Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

This is why I wanted Pete to be the candidate. He was the smartest person in the race.

The chick on the left looks like she just swallowed a turd when they cut back from Pete.

And yeah, he should have been the nominee, but the DNC is averse to actually winning.


this should have been biden's second term
so tap down the 'woe we got joe' smack.

the dnc is loaded w/good candidates
any and all are better than the psychosis goldfish
but have to find the center to get what's left of the sane right.


the less-that-great pumpkin still draws 42%.

it's like half the population are 'not sees'.

they don't see his face, his hair, his bulk, his laziness, vileness, stupidity, carelessness, his micheal jackson lean-over-the-shoes posture, his every.f.n.day missteps and muck-ups.

they don't see the crimes he commits. the ineptitude. his band of bland. the sycophantic snails. the ooze of corruption. they don't see the devastation he is wreaking. or see they are the reason that spineless senators keep their daggers sheathed.

how is that? there are voluminous amounts of data available that show - imperial evidence - that don is a yugo of a president.

they don't see.

they are 'not sees'.


What they do see is, how all that stuff pisses off the Dems and then they orgasam.

Nice list.

Excuse my initial caps. Just a habit.


this should have been biden's second term
so tap down the 'woe we got joe' smack.

the dnc is loaded w/good candidates
any and all are better than the psychosis goldfish
but have to find the center to get what's left of the sane right.


the less-that-great pumpkin still draws 42%.

it's like half the population are 'not sees'.

they don't see his face, his hair, his bulk, his laziness, vileness, stupidity, carelessness, his micheal jackson lean-over-the-shoes posture, his every.f.n.day missteps and muck-ups.

they don't see the crimes he commits. the ineptitude. his band of bland. the sycophantic snails. the ooze of corruption. they don't see the devastation he is wreaking. or see they are the reason that spineless senators keep their daggers sheathed.

how is that? there are voluminous amounts of data available that show - imperial evidence - that don is a yugo of a president.

they don't see.

they are 'not sees'.


Lol. So sad Bobby.
12000 total died vs >210000 and rising fast expected to top 400000 before Biden takes office, and Trump's new plan if he is successful with his coup is to raise that to 8 million dead or more.
Swine flu is the flu, not even a bad one by the numbers, Covid 19 is not. Covid kills 1 in 33 infected, swine flu killed 1 in 5000, and didn't put 20% in the hospital.
Obama put out science based guidelines and warnings quickly, trump continues to lie and claim Coronavirus is less deadly than the flu, nothing, go out and get it.

Trump ignored warnings, trump ignored pandemic specialists and fired them, trump cut travel from China eventually, but only of Chinese, no quarantine for the 40000+ non Chinese he let come in from China, trump ignored the pandemic response plan, and claimed for 5+ months there wasn't one, Trump stupidly blames the last administration for his total lack of preparedness, but he had been president for three+ years when he even noticed, but he takes NO responsibility, not a leader's actions. Trump let 210000+ Americans die according to him to avoid people getting worried, and continues to give horrifically wrong and deadly advice from the Whitehouse now to avoid admitting his total failure to lead.....what a plan.

It sure is looking like a landslide, with Biden ahead double digits in every poll besides a few pro Trump internet polls open only to Republicans by non pollsters. It's so bad Trump is calling on Barr to prosecute Biden now....the problem being he doesn't know for what, and worse, the Republican Senate report already cleared Biden of ANY crimes....and accused every Trump official of lying during his impeachment, including trump himself who they confirmed WAS helped by Russia...remember, that country that put bounties on American soldiers that Trump ignores to this day? Your homeland.
Moscow's Emissary Governing America...no thanks, we tried that, it cost us trillions, tripling the deficit this year, and hundreds of thousands of lives.

Red tsunami, take me away.


It will be a landslide


You should just learn to keep your stupid mouth shut... Every time you post that crap it just makes you look really stupid, or maybe you are just blissfully ignorant... That seems to be most all of tRumps base...


It will be a landslide MEGA 2020


Your right! We need a feeble old racist in the white house.


You should just learn to keep your stupid mouth shut... Every time you post that crap it just makes you look really stupid, or maybe you are just blissfully ignorant... That seems to be most all of tRumps base...


