Antifa Violence Finally Called Out by Media


Dear Bob.
When I write that antifa are asshats, imbecilic, moronic, and fascists, it means I don't support them. When I write they should be arrested, it means I don't support them. When I write the left should be louder about denouncing them and separating from them, it means I don't support them. When I write I don't support them, it means I don't support them. I know you read all those posts, you replied to each of them with some red herring or another.
Damn, Bob, you're really bending over backwards to ignore my CONSTANT denouncement of antifa so you can try your hardest to deflect from the violent alt right Nazis and KKK you keep defending as peaceful protesters, even as you post video of them shooting and driving into crowds of women and children.

Damn, Bob, you just aren't capable of living in reality. Try it, it's nice here.

Edit: OK, got me. I'm sure you're just trolling out of frustration now. You cannot possibly be that dumb.



Even the media agrees that ANTIFA is off the hook violent Fascist. For Morning Joe to go Anti ANTIFA that saying a lot.

Damn Newt you are on the wrong side gain. BOOM.


Even the media agrees that Nazis and KKK are off the hook violent fascists. For Trump to go anti KKK, that saying a lot.

Damn Bob, you are on the wrong side...still, still standing with David Duke. Boom.

(The difference being you actually do defend the Nazis and the kkk and call them peaceful, I have never once defended antifa or lied about them being violent thugs.)



Even the media agrees that ANTIFA is off the hook violent Fascist. For Morning Joe to go Anti ANTIFA that saying a lot.

Damn Newt you are on the wrong side gain. BOOM.


Bob, the people you're trying to either defend or deflect attention from are fucking cunts, end of story. I understand that people are being driven to the far right (leftist violence and impingement on free speech predated Trump and the rise of the alt right, and has a lot to do as a causal factor for both), and that certainly not everyone heading to that end of spectrum are awful, but anyone preaching racial purity, resisting the white genocide etc have lost the fucking plot. There is no right side apart from condemning all illegal violence and upholding free speech.

Newt, you pontificate about how even handed you've been, but where are the hosts of videos showing antifa violence? Where are the upvotes for this video? I've been considering putting some of them up not as a mitigation for the actions of the right, but to show that polarisation and extremism is no good for anyone, but I was almost entirely sure they wouldn't sift in the slightest. Given this vid has been up for 9 hours and has 1 vote (mine), the theory seems to hold water...

Meanwhile, Arnold's tirade against nazi's is top sift of the week. Not that he was wrong of course, but anyone with five minutes and a willingness to be open minded can find endless unbiased documentation of leftist violence, something he completely omits to mention. He talks about the nazi's rotting in hell, how about Stalin's communists (which antifa models itself off...)?

Sift is leftward leaning and that's cool, I generally agree with a lot of sensible ideas that people around here are for. But it has it's own bigotry against people expressing views that aren't in lockstep with the majority view, and members certainly aren't afraid to punish people for not toeing the line.

And one of my favourite quotes as an advocate for free speech no matter how awful or confronting it might be...

"The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all."

H. L. Mencken


My Upvote for this video was lost with the comment that totally wrongly put me on their side. Past that, anything posted by Bob that begins by calling itself "no bullshit" is clearly going to be pure bullshit, so I didn't waste another 10 minutes watching his bullshit. I've been watching the media call out antifa since they first appeared in Berkeley....what Bob calls the left media, so he failed on the basic premise and fails on honesty before I watched a thing.
Bob does just fine posting anti antifa videos, and when they're honest, I Upvote them. Look close, I've posted anti antifa videos. They're moronic fascists I rebuke and denounce at every turn, but Bob ignores that because he cannot accept or understand that someone left of him isn't actually in antifa, so clearly we must all be supporters of the group we call fascist criminal morons. Just yesterday I posted at least 3 comments denouncing antifa extremely strongly, all replied to by Bob, only to have him forget it all instantly so he can say I'm in antifa. What a moron, that only makes him look incapable of reading, it doesn't make me a fascist.

Bob has every right to post what he likes (within the rules). He doesn't have a right to post insane bullshit without contradiction. What he often posts is not factual, but is pure fantasy. That will be contradicted. For instance, his conflation of me and antifa, even after reading how I decry them at every turn as idiotic fascists...Typical Bob stupidity that only reflects on him. He should stop that, but he can't.


Bob, the people you're trying to either defend or deflect attention from are fucking cunts, end of story. I understand that people are being driven to the far right (leftist violence and impingement on free speech predated Trump and the rise of the alt right, and has a lot to do as a causal factor for both), and that certainly not everyone heading to that end of spectrum are awful, but anyone preaching racial purity, resisting the white genocide etc have lost the fucking plot. There is no right side apart from condemning all illegal violence and upholding free speech.

Newt, you pontificate about how even handed you've been, but where are the hosts of videos showing antifa violence? Where are the upvotes for this video? I've been considering putting some of them up not as a mitigation for the actions of the right, but to show that polarisation and extremism is no good for anyone, but I was almost entirely sure they wouldn't sift in the slightest. Given this vid has been up for 9 hours and has 1 vote (mine), the theory seems to hold water...

