Highbrow Antics of a Cat! (3 seconds)

3 seconds of a cat farting. An amazing contribution to the betterment of society.

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008 11:43am PDT - promote requested by original submitter blankfist.


Are you speaking of the unwritten rules of decorum in the forum, or something burned into stone tablets by God's left pinky???No blankfist, it was not abuse of power.....It was exercising the same freedom it took to post it-I did offer to reinstate this after all the belly-achein'-
Call it civil disobedience....or maybe I'm simply an asshole.....or maybe, this is unconditional love-or perhaps, what you and I both see, is a reflection of each other-*sniff.....


>> ^choggie:
maybe I'm simply an asshole

Hit the nail on the head with that one. Discarding somebody else's video just to be an asshole is never cool, chogs. I've said it to you before, and I'll say it to you again, Videosift is not your private playground, and as a whole, nobody gives a flying shit about your coke-head opinion.

edit: upvoting it almost makes up for discarding it in the first place, but you're still a dick.


Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Friday, April 25th, 2008 2:42am PDT - promote requested by JAPR.


Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Saturday, April 26th, 2008 3:15pm PDT - promote requested by JAPR.


You may all 3 of you circle-jerkers, (cept for gwizz, because I know nothing of you )get together after hours with your poor form, your sophomoric banter and content contributions, and kiss my natural white ass....


Take it up with the admins, tattle and fret ya panty-knots, rather than deal with yourselves with mirrors......
JAPR, you have been on the shitlist since you reared-No it's not my fucking personal playground.....freewills' a motherfucker-


Notice it's a request and not a command motherfuckers.....now feel free to have it reinstated by someone with understanding and sympathy for your conditions.....


Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Monday, April 28th, 2008 6:29pm PDT - promote requested by choggie.


Anyone else think JAPR needs his punk-ass kicked??? We have had issue in the past, he knows not of what he ejaculates.....ever-Have him read you the pm banter we shared a few days back, nay, how bout posting it for all yer little friends to see JAPR, we were both in true form, eh???

Go back upstairs to mommy's part of the house little boy.....she's done washing your work clothes.....


Please do, cocksucker....if you'd like, I can reduce all responses to you in youtube speak, in order for you to grasp the meaning-Now....why don't you get together with a group of sympathetics, and mount a campaign-that way, the entire tribe of roaches hatched from the common egg-cask may be burned alive of their own accord.....Better yet, this piece of shit is a great place to do it....let me help you-

re-reading last night's rant-
"My "lame-ass" accurate comment you mean. Wah, I don't think that your little dancers are a real martial art, and are therefore retarded. Boohoo, choggie. Seriously, nobody cares."

See.....somebody cares-I care, so you must be the nobody that does not-you really are a dim motherfucker, and freely admit it-please don't push my fucking buttons again....asking you nicely, you fucking moron.

now we're getting somewhere.....so, yer subjective assumptions aside, you have some beef in general with the flavor of my comments as they relate to your posts?? Dude, how many ways can I tell another in confidence, that it is the cut of the jib I dislike, withour having them take it like a bitch???

No, the sift is not mine, but you come to my personal space, and piss in a similar way that you do in public.....I'd love to be able to see you on some street somewhere, in some town I don;\'t live in....do you get it??
Piss the fuck, way off, please, kind sir.....and have the last word if you will..??...but have a fucking last dose of me, unless we meet on some, auspicious, fantasy occasion, where you pay less attention to me, and more to your own bullshit.....I have to..Why shouldn't you???

That's rhetorical, dumbfuck. Amscray from my personal space, and we can all comment as we please in public.....this long-winded method of telling you you don't know what the fuck about martial arts, brought to you by, fuck off-

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
choggie, the only suffering i'm getting is from trying to read your garbled english and make enough sense out of it to get the gist of what you're attempting to say. if you're going to be a dick, expect to receive in kind, that's all there is to it. videosift doesn't belong to you, and i could care less what you think about me or anybody else on this site. i'll post a comment if i feel like it, and you can just go bawl in the corner if it doesn't sit right with you.

or, alternately, you can be just as immature as that and post telling me to shut up or not look at your videos. either way, i don't really care, it doesn't bother me one bit.

