Woman Accuses White Male of Stealing Her Cultural Hairstyle

Occurred at San Francisco State University on 3/28/2016. The woman accused the white kid of stealing her culture by wearing dreadlocks.

Also, for reference, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGgj9S8XO7k
Thanks, erik3579!

Changed the title in lieu of new information. I know the grabbing is really low on the scale of what constitutes as assault, but if a white male did the same to a black female the internet would burn down.

Also, you violate Penal Code 236 PC California's false imprisonment law when you restrain, detain, or confine another person without that person's consent. The kid could have filed charges, but I think he chose to just make her look stupid instead.


Title change i think is appropriate.

"The two individuals involved in the incident are not San Francisco State University employees."

but yea she's an idiot and will surely get hers now that this video is out there.


Soon we will start seeing signs popping up with a giant color swatch on it and pictures of various clothing and hair styles. They will say "You must be at least this black to wear these clothes or wear your hair in these styles".


This seems appropriate


Cultural appropriation has to be the most moronic idea to gain traction in all of human history. Big claim, I know, but consider this: Culture IS appropriation. If other people don't pick up on your ideas and make use of them, then you DON'T HAVE A CULTURE; that's how it spreads; that's the only way it can EXIST. It's also, hey, fundamental to our success as a species. Better put a stop to it then.

CA is literally a null concept. It's like accusing a mathematician of 'cumulative addition'.


I wonder what she would think about my friend's daughter. My friend is white, her husband is Indian, and her daughter had dreads when she was 12 for about a year. She looked pretty good with them.


This is shocking to me. I've been to the SFSU campus many, many times for work-related reasons and I even audited some classes there while attending a different school. The student population was incredibly diverse and pro-inclusive of pretty much everyone at the time. There was, in fact, a white girl with dreadlocks in one of my classes and no one batted an eyelash.

I mean, their student union is called Cesar Chavez Student Center and the main entrance to it is through Malcom X Plaza for chrissake. It's kind of unimaginable to me that something like this would take place there.

EDIT: missing letter


It's a bullshit term but i think it's just a sign of the times. There have always been moronic fads that gained traction with a certain type of person. Only now we exist in a time when these imbeciles are on the net broadcasting their gullibility and enthusiasm for buzz topics. Which means more people (and internationally) jump on the bandwagon and before you know it you have entire communities of insular, fact-resistant cliques (*cough*Tumblr*cough*), confirming each other's opinions in the perfect echo chamber.

It's as though they overhear a decent point about something, it gains popularity with others and they get a bit carried away in the furor of it all and black out. The next thing they remember is physically attacking and harassing some poor dude with dreadlocks, laughing at his discomfort and attacking someone peacefully filming it. Does she realise she was bullying someone? Is she laughing because she knows he's male and therefore can't physically defend himself from a female, allowing her to shove and grab him with impunity?

Exactly whose rights are being trampled on here? What kind of equality is she and her sidekick promoting?

bobknight33jokingly says...

And what demographic group it pushing this stupid agenda along with all the other stupid agendas?

So Black people have to be black and white be white. So this would also go for the way people dress. I'm not allowed to dress black? Black people are not allowed to dress white?

What happens when black Americans try to dress in African styles? Should Africans be pissed ?

But is it OK for black and whites to dress Asian?


No, it's just a very poorly implemented idea in today's culture. Cultural appropriation is real, but it's not just a question of copying someone else's style. There's obviously a problem when, for example, enormously talented black musicians develop new music styles and cultural expressions which are dismissed and marginalized until a white person takes after their styles and makes it acceptable to like them. If white people are given all the credit for jazz or soul or rock or blues or rap, it diminishes the rightful cultural accomplishments of some amazing musical pioneers. That's cultural appropriation because the powerful are unfairly appropriating all the benefits of the less powerful, original creators. If some 15-year old white girl wants to call herself a ratched ho and wear dreads, on the other hand, that's not appropriation, it's admiration. The problem arises when well-intentioned people forget to consider the power dynamic, and instead just translate 'cultural appropriation' into a series of racially permitted dress codes. Which is what the bully in the video was doing.


Cultural appropriation has to be the most moronic idea to gain traction in all of human history. Big claim, I know, but consider this: Culture IS appropriation. If other people don't pick up on your ideas and make use of them, then you DON'T HAVE A CULTURE; that's how it spreads; that's the only way it can EXIST. It's also, hey, fundamental to our success as a species. Better put a stop to it then.

CA is literally a null concept. It's like accusing a mathematician of 'cumulative addition'.


What does that mean. Why, exactly, can't he physically defend himself?

Of course you can hit a woman in the face....they have faces, don't they?


Is she laughing because she knows he's male and therefore can't physically defend himself from a female, allowing her to shove and grab him with impunity?


It's also worth noting that dreads have been a part of pot culture for at least 3 decades now. That's long enough that you can't actually deny it's a valid expression of that culture.