Meanwhile, Arnold's tirade against nazi's is top sift of the week. Not that he was wrong of course, but anyone with five minutes and a willingness to be open minded can find endless unbiased documentation of leftist violence, something he completely omits to mention. He talks about the nazi's rotting in hell, how about Stalin's communists (which antifa models itself off...)?

Sift is leftward leaning and that's cool, I generally agree with a lot of sensible ideas that people around here are for. But it has it's own bigotry against people expressing views that aren't in lockstep with the majority view, and members certainly aren't afraid to punish people for not toeing the line.

And one of my favourite quotes as an advocate for free speech no matter how awful or confronting it might be...

"The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all."

H. L. Mencken


Ok, you got me to watch...up until he said "this time it's been a lot harder for the media to defend the far left and antifa without any fake nazis". There's so much bias in this it's lost any meaning or point it might have had. Your prodding earned it my downvote.

EDIT: Also, his third sentence is a pure lie, the patriot prayer protest was officially canceled, no longer permitted, and those that showed up anyway were only there to attack the lefties, which they did wearing armor and swinging clubs as they rushed into the crowd, they were NEVER peaceful, they were intentionally provocative and violent so they could show us all how violent and out of control the left is with their response, and so they could get a few good licks in on some libtards. It didn't work out like they hoped, though, some of those snowflakes hit hard.


Newt, you pontificate about how even handed you've been, but where are the hosts of videos showing antifa violence? Where are the upvotes for this video?


@Asmo, ok, here's your video of antifa violence, I've spotted one that is in that crowd of women and children shooting a short flame in the direction of the Nazis, met with greater, deadly Nazi gun violence and "just die nigger"....Thanks Bob for finding this video....even though oddly he couldn't point out the antifa in that crowd.

This video was also not released by the media, I guess you would say that's to protect the antifa being shot at from responsibility, not the right wing nazi?
I take a more reasoned approach and believe it was withheld to 1) not incite more violence 2) protect the police's already badly tarnished reputation from those saying they caused the violence by doing nothing and 3) help the police investigate without the guilty parties going into hiding.



Yay, at least you bothered to watch the video.

And yes, No Bullshit's channel is loaded with a lot of biased opinions as he leans significantly to the right. But you'd be hard pressed to argue that, despite this particular video not making the mainstream air, that the coverage has shown the depths both sides have plunged to. Australian coverage has been downright blinkered at this point, there is no violence on the left at all and it's all nazi's killing folks... /eyeroll

So instead, you could look at channels like Sargon's, who, despite being constantly labelled as an alt right dickhead, is generally slightly left of center but who calls out violence where/when ever it happens.

I've seen a lot of shit in burrowing in to this, from a lot of sources on both sides (and people who try to be objective). Objectively, if you show up in black masks with pre-bagged shit, urine, fireworks and glass bottles, weighted sap gloves, bike locks and pepper spray combined with a clear message that it's okay to attack "nazi's" who's crime is expressing their admittedly vile ideology, you're not a good person.

Red shirts vs brown shirts, Wiemar Germany pre-WWII anyone?

You can try to make this about me ('ermagerd, you caused me to downvotes the video'), but you've admitted you didn't even watch the vid. At least I gave it a fair hearing, and while I do certainly admit the videos maker has an agenda, it is still documenting what is going on out there. Turn off the fucking voice track if you're too much of a snowflake to hear commentary you don't agree with, but the footage is damning...

As for Bob, I've been fairly unequivocal in the past about his line of deeply partisan BS and the veiled racism he espouses. As per the Ruins Everything sift up ( atm about arguing and how it generally reinforces opinions, do you think that you two haranguing each other constantly (or even you and I) is going to accomplish anything other than entrenching the other side? \= |


Ok, you got me to watch...up until he said "this time it's been a lot harder for the media to defend the far left and antifa without any fake nazis". There's so much bias in this it's lost any meaning or point it might have had. Your prodding earned it my downvote.

EDIT: Also, his third sentence is a pure lie, the patriot prayer protest was officially canceled, no longer permitted, and those that showed up anyway were only there to attack the lefties, which they did wearing armor and swinging clubs as they rushed into the crowd, they were NEVER peaceful, they were intentionally provocative and violent so they could show us all how violent and out of control the left is with their response, and so they could get a few good licks in on some libtards. It didn't work out like they hoped, though, some of those snowflakes hit hard.


I try to not speak about things I don't know about.
I try to avoid "news" like this that's so clearly biased, on any 'side'. They tend to skew and ignore facts to make a political point. A good test is if they can't refrain from childlike name calling.

I can't speak for down under, here, we see "both" sides (and I still strongly deny that the antifa people are really on the left, because fascism is not a politically left philosophy, and they are fascists) acting outrageously.