cheers. hope you learn english properly someday.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
and he must suffer, yet another reply, ....ad infinitum-

japr, really, did you not get the message, if you have butt-fuck to say, say it not around me-i suffer bullshit like you, only if you show yerself to be recalcitrant or interesting, otherwise, i summed you up proper the first few days you showed up.....how do you say it ....nice?
Help me out here, please-
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
My "lame-ass" accurate comment you mean. Wah, I don't think that your little dancers are a real martial art, and are therefore retarded. Boohoo, choggie. Seriously, nobody cares.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
not really about agreeing or disagreeing...s'about yer lame-ass, par for the course comment
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
lol ITT we whine when somebody disagrees with how cool a video is. I didn't even downvote it, so quitcherbitchin.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
dude??....yer a cock....or perhaps, do you need some hugs????

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Oh god choggie, get over it.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
watch me fuck a monkey jumping manic inna cage.....how bout keeping yer silly-ass away from my posts, published or un....?
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Watch the silly little acrobats at play!

I don't even understand what you're trying to say in this one:
In reply to this comment by choggie:
fuckin' cretin, my favorite song!!!


c'mon chogglesworth, you don't need to be actin' a fool just to prove you don't like something. We have devices to convey this statement, like downvoting. If enough of the community doesn't like it, it gets discarded. You're actions have probably been counterproductive to your desired outcome because you may have drawn some spite votes which are just as bad (if not worse) than pity votes.

Either way, I agree this video was kinda whack, but we gots to follow SOP, especially as mentors to the probie folk that be a lurkin'.


I'm mainly just a consumer of this site, I've posted a few movies, but I typically come for viewing. That said, I read comments mostly because people have something informative, witty or funny to say. Not sure who Choggie is, but his/her behavior in this thread is unappreciated. They come across as rude, excessively vulgar and childish. I don't see how Choggie is contributing to the community here at all. In fact it's counter-productive.

I don't mean to add to the drama here... I just don't think any of this was necessary at all. What can I say? ...I'm just not a fan of offensive people. Be cool.


Choggie has contributed to this community...a lot. Despite him usually being abrasive and only semi-coherent in his ramblings, the sift wouldn't be the way it is without him. He's earned an unspoken right to fly off the handle every now and again, but still, nobody deserves to have to be bullied around...


You're just an asshole most of the time Choggie. Fuckin' check yourself.

I agree with others who feel you must be a major cokehead, or do a lot of fucking NyQuil or something.

That being said, this post is retarded and I downvoted it.


seriously...let's lay off the personal attacks. All of us.

Let me put it into perspective for you all:

-This is a website for posting and viewing videos that are all over the internet
-This is a 3 second clip of a cat farting

If these things cause one to become enraged at all, then they need to be reintroduced to reality for a bit because they're taking thins thing WAY too seriously. That goes for everybody here.

...now who needs firewood, I need to get rid of this soapbox.


yer right bakalex, this never happened, ignore and play nice....
Fuck that-
*discuss until you come
-how choggie deals with assholes-he must be on cocaine, (fuck everyone who suggests that)-more than one user asked me the question of all this, "why bother".....can't say why not just yet, perhaps I give a fuck-


There's no danger in this video even ranking in the top 1000, and it's pretty much tripe. But the, uh, spirited conversation in here on the other hand reminds me of the kind of thing you hear at family gatherings. Ahhhh. Community!


Now with links included so people can see just what stemmed it, and it's easier to follow. Seriously choggie, just because I think "push hands" is ridiculous bullshit doesn't mean you had to have been an ass about it.

edit: lol I like how you left out my last post from your summary.

This my just be the internet, but you can be sure that you'll get back in turn when you're a dick to people.

That said, this whole situation is hilarious.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
re-reading last night's rant-
"My "lame-ass" accurate comment you mean. Wah, I don't think that your little dancers are a real martial art, and are therefore retarded. Boohoo, choggie. Seriously, nobody cares."

See.....somebody cares-I care, so you must be the nobody that does not-you really are a dim motherfucker, and freely admit it-please don't push my fucking buttons again....asking you nicely, you fucking moron.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
thanks for letting me.....