The mistake she's making is to assume that dreads are exclusive to black culture. As is pointed out in the video, the hair style has existed since recorded time. In fact, it's more accurate to say it represents carribean culture, so unless she was raised in that particular region, she would also be guilty of cultural appropriation of she wore dreads.

The bottom line is, no one can define someone else's culture or decide whose culture is valid. Cultures are fluid and evolving and cannot be constricted by anyone not immersed in that culture.

Oh wait! I meant to say, she's wearing a hooded windbreaker. She's clearly appropriating my eastern Anglo American culture.


Wait...isn't the mistake she's making that she thinks 'her culture' (which isn't really even hers) SHOULD be racially exclusionary and/or segregated?


It's also worth noting that dreads have been a part of pot culture for at least 3 decades now. That's long enough that you can't actually deny it's a valid expression of that culture.

The mistake she's making is to assume that dreads are exclusive to black culture. As is pointed out in the video, the hair style has existed since recorded time. In fact, it's more accurate to say it represents carribean culture, so unless she was raised in that particular region, she would also be guilty of cultural appropriation of she wore dreads.

The bottom line is, no one can define someone else's culture or decide whose culture is valid. Cultures are fluid and evolving and cannot be constricted by anyone not immersed in that culture.

Oh wait! I meant to say, she's wearing a hooded windbreaker. She's clearly appropriating my eastern Anglo American culture.


Let's see... If more and more people appropriate each other's culture, what would we lose?

Hmm... Everyone accepting each other's culture as having equal or even greater value to their own... Hmm...

Oh I know, we'd lose racism.


I'm also not sure that how your hair gets when you barely take care of it is part of anyone's cultural heritage. Every living human has ancestors who looked basically that way.


That's where arts like japanese jiu jitsu, aikido, hapkido and so on come in very handy.

When someone grabs you (AKA offers their hand to you lol), you just bend their hand in a way it's not supposed to bend and they'll be letting go very quickly

The best thing there is that you can apply the right amount of force that is necessary, and gradually increasing if required. If it's someone like this you would apply just enough to begin causing pain and allow them make up their mind. If they don't stop then you keep applying force until either they let go or they end up on the floor with a broken wrist/elbow/shoulder.

The other cool thing about that is, it works on people twice as big as you, because your body weight > the amount of strength anyone's joint has.


What does that mean. Why, exactly, can't he physically defend himself?

Of course you can hit a woman in the face....they have faces, don't they?


White dudes with dreads are the lamest of lames.

And this video as some sort of spark of outrage is hilarious. That dude was insanely obnoxious.

College kids getting in arguments: OMG INTERNET GOTTA TEACH SOMEONE A LESSON!!!!!!!


The way one choose to wear their hair is not lame. Judging others for the way they choose to wear their hair is SUPER lame.

I find it funny you think the guy minding his own business is obnoxious, but have nothing to say about the fuck that accosted him with her cultural appropriation nonsense(imo).

I do feel kinda sorry for her as she's probably gonna take an overwhelming amount of heat for her behavior. Guessing it will be a harsh lesson learned.


White dudes with dreads are the lamest of lames.

And this video as some sort of spark of outrage is hilarious. That dude was insanely obnoxious.

College kids getting in arguments: OMG INTERNET GOTTA TEACH SOMEONE A LESSON!!!!!!!


Yeah, white people with dreadlocks are still lame.

And I think they're both annoying, but they're college kids in an argument. This isn't some righteous "We must teach this woman a lesson for getting in an argument at college" situation.

This is the most overblown outrage over something that happens all the time and is minor. But hey, hope there's a nice view on your high horse.


The way one choose to wear their hair is not lame. Judging others for the way they choose to wear their hair is SUPER lame.

I find it funny you think the guy minding his own business is obnoxious, but have nothing to say about the fuck that accosted him with her cultural appropriation nonsense(imo).

I do feel kinda sorry for her as she's probably gonna take an overwhelming amount of heat for her behavior. Guessing it will be a harsh lesson learned.


trying to see your point on the dude being insanely obnoxious,and i just dont see it.

i do,however,see an incredibly self-righteous and smug chick attempting to bully pulpit her way into that dudes space.

now THAT,is insanely obnoxious.


He sure looks and sounds like every burn out at a phish concert I've ever known. Just a very annoying type of dude, in my experience.

But whatever, not like I feel like he needs to be "taught a lesson" or needs a "head check", like the floundering outrage in these comments.


trying to see your point on the dude being insanely obnoxious,and i just dont see it.

i do,however,see an incredibly self-righteous and smug chick attempting to bully pulpit her way into that dudes space.

now THAT,is insanely obnoxious.


Might wanna scan the horizon first for the kind of people who'd jump you for hitting a woman, even if she were stabbing you in the side and stealing your kidneys in broad daylight.


What does that mean. Why, exactly, can't he physically defend himself?

Of course you can hit a woman in the face....they have faces, don't they?

newtboyjokingly says...

Um yeah. People are lame. Race and hairstyle has little to do with it.