You love pedophiles so much you must be one, supporting them every time (as long as they wear red hats).
So desperate, Bobski, but projection fails miserably when EVERYONE knows the facts, and those facts are only one candidate hollas at 11 year old girls in the mall, anxious to "date" them, only one lusted after their own 13 year old daughter, only one spent over a decade partying with known pedophiles, and only one is accused of raping children....and credibly so. That's Trump, not one accusation of any type of pedophilia against Biden, video and admissions by Trump of being attracted to little girls sexually galore.

So incredibly lacking in self awareness, a Trumpster trying to call Biden out on anything to do with morals or ethics, since Trump's are so low the Marianas trench is miles above, and Biden's record after decades of public scrutiny is spotless, one ridiculous, blatantly false accusation by a proven liar notwithstanding.


Pedophile Joe makes everyone gags..


Biggest job loss EVER by far, exponentially biggest GDP drop in history, biggest drop in average pay ever, and working towards the biggest loss of healthcare ever during the worst pandemic in living memory made far worse by lack of honest (or any) leadership. Great job. Thanks Trump.



MEGA Job maker.

Next 4 years will be even better.


That felt purposely worded to be ironic, which indicates bob is not, in fact, stupid. He (or they, perhaps) is clearly trolling, pretty much all the time. Not entirely sure why you bother engaging, he's shown zero interest in actually learning anything.


Derp. We have one now, brainless.


You would think so, but he wouldn't dare say something bad about uncle Donny.

I engage mostly not for him, but to counter the insanity he spews, because if no one does there will be people swayed by his uncontradicted nonsense. I feel it's important to counter disingenuous bullshit with some verifiable fact whenever possible.
It's clear he's not interested in truth or honesty as he's said clearly multiple times...and I believe he may be incapable of learning on top of having no desire.


That felt purposely worded to be ironic, which indicates bob is not, in fact, stupid. He (or they, perhaps) is clearly trolling, pretty much all the time. Not entirely sure why you bother engaging, he's shown zero interest in actually learning anything.


LOL. You realize you're using edited Fox clips, right? The channel you just said isn't trustworthy....the channel that in court argued they are so biased and untrustworthy that no sane person would believe them?
You realize you had to go back to LAST YEAR to find a clip of even them trying to cheerlead for Trump, right? I know you don't want 2020 to count, just ignore it, but so sorry, it happened, and Trump's lack of leadership erased and reversed any minor gains he had made (minor gains made at a much slower rate than under Biden/Obama).

Sorry Bob, nobody is going to ignore the multiple disasters trump caused in 2020, and most despised Trump in 2019 for being a liar, fraud, tax cheat, rapist, and blatant pedophile.


MEGA Job maker.

Next 4 years will be even better.


Sleepy Joe's own words.

Not edited nor out of context.


LOL. You realize you're using edited Fox clips, right? The channel you just said isn't trustworthy....the channel that in court argued they are so biased and untrustworthy that no sane person would believe them?
You realize you had to go back to LAST YEAR to find a clip of even them trying to cheerlead for Trump, right? I know you don't want 2020 to count, just ignore it, but so sorry, it happened, and Trump's lack of leadership erased and reversed any minor gains he had made (minor gains made at a much slower rate than under Biden/Obama).

Sorry Bob, nobody is going to ignore the multiple disasters trump caused in 2020, and most despised Trump in 2019 for being a liar, fraud, tax cheat, rapist, and blatant pedophile.


Thousands of Joe supporters in Arizona campaign stop.

Trump is is big trouble if crowds like this keep showing up.

Dems only hope is to cheat with mail in ballots.

MEGA land slide 2020


Bwaaahahaha. You are hilarious.

So daughter and little girls and employees and acquaintances and friend's wives forcible raping Donny quit, and mother lover Pence too, handing the job to Biden? Hate to tell you, it's Trump in the Whitehouse, genius.

Do you even know who the president is? Are you now claiming it's been Biden the last 4 years and that's why America has gone to shit? Lol. Nice try, your ilk might believe it.

Your plain stupid nickname isn't catching on...so sad. It's just a reminder of the disgusting woman abuser and daughter rapist Don is, and how bend over backwards ignorant Trumpists are to keep repeating baseless claims of PUBLIC abuse from a proven liar who made it up this year, not 12 years ago when he was elected VP or any time before or since. How much you wanna bet she was paid to make her accusation like so many others?
Keep it up, your like a constantly babbling commercial for Biden.


And his name is Finger Banging Joe Biden.


That's mother banging Pence's own sleepy words.....but I was talking about your mega job creator video from last December. You don't think people are WATCHING the ridiculous Trump commercials you keep posting, do you?!?