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
I have no beef with your comments on my posts, but you seem to have a beef with mine on yours. My comment was not an insult directed at you, but rather a statement expressing my amusement at the video. I think what you don't realize is that videos you post here are not your "personal space," so you shouldn't flip out when somebody comments unfavorably on it. Let's all just grow up and move on. I'll let you respond to this, but I'm done spending my time talking to you about such a trivial matter.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
now we're getting somewhere.....so, yer subjective assumptions aside, you have some beef in general with the flavor of my comments as they relate to your posts?? Dude, how many ways can I tell another in confidence, that it is the cut of the jib I dislike, withour having them take it like a bitch???

No, the sift is not mine, but you come to my personal space, and piss in a similar way that you do in public.....I'd love to be able to see you on some street somewhere, in some town I don;\'t live in....do you get it??
Piss the fuck, way off, please, kind sir.....and have the last word if you will..??...but have a fucking last dose of me, unless we meet on some, auspicious, fantasy occasion, where you pay less attention to me, and more to your own bullshit.....I have to..Why shouldn't you???

That's rhetorical, dumbfuck. Amscray from my personal space, and we can all comment as we please in public.....this long-winded method of telling you you don't know what the fuck about martial arts, brought to you by, fuck off-

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
choggie, the only suffering i'm getting is from trying to read your garbled english and make enough sense out of it to get the gist of what you're attempting to say. if you're going to be a dick, expect to receive in kind, that's all there is to it. videosift doesn't belong to you, and i could care less what you think about me or anybody else on this site. i'll post a comment if i feel like it, and you can just go bawl in the corner if it doesn't sit right with you.

or, alternately, you can be just as immature as that and post telling me to shut up or not look at your videos. either way, i don't really care, it doesn't bother me one bit.

cheers. hope you learn english properly someday.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
and he must suffer, yet another reply, ....ad infinitum-

japr, really, did you not get the message, if you have butt-fuck to say, say it not around me-i suffer bullshit like you, only if you show yerself to be recalcitrant or interesting, otherwise, i summed you up proper the first few days you showed up.....how do you say it ....nice?
Help me out here, please-
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
My "lame-ass" accurate comment you mean. Wah, I don't think that your little dancers are a real martial art, and are therefore retarded. Boohoo, choggie. Seriously, nobody cares.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
not really about agreeing or disagreeing...s'about yer lame-ass, par for the course comment
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
lol ITT we whine when somebody disagrees with how cool a video is. I didn't even downvote it, so quitcherbitchin.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
dude??....yer a cock....or perhaps, do you need some hugs????

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Oh god choggie, get over it.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
watch me fuck a monkey jumping manic inna cage.....how bout keeping yer silly-ass away from my posts, published or un....?
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Watch the silly little acrobats at play!

I don't even understand what you're trying to say in this one:
In reply to this comment by choggie:
fuckin' cretin, my favorite song!!!


I do not care in particular about this video, I just find Choggie's off the cuff * discard distasteful, because he sets his views in front of the rest of us. The community should decide if the video should get out of the queue or not, not any individual. If you don't like it, you can downvote. You don't just discard - that's what dicks do.


Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Tuesday, April 29th, 2008 8:53am PDT - promote requested by kronosposeidon.


It's been sorta boring around here for a little while. Let's say we Siftquisitiontm Choggie and * ban him for disgusting virulations. It's what he wants anyway.


^Aww, let's make it a big ole' an anti-ballistic hug-bombing all around! Everybody think of a compliment...

-Choggie - you have really nice eyelashes.
-Japr- Nice punctuation!
-Blankfist- you silly confounder, you!


LOL at the irony of the highbrow tag and the rapid downward spiral of the comments here. Who knew a vid of 3 seconds of a cat farting would cause such a commotion?


Let BF decide and we'll go with his decision....it's obvious he thinks this (he)is so goddamn important to want to kick,scream, whine and cry with his buddies....



fuck it.....nice post motherfucker, though this really isn't about breaking rules-it's about one man's inability to engage another in reasonable discourse to come to some amicable situation-I am sorry the rest of the users on this site had to get involved

Fuck you blankfist, and your little pals-I am still willing to get over this and never go to bed angry or with a stick up my ass, but I won't play games with you anymore-You have conducted yourself like a real douchebag so far.....keep it up-


Choggie, you were the second one to vote for it? I don't understand or maybe I'm just dizzy from whirling around between sifttalk, the queue, and Blankfist's discard pile.


>> ^choggie:
this really isn't about breaking rules-it's about one man's inability to engage another in reasonable discourse

This is exactly how I see it as well.

