspelled), Frank Sinatra (heh), and the best tell of all "Morrissey (?Questionable?)"

Donnie Davies is Tony Clifton is Donnie Davies. Upvote for pranksterism.


Their website is full of half truths. But nothing annoyed me more then this bullshit...:

"Suffering is one very long moment. We cannot divide it by seasons. We can only record its moods, and chronicle their return. With us time itself does not progress. It revolves. It seems to circle round one centre of pain."
--Oscar Wilde (reformed homosexual)"

Oscar Wilde was never a reformed homosexual.

He himself reffered to his sexuality as Socratic. Wilde and some within his upper-class social group also began to speak about homosexual law reform, and their commitment to "The Cause" was formalised by the founding of a highly secretive organisation called the Order of Chaeronea, of which Wilde was a member.

Wilde was arrested on April 6, 1895 at the Cadogan Hotel, London, and charged with "committing acts of gross indecency with other male persons" under Section 11 of the 1885 Criminal Law Amendment Act. Despite pleas by friends to flee the country, Wilde chose to stay and martyr himself for his cause.

Prison was unkind to Wilde's health and after he was released on May 19, 1897 he spent his last three years penniless, in self-imposed exile from society and artistic circles. He went under the assumed name of Sebastian Melmoth, after the famously "penetrated" Saint Sebastian, and has since become a gay icon.

Nevertheless, Wilde lost no time in returning to his previous pleasures. According to Douglas, Ross "dragged [him] back to homosexual practices" during the summer of 1897, which they spent together in Berneval. After his release, he also wrote the famous poem The Ballad of Reading Gaol. Wilde spent his last years in the Hôtel d'Alsace, now known as L'Hôtel, in Paris, where he was notorious and uninhibited about enjoying the pleasures he had been denied in England. Again according to Douglas, "he was hand in glove with all the little boys on the Boulevard. He never attempted to conceal it." In a letter to Ross, Wilde laments, "Today I bade good-bye, with tears and one kiss, to the beautiful Greek boy. . . he is the nicest boy you ever introduced to me." Just a month before his death he is quoted as saying, "My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or other of us has got to go."

Doesn't the Bible say "Thou Shalt Not LIE"? God hates liars too...


Fundamentalist are the reason I revoked my Catholic religion, I am homophobic, only because I was raised that way. But I have grown out of that fear some what.

A lot of people try to tell me that Rammstein is gay, and they are Nazis as well, and then I show them biographies, and video of Richard Kruspe with his Wife and daughter. Ive been told that the lead singer is gay as well, he is divorced from his wife, and has a daughter as well. Just because people embrace homosexuality does not mean that they are homosexual. It is a big thing in this world, and outlawing it is not going to solve any thing.

This is very childish of people, there is nothing to fear. If you are hit on by a person that is of the same persuasion, take it as a compliment and then politely tell them that you are not interested.

One who does not fear oneself then has no fear of others.
Therefore true people do not fear homosexuality.



THIS IS A JOKE. THIS IS SATIRE. And unfortunately, its doing a very good job of exposing a lot of prejudice on the other side of the coin.

Look at his website, the band website, and the URL at the lead-in of the video. They're all clearly done at the same time by the same designer just for the launch of the video. Its a sociological viral video experiment.

In this day and age you really need to polish your crap detectors to a glossy shine. This is a very well executed, funny parody...

FWIW... the originators of the "God Hates Fags" slogan (Westboro Baptist) is also a crock... they're not a church, but rather just a group of lawyers scamming America to stir up lawsuits (settlements, more to the point) and cash out. They have no affiliation to any kind of church, and they're winning.

There is a very organized (in this video's case, lighthearted; in Westboro's case insidious) attempt to prey on the prejudices of the anti-religious, and you're all getting fleeced, and making hilariously uninformed speeches in the process.

Know your real enemy. Lighten up and learn to laugh at things that are very clearly so absurd they aren't true.


I gave the site a lookover. It must be real... No satire. Christian rock is sooo contrived and clueless. I'm annoyed and embarrassed for them at the same time.

On the "Love God's Way" website, there is a section for parents. Note the list of bands that are good or bad for your gay child.

Kansas was a gay band? LOL. Oh yes..."Dust in the Wind" is sooo gay.

This is a sad site.


Having watched this - and looked at the website - I think this is probably a satirical piss-take poking fun at intolerant Christian gay-bashing. But just in case it's real I aint voting for it!


Maudlin and the rest of you, the website has all that conversational commentary on the code because it's the XHTML markup from the <a rel="nofollow" href=">CSS Zen Garden page. (For those of you not up on the Garden, it's a demonstration of the power of Cascading Style Sheets - a single XHTML file, remade to have remarkably different looks through the use of different style sheets. )

The Zen Garden keeps a list of all of the different pages created and submitted. I'm going to do some detective work, take a look through the different presentations and see if I can't dig up the one that this site came from. Either the Love God's Way site just ripped off the code, or it was made by the original designer. In any case, this might shed some light on the mystery.