It bears noting that of those jobs some people have found in the Trump recession, 1/2 pay 50% or less than the job they lost to the Trump flu depression.

Also worth noting, the drop in poverty numbers are due mostly to democrats pushing for higher minimum wages, something Trump and republicans railed against, not due to anything he did.


Sleepy Joe's own words.

Not edited nor out of context.

newtboyjokingly says...

Biden supporters believe science and medical professionals and don't gather in crowds without masks....Only Trumpsters do that because your iqs are below 80 on average.


Thousands of Joe supporters in Arizona campaign stop.

Trump is is big trouble if crowds like this keep showing up.

Guess Dems will need to cheat with mail in ballots.

MEGA land slide 2020


The American people are watching and listening, not the the fake news but to what really is going all.

Trump will win in a land slide.

Keep pushing you elitist propaganda, no on is buying it except you blue cities.
Dems are cheating via mail in votes.


That's mother banging Pence's own sleepy words.....but I was talking about your mega job creator video from last December. You don't think people are WATCHING the ridiculous Trump commercials you keep posting, do you?!?

It bears noting that of those jobs some people have found in the Trump recession, 1/2 pay 50% or less than the job they lost to the Trump depression.

Also worth noting, the drop in poverty numbers are due mostly to democrats pushing for higher minimum wages, something Trump and republicans railed against, not due to anything he did.


All 8 of them?
Not enough to win 2020

Those below 80 are the from inner city people who democrats forgot, have provided shitty school system , high crime high dropout, leaving to low enrollment and lower IQ.


Biden supporters believe science and medical professionals and don't gather in crowds without masks....Only Trumpsters do that because your iqs are below 80 on average.


Yes they are, and that's why Biden is ahead by double digits.

Only if he cheats and gets republican governors to replace the vote with pro Trump electors.

Elitist? Lol. Bobby, my wife and I together make under $35000 a year, and live in a county with zero cities.... pretty damn far from elitist territory. Derp. So delusional.

No they aren't. 7 votes almost accidentally lost by one new poll worker who was instantly fired is hardly proof of cheating. What Trump said in the debate was 100% more lies and bullshit. Look it up.



The American people are watching and listening, not the the fake news but to what really is going all.

Trump will win in a land slide.

Keep pushing you elitist propaganda, no on is buying it except you blue cities.
Dems are cheating via mail in votes.


Keep telling yourself that. When Biden gets 15 million more votes, your world is going to self destruct, I hope you bought life insurance that covers suicide.


All 8 of them?
Not enough to win 2020

Those below 80 are the from inner city people who democrats forgot, have provided shitty school system , high crime high dropout, leaving to low enrollment and lower IQ.


If there are only 8 Biden supporters 1) what are you so afraid of and 2) you understand that mathematically that means there are only 5 Trump supporters, right?

(Side note, I noticed you conceded the elderly, historically one of the largest republican voting blocks, but you don't understand that means you just admitted you've already lost. Oopsie.)

No cities and few elderly in Humboldt, we'll probably be 85% Biden. So much for your theory that discounts most Americans. Oh...by "inner city people" you mean black people, they all have low IQs now. So 50's clan of you.

Um....do you now believe IQ is a measure of republican control? Lol...then why hasn't yours improved? Fyi, it's not a measure of your school district either.


All 8 of them?
Not enough to win 2020

Those below 80 are the from inner city people who democrats forgot, have provided shitty school system , high crime high dropout, leaving to low enrollment and lower IQ.


Lol. Nope.

Another case of massive voter fraud caught today, this time the actual Republican Party itself is installing FAKE drop boxes for mail in votes in unauthorized locations to trick people into handing their ballots to Republicans instead of the election board. No surprise, but a serious crime with 4 years in prison for each one, and there are many.

Voters, check with your elections board before using a drop box. Republicans are trying another ploy to rig the election and steal your votes through felony and fraud.

Isn't it funny how every false claim you make against Democrats is actually what Republicans have been caught doing, not Democrats? You should stop making these claims, they only go to show how criminal and infantile Republicans are now.

More Republican voter fraud, like all the rest. Look it up, Dmitry.
All vote fraud is Republican these days. Trump told you all to vote twice, and if you do he still wouldn't win. (Please do, every time a moron votes for Trump twice, Trump loses both of their votes and they get to enjoy prison.)



Dems are cheating via mail in votes.

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