In fact, if we just quickly refer to here and here it's quite easy to see exactly how unreasonable you've been throughout this and previous instances. You can accuse others of being unreasonable all you want, but ultimately everyone can see for themselves how things are. You tell us that you are still willing to just let things drop when you haven't been wronged in the least. Yeah, this is the internet, and your stupid bullshit really doesn't matter to me, but it sure is fun to see you get pissed off when your childish behavior blows up in your face. Aren't you a grown man? It's time you act like one.


>> ^schmawy:
It's been sorta boring around here for a little while. Let's say we Siftquisitiontm Choggie and ban him for disgusting virulations. It's what he wants anyway.

Is that what it is, choggie? Are you trying to leave this site but don't know how, so you're doing this? Is it like people who attempt suicide by shooting it out with the police?

If I'm coming across as a wise ass, well, that's part of the idea. However I say these things as a person who cares. I still think that despite this recent spate of piss and vinegar that you're a decent dude. No one goes through this life without being an asshole sometimes, so I'd like to chalk this episode up to bad mood or something else in your life that's making you behave so badly right now. It looks like you've successfully burned your bridges with JAPR and blankfist already, though I hope I'm wrong on both accounts, but even so there are still other people here who like you, such as me.

If it's time for you to move on from here, I understand. I've been a regular at many web sites and blogs over the years, and then found that I no longer felt like visiting those places, so I left. Maybe that's the point you're at now with VideoSift. If so, then I wish you the best, but don't let it end this way. Considering what you've brought to this community during your tenure it would be one of the most pointless flameouts I've ever seen.


What the hell is your problem with this? Blankfist didn't do anything wrong, besides posting a dumb video. But that really isn't for you to decide on your own like that. It's for the community to decide with an upvote, downvote, or novote. Personally, I was planing on not voting and just moving on, but then I decided to read the comments. I think your behavior here is just plain childish and nonsensical. Normally I read your comments, chuckle mildly, and continue on to the next one. This, however, is just plain irritating and disruptive to whatever it is we are doing here. Sorry, I just had to get that out.


nope kronos-I am not tired of being here,and I could give a fiddler's fuck about a siftquisition-you are wrong on the bridge-burning with the mentioned users as well.....well, blankfist anyway...I am simply not one to be polite and amicable when another party wants to continue, for the sake of his own bullshit.

No....and no major issues which would cause me to act unusual-this is the real me, no different in person-lot easier to iron out differences of opinion in private but, blankfist, playing the exhibitionist anal-expulsive, he simply can't help himself-I gave his plenty of opportunities to trade the kiddy-cloak for a business suit-

Basically, I used an opportunity for a moment of clear-light for him-for every action, an equal and opposite reaction-I am solidly justified in my actions, if for the simple fact alone that he decided to do a little ass-showing by using my handle here on the sift for a tribute-I understand the motivations came from some idea of appreciation, I simply used it to send him a message, not necessarily in simple groups of universally recognized symbols.(words) Go find karaidl's tasteful tribute, and watch how a 17 year old kid deals with a loud-mouthed, moron like myself.....this is simply the way I chose to deal with one.....

"^um... what exactly did I do wrong?" (bart fucking simpson)

Don't insult me or yourself anymore dude, I spelled it out plainly enough oh and JAPR,.....why bother-you are absolutely right, I defer to your exceptional reasoning regarding this particular issue-blow me.


I'll be the first to admit I'm generally a sucker for a fart joke, but I can't say this one even elicited a chuckle out of me, hence the down vote.

From my stand point the sift has generally been about keeping videos of this nature out of its archives, frankly I've seen 'funnier' get down voted into the negatives. From what I can see/understand this was meant to be an 'in' joke (please correct me if I'm wrong), where the real humor lies for those in the know. Unfortunately a lot of people are not in on it, and just see a dumb video, on the other side of the coin they're great for those who are in the know. My only suggestion on this matter might be to create an In Joke tag, thus allowing for the best of both worlds. Those who get it, can get their jollies, and those who don't will at least have some explanation of why its even on the sift in the first place.

I'll refrain from comment on the rest of it and leave it to those who are more intimate with the problem.


>> ^JAPR:
I really hold nothing against him, as I've stated before. I just find this little display of childishness rather pitiful.