I, for one, think this is just cleverly disguised satire.

Duh, I checked the CSS file and sure enough, it's a design by Cornelia Lange. You can see the original design here:


I had thought that it was possible that the site creators were using some public code, so thanks for confirming that, rembar. The Zen Garden doesn't come up in the first page for me on a Google search of "css templates" or "html templates", and it gets linked to from geek sites like A List Apart.

This still smells like a put-on to me.


I agree, Maudlin. This seems way too set up to be real.

(And the Zen Garden isn't a template site, only the CSS files are released under the CC license, not images or anything else.)

Interestingly enough, the Love God's Way site seems to be using the Zen Garden CSS and XHTML for the page design, but wiki software for the backend. A lesser person would be tempted to look for exploits in the wiki code to poke around and see what could be found. A lesser person.

It's satire.


I have to agree with the rest who said the gay band list is a dead givaway (metallica?) And the guy singing, a pink shirt and that tiny mustache + the lyrics "There is no backdoor into heaven" I highly doubt fundementalist would use a euphanism for anal sex in a song in the same line as heaven.


Interesting. I found Bolicki's video and have posted it (which is probably what he wanted to happen, right?)

If the fellow in that video is Bolicki, then he's put on a little weight. I've looked at some images at his Friendster page and he has cheekbones in them. (Although that profile shot does look a lot like "Donnie" early in the video.) If he's behind this, it's more likely that he hired an actor.


Yeah - did more research then checking on their sites and MySpace etc. - it's satire (sucked me & a couple others in!) Sorry for above, should have checked a bit deeper; but this level of crap Christian pop wouldn't surprise me too much!


God and Hates are two words that don't work together.

Actually "God" togheter with any emotion; hate, happy, angry, sad etc is a total self-contradiction, since God is supposedly omnipotent, he knows all, controls all, created all, so no reason or incentive to get pissed or happy about anything, yet the bible, in particular the old testament, God is full of these ungodly emotions.


That is true. Only not eluded to in Christian circles because it leads to logical deconstruction of existence of God. If God is all knowing and indeed has created time itself, it would mean that God knows everything that will happen.

Therefore if God knows everything that will occur, whether you repent sin or not doesn't matter because God would already have known your actions. So you may sin without regret.

So what's the point? If our fates are already written in stone there is no existence of free will.


Im a Christian and its people like this that make us look stupid and backwards. He hates sin, not the person who commits it.

Also Farhad look at it this way. He knows everything that will happen no matter what choices we happen to make. Imagine every single choice you make as a road leading in a seperate direction. This is how i believe God works.

Ill say this, God tells us to love everyone regardless of color, creed, religion, or social status. Its up to the people who claim to follow him to make the right choices. We have that choice because he cared enough to let us live our own lives, not force us into a role in a movie that has already been filmed.

The man in this video and anyone who believes like he does is going to hell. Hope the only christian you guys know are not these horrible people...

Edit: Satire like this is not funny. Shoulda read to the bottom of the page before posting. Comment still stands though.


Mgshadow, that's exactly what Farhad is talking about. Take the logical step in your traveling analogy. So we imagine every single choice you make as a road leading in a separate direction. God is omniscient, therefore he already knows what specific path you will take in your journey. Furthermore, God is omnipotent, AND he created you, which in combination with his omniscience means he created you knowing full well what path you would be taking. Thus,

==> God set you up to screw up.

P.S. Upvote, you godless heathens! Upvote!


it's true what the bible says
Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

I'm waiting for the sequels:

"god hates bacon"
Leviticus 11:7 And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.

"god hates lobster"
Leviticus 11:12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.

"God hates mixed breed cattle, small gardens and cotton-poly blends"
Leviticus 19:19 Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.

"god hates babies"
Psalm 137:9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

And the Christian Gangsta Rap
"god hates bitches on da rag"

Leviticus 20:18 And if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness, and shall uncover her nakedness; he hath discovered her fountain, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both of them shall be cut off from among their people.

anyone notice that riding the fudge tunnel and eating shellfish are both abominations?


The concept of hell is the major reason why religion is a nasty thing. If god hates sin and not the sinner, surly all people such go to heaven, and the sins go to hell. So many contrdictions. This is funny and does expose biggots. Great


It really is a satire??? Oh, thank gawd.

This is a brilliant joke. I love getting hooked in...this was a great find. Thanks, everyone who checked into it!


Tags for this video have been changed from 'the bible says, gay bashing, not a satire' to 'the bible says, gay bashing, not a satire, donnie davis' - edited by rasch187

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