EDIT:That said, only one group has actually killed so far, and only one group has fired guns into crowds of women and children so far, and that side stands firmly with the right, and the right has so far stood with them, calling them peaceful protesters that only defended themselves from antifa. I have yet to hear of a single democratic representative say antifa are good people, or peaceful protesters, the right however has made that a mantra about the alt right, Nazis and KKK.

Hmmmm...I had to look up've got to be kidding...he's slightly LEFT OF CENTER?!? You are absolutely bat shit nuts. He's clearly, firmly far right. It didn't take me 5 minutes to be sure.
HAHAHA!!!! You start by giving me credit for watching it, then berate me for not watching it. I gave it a total fair hearing, and it took no time at all for it to show it's colors as totally hyper biased far right Nazi apologist bullshit.

Again, only the right wing media is claiming that main stream media is hiding antifa criminality. It's clearly being shown here, and they are called out for the violent idiots they are constantly, but if the right acknowledged that, they might have to deal with the Nazis and KKK and alt right on their 'side' (and sadly, they can't denounce them as easily since they clearly courted them in the election, unlike the left and antifa)
I have absolutely zero need to watch such tripe to be informed. Here, coverage isn't one sided, no matter what Bob and Hannity tell you.

I have no doubt that my arguments fall on deaf ears with Bob, but I can give other readers another rational point of view, denounce debunked fabrications, point out information that's intentionally omitted, and point them towards verifiable sources rather than opinion pieces masquerading as news. They are the minds I hope to reach, Bob's is closed, as, I'm starting to think, is yours.


Yay, at least you bothered to watch the video.

And yes, No Bullshit's channel is loaded with a lot of biased opinions as he leans significantly to the right. But you'd be hard pressed to argue that, despite this particular video not making the mainstream air, that the coverage has shown the depths both sides have plunged to. Australian coverage has been downright blinkered at this point, there is no violence on the left at all and it's all nazi's killing folks... /eyeroll

So instead, you could look at channels like Sargon's, who, despite being constantly labelled as an alt right dickhead, is generally slightly left of center but who calls out violence where/when ever it happens.

I've seen a lot of shit in burrowing in to this, from a lot of sources on both sides (and people who try to be objective). Objectively, if you show up in black masks with pre-bagged shit, urine, fireworks and glass bottles, weighted sap gloves, bike locks and pepper spray combined with a clear message that it's okay to attack "nazi's" who's crime is expressing their admittedly vile ideology, you're not a good person.

Red shirts vs brown shirts, Wiemar Germany pre-WWII anyone?

You can try to make this about me ('ermagerd, you caused me to downvotes the video'), but you've admitted you didn't even watch the vid. At least I gave it a fair hearing, and while I do certainly admit the videos maker has an agenda, it is still documenting what is going on out there. Turn off the fucking voice track if you're too much of a snowflake to hear commentary you don't agree with, but the footage is damning...

As for Bob, I've been fairly unequivocal in the past about his line of deeply partisan BS and the veiled racism he espouses. As per the Ruins Everything sift up ( atm about arguing and how it generally reinforces opinions, do you think that you two haranguing each other constantly (or even you and I) is going to accomplish anything other than entrenching the other side? \= |


...."Bob ignores that because he cannot accept or understand that someone left of him isn't actually in antifa, so clearly we must all be supporters of the group we call fascist criminal morons...."

You know Trump denounces all Violence in Charlottesville and he is labeled as a NAZI lover for not just condemning the Nazi there.

David Duke and the klan put their support towards Trump and the left / you promote Trump a klan lover.

Then the leftest media / ANTIFA BLM all push the noise that IF trump is a NAZI lover then his supporters are NAZI lovers.

The pot is calling the kettle black.


Trump qualified his extremely late condemnation of Nazis. My condemnation of antifa is without hesitation (called them thugs day one in Berkeley with Milo), reservation or qualification.

Trump accepted Duke's support for months before being forced to weakly say ' ok, I denounce him, ok?' and his platform essentially was a Duke wet dream.
The left denounces antifa unreservedly and constantly (to your deaf ears) .

I'm not the media, don't put their alleged words in my mouth. I clearly gave the right/republicans credit for finally saying they don't stand with Nazis and don't want their vote...a few weeks ago. Too bad Trump can't follow suit and denounce them without qualification or spreading blame....but he seems incapable of that when it comes to Nazis and racists...but not when it comes to Muslims or Mexicans.


...."Bob ignores that because he cannot accept or understand that someone left of him isn't actually in antifa, so clearly we must all be supporters of the group we call fascist criminal morons...."

You know Trump denounces all Violence in Charlottesville and he is labeled as a NAZI lover for not just condemning the Nazi there.

David Duke and the klan put their support towards Trump and the left / you promote Trump a klan lover.

Then the leftest media / ANTIFA BLM all push the noise that IF trump is a NAZI lover then his supporters are NAZI lovers.

The pot is calling the kettle black.


Moving this video to bobknight33's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.

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