Hey, show a little respect and don't try for the high-ground. You guys provoke each other a'plenty.

I probably shouldn't do this but hey it's good to remember everything you ever said on the internet is there forever...

Instances of 'choggie' in JAPR's comments

Instances of 'JAPR' in Choggie's comments

Two pages each, plenty of bad blood.


Choggie, I know you're angry because you think I won't make an effort to make amends with you, but it's not that at all. I have tried. And then you discard my video, which I was also going to forgive, but with every apology you've PMed me is followed up with either calling me a fuckstick or a crying toddler or a douchebag or some other similarly backhanded remark. It's not that I'm not trying to make amends with you, it's that you cannot expect me to accept your apology when your sentiment is "sorry" and "go fuck yourself" practically in the same sentence.

I don't want you to be banned for something like this. I'm not for that. And, I'm certainly not cool with you leaving, either. You're a 500 diamond! And, you're good people. *discuss


Fair point, Schwamy. However, I haven't even seen most of his comments about me, and frankly I treat him no differently in my comments than I do ant (or any other member); with ant, I occasionally crack a vote about downvoting everything or whatnot, with choggie it's jokes about not understanding a word he says. I thought he was mature enough to ignore or laugh at jokes, but apparently not.

I'm not trying to take any high road, I'm just acting in the same way I've been acting pretty much the entire time. I call things like I see them, and I generally try to have a good time here.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

[gets out the valium spray gun]
*woosh* to the whole room.

Agree that an ad-hoc discard was not called for here- if you hate it, a down-vote would be appropriate for sure.

Lets also lay off the vitriol and ad-homs. It's actually kind of funny that a 3 second video of a cat farting could cause this kind of an uproar.

I will fix this up.


Well choggie, if it's not a flameout or a bad mood thing, then I'll return to my original remark: This has got to stop, and I'm fucking sick of it.

Throughout the evening there have been many members that have watched this spectacle, and one of them privately wrote me this:

"He's absolutely in the wrong and he absolutely knows it and this won't cost him any money or land him in jail. He's having a blast."

If that's the case then knock it the fuck off. I don't like being played like that.

And if you're doing this just to shame blankfist in some way then knock it the fuck off.

Whether or not you realize this, this shit has blown up in your face. YOU'RE the one coming across as a jackass, not blankfist. Have you noticed all the downvotes on your comments? That should tell you something. And if you don't give a flying fuck about that, then you should start. That is, if you plan on sticking around here. These are people who share the same community with you.

In the real world, if blankfist were your neighbor would you egg his house every night? And even if you don't give a shit about how blankfist felt about it, could you understand the hostility of the rest of your neighbors when they're forced to witness this bullshit? Even if they also disliked blankfist, I doubt they'd like their neighborhood to be seen as a haven for vandals.

Fuck it, I'm done.


I've decided that Blankfist is Choggie's sock puppet or the other way around and this is just a ploy to get me to vote for a three second video of a badly dubbed cat fart. Ok, I'll bite. ROFLcon just had a seminar on LOLcats anyway, so as far as "internet video archive goes" it's relevant.


>> ^kronosposeidon:
In the real world, if blankfist were your neighbor would you egg his house every night?

Dooood! Don't give him any ideas! Man, that Valium spray really did the trick, I think. I'm soooo chill right now. I concede. I'm a fuckstick and a douchebag. The world is a pretty place. [inhales more Valium]


Is everyone voting for this video as a show of support to blankfist or do you really think it's siftworthy? It's on the front page of the sift right now, and I don't think it would be had it not been for choggie's antics. I respect blankfist's right to make this post and not get it discarded but that doesn't mean it is quality. Are we rewarding blankfist for a quality submission or choggie for being an ass?


>> ^GreatBird:
Is everyone voting for this video as a show of support to blankfist or do you really think it's siftworthy? It's on the front page of the sift right now, and I don't think it would be had it not been for choggie's antics. I respect blankfist's right to make this post and not get it discarded but that doesn't mean it is quality. Are we rewarding blankfist for a quality submission or choggie for being an ass?

That's a really good point. I think this post was an attempt at an injoke, as choggie constantly complains about everyone only posting "lowbrow" humor videos, and has specifically mentioned blankfist as being among those who brings the quality of the sift down with such videos.