This isn't an argument, it's an assault and battery.

I guess there's probably not a good view there in your ignorance pit.


Yeah, white people with dreadlocks are still lame.

And I think they're both annoying, but they're college kids in an argument. This isn't some righteous "We must teach this woman a lesson for getting in an argument at college" situation.

This is the most overblown outrage over something that happens all the time and is minor. But hey, hope there's a nice view on your high horse.


Oh yeah, I'm well aware that defending yourself can easily turn into a scene from a 70's kung fu movie with multiple attackers going after you for defending yourself...no matter how out of control the female attacker may be. There are many dumb, sexist douchebags out there just itching for a fight. My point is, there's absolutely no legitimate reason you can't defend yourself against a woman who's attacking you physically....idiot douchebags don't count as 'legitimate reasons' to me, but I don't disagree they're a consideration. EDIT: That said...I don't think black Rick Astley there would give me much pause.

My brother knows even better than I, he was attacked by a random angry drunk girl on the street in Austin, she threw her drink on him and sucker punched him in the face out of nowhere, over nothing (according to him), he slapped her, and woke up 5 minutes later face down on the sidewalk with a missing tooth and a broken motorcycle helmet, some 'bro' (read 'brah') sucker punched him in the back of the head and beat him with his own helmet, then probably went home to rape the drunk girl.

That said...if a woman wants to act like her sex isn't an issue and start a physical confrontation with someone much larger, they deserve the debilitating beat down they get and their sex and/or size should not be an issue. That's the logical outcome of believing in equality of the sexes in the eyes of the law.


Might wanna scan the horizon first for the kind of people who'd jump you for hitting a woman, even if she were stabbing you in the side and stealing your kidneys in broad daylight.


i was just trying to see your point mate,nor am i outraged or looking for an opening to "give ya some of that fancy learnin".

you replied,and i appreciate that.
soooo.......thanks mate!


I don't think he really has a point. About all I got out of what he said was, he thinks white people with dreadlocks are "Lame", this guy reminds him of someone he doesn't like, and discussing this means we're all outraged, and floundering.
All of it is just his opinion and has nothing to do with what most people here were talking about.


i was just trying to see your point mate,nor am i outraged or looking for an opening to "give ya some of that fancy learnin".

you replied,and i appreciate that.
soooo.......thanks mate!


If you think the outrage expressed here is floundering and forced, you should imagine how we feel about your impotent, condescending reaction to our outrage. Please double check all harnesses and straps for safety before you parachute down from your own high horse. A horse so high your dismount could be sponsored by red bull.

What's funny is that you think being annoyed by Dreadlock Hitler is pathetic, but you're annoyed because the target looks like someone you don't like and listens to music you don't enjoy. I guess that's just fine, but we should all grow up!


He sure looks and sounds like every burn out at a phish concert I've ever known. Just a very annoying type of dude, in my experience.

But whatever, not like I feel like he needs to be "taught a lesson" or needs a "head check", like the floundering outrage in these comments.


"Value the fact we're mad about college kids arguing or you're wrong!"

Look man, they're both dumb. But I'm not getting all worked up and thinking someone needs to be taught a lesson over this. They're college kids making mistakes. Put down your pitchfork before you hurt yourself.


If you think the outrage expressed here is floundering and forced, you should imagine how we feel about your impotent, condescending reaction to our outrage. Please double check all harnesses and straps for safety before you parachute down from your own high horse. A horse so high your dismount could be sponsored by red bull.

What's funny is that you think being annoyed by Dreadlock Hitler is pathetic, but you're annoyed because the target looks like someone you don't like and listens to music you don't enjoy. I guess that's just fine, but we should all grow up!


Um......but one person's 'mistake' is wrongly verbally attacking a student over something she's absolutely wrong about and is none of her business anyway, and taking her ignorant outrage to the level of assault and battery repeatedly against multiple parties.
The other person's 'mistake' is wearing a hairstyle you don't like.
And it's the SECOND person you wanted to lambast and deride, while completely ignoring the former?

Can you not see how ridiculous that looks to those not sharing your minority, prejudiced view on white guys with dreads (that view apparently born from you attending too many Phish concerts)?

I think the only outrage came from you. No one is calling for her head, or saying she needs to be taught a lesson, or is even all that upset about it, they're simply stating the likely outcome(s) of being caught on video acting that way....in fact the person you snidely replied to actually said he felt sorry for her because of the likely terrible outcome for her, not that she needs to be taught a lesson.
It was you that started the 'white dudes with dreads are the lamest of lame' and 'hope there's a nice view on your high horse' kind of insulting outraged smugness. If someone disagreeing with you and saying so is picking up 'pitchforks', boy howdy are you in the wrong place. ;-)


"Value the fact we're mad about college kids arguing or you're wrong!"

Look man, they're both dumb. But I'm not getting all worked up and thinking someone needs to be taught a lesson over this. They're college kids making mistakes. Put down your pitchfork before you hurt yourself.

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