Well it's got 147,000+ views with a 353 votes ranking it as 4 out of 5 stars on EweTube, 289 comments, so like it or not folks, that's the internet! Cats and p0rn hooray!


they are awarding choggie for being an ass GB....choggie loves everybody, that's why he's such an asshole...more power to blankfist's newly-energized post-more discards than a barrel of domesticated primates!!

All you guys, stop yer bickering-I am happy to have discarded your post bf, and to be such a bother-kisses
Dolosus discessio duro .


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

I just want to leave another comment so we can hopefully soon boast that we have a 3 second cat fart video with 100 comments.

Also, I didn't know that the original title referred to Choggie directly. I would say in that case it's fair game for some kind of retribution as you are making someone the butt of a joke.

There's a lot of that around here, and it's OK as long as both parties are cool with it - obviously not the case here.


dem scatological references make I and I brain hurt, me a tell dem bf and him a panty knot, me a panty knot also-we a both them true color knotty panties....peace now wiff th' fussin' an fightin'.....ifa dem call-outs still tink choggie dem asshole, me a no can help dat-
In the immortal words of John Lennon-"Time wounds all heels."


Another thread to contribute really enticing featured comments for the new VS visitor.

At least the youtube population won't find it at all out of place.


>> ^dag:
Also, I didn't know that the original title referred to Choggie directly. I would say in that case it's fair game for some kind of retribution as you are making someone the butt of a joke.

True. Though, I'm not sure if discarding the video is an equitable retribution, IMO. Still, I'll be the first to admit I'm a ball buster, and I'm man enough to sleep in the bed I make. My friends call me harasshole; a moniker I'm quite fond of. One even called me the asshole with a heart of gold. Awww. Now, that's just sweet.

That aside, I feel I need to somewhat justify my actions because from an outsider's perspective it may seem like I was just randomly attacking choggie with posting this video. Instead it has everything to do with me answering a PM from the chogster where he said I "represent[ed] the new and improved, best of the worst wih most of [my] contributions, and a general dumbing-down of the place in general." There were several PMs to be honest, and I have no idea where his frustration against me came from, but in any event... I just wanted to show him he was right, so I posted this video. It got sifted to the front page, didn't it? Yahtzee!

I said my peace. Done. I don't care about choggie. I'm going to take that Valium now.


Oh man, if you read through all the comments, find out that choggie was being dissed and that his reaction was exactly that, a reaction. Then you actually watch the video, it's absolutely hilarious. But it would have been crap without the comments read beforehand...


Ok, I can understand the argument that the video was aimed specifically at choggie and therefore he can take it down. I sure wish that was explained in the first post with the discard. Choggie: If you had said something like

"I'm * discarding this, because the title directly mentions me, and I don't want to be associated to this piece of shit"

I'd have been right on board the assgravytrain to choggie-town. Uhm, I would have agreed that it was your right to do so or at least to get the title changed. I just didn't catch that meaning or vibe or even hint in "hows this for a random closet......* kill* discards"

The use of someones moniker as a direct assault or insult is also against the rules or at least the spirit of the site, and those are waters you best tread in carefully. Some people love to get the attention ('cause they're big old whores, like me) and others don't. So again, tread carefully when making attack posts, even if they aren't necessarily mean spirited.


I happened upon this list in another community forum. It seemed most appropriate to post it here on this thread:

"The Iconology of Farts"

Basic icon: (_o_) = human bum

(_~_) = short fart

(_s_) = silent fart

(_?_) = who farted?

(_V_) = vibrato fart

(_cC_) = crescendo fart

(_Pp_) = piananissimo fart

(_*_) = knock out fart

(_!_) = surprise fart

(___O___) = fart from a big bum

(_~___) = lopsided fart

(_rat a tat_) = machine gun fart

(_B_) = bomb fart

(_s~~~~_) = stink fart

(_$_) = rich man fart

(_^_) = bend then fart

(__) = right angled fart

(_&_) = collective fart

(_+_) = fart while defecating

(_;_) = pause fart

(_ctrl_) = controlled fart

(_tab_) = fart here and there

(_X_) = fart put on hold

(_@_) = explosive fart


EweToob creep. Choggie's attempt to elevate The Sift seems to have had the opposite effect. Well I guess it's gotta come out at some point, and our consistent and concerted effort towards creating a site filled with *quality content doesn't allow for much opportunity to indulge our pre-pubescent selves. Fags.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

I like to think that if we can hold youtubesque comments to a single thread, then we are containing the virulent pus in a boil that needs only to be lanced every once in a while.



Oh schmawy, now that's terrible!! Such surreptitious endeavors can only lead to animosity and estrangement from the pack-And yeah OP, it is a lot of noise over some shit....somebody must have prayed to Mr. Hanky really hard for their wish to come true....


The only thing that decide me to upvote is the association between the ridiculous video and the over-virulent comments.

Think about it : A guy, somewhere in his parent's (moisty) basement, found a video of a cat having a hickup and though "Hey ! What if I edit this to make the cat fart ??!! It could be awesome !". So, the guy browse the interweb to finally found a crappy shareware on a poor warez site and edit the video. Several hours later, the 3 seconds of glorious farting cat is on youtube. Mission Accomplished.

But, what he didn't know is that these 3 priceless seconds are, actually, a weapon of mass destruction, causing bloggers and community to consume their energy, arguing around the stuff (see : http://xkcd.com/386/ ).

Keep this moment in mind dear sifters : It will be what we'll call the 'Farting Cat Incident'.


That was really odd, last night I upvoted a cat farting because it make me giggle and today I see all this discard / abuse. I really hope this stuff stops, i expect to see ranting and abuse by noobies not seasoned contributors

I know this is a retarded video, but i liked it, in fact, ironically, the thing that made me join videosift in the first place was the happy community and the clever insightful videos posted. (although face plants and farts still have a place)

*beer for blankfist


'Farting Cat Incident'.

Feline flatulence fracas. The doc has arrived to view the carnage. I didn't even watch the video. I came to inspect the combat. It's kinda like channel surfing and stopping to watch that Ultimate fighter crap. It's revolting, but you want to stick around and see who wins. I reel at the number of sifters who nearly choked on this hair-ball.
Prescription- take 2 chill pills, wash them down with Talisker, put your feet up on the deck railing, watch the sun set over the fields of amber, get all comfy, then go inside, turn on the TV and see who IS winning that Cage fight. I'm pulling for that guy with the tatoos, crooked nose and the 2 inch thick ears,.........wait, they all look like that. Nobody wins in that cage.


>> ^sometimes:
Did Choggie's account get hacked? cuz this is the most coherent and clear English I've ever seen him post.

I think you're thinking of westy?

I'm happy that I could have read this entire thread without watching the video. Still, couldn't read the entire thread without contributing to the nonsense.



This comment was brought to you courtesy of youtube comments.

In other news: Man proves yet again that frantic digging will not get you out of a hole. ad hominem still a popular fallacy. Farting cat fuels contention.


142 comments, and many here, have had their 15 minutes for both our sakes BF- (I told bf i'd make him popular, or i was going to have to kill him.....
he chose popular)


"I like how choggie has discarded this video several times but still goes down as an adolescent since he upvoted it."

perception is a motherfucker, eh?

I like how the individual in question is having to deal with ego-I'd like to see blankfist emerge, intact, unscathed, and sifting his ass off, having come away from this whole fracas a bit more whole-I wish the same for myself,and every one of the users of this site-No matter what you folks think from the bits posted here, it has more to do with his inaction with regards to my actions-Said it before and I'll say it again-Passive-aggression is one, if not the worst of all manifestations of social dysfunction in my country....I stamp on it like a cigarette on the grain elevator floor......

Fear being the mind-killer that it is

ask yourselves this-had the expletives been left out of the tirade, would it have been perceived any other way?

had bf not hit the ignore button on his computer, would choggie had fucked with him so???

I hope to never lose my innocence, my adol-essence....never burn out, nor fade away-JAPR, don't hate you either....hate your parents for having you-


Self promoting this video back to the front page; last published Tuesday, April 29th, 2008 5:23pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter blankfist.


Holy crapulance... I only just saw this fleetingly during the promote, and I instinctively downvoted it (before realising I'd never downvoted in the past as I'd never had the power... but hey, I do now... so this gets to be my first EVER downvote... weee).

Now, there are a number of problems with this post/comments for a latecomer:
a) The title has been changed, so we don't see the original choggie included title unless we look at the actual web address... so instantly we don't know that it's an 'attack' on choggie.
b) So we see a discard from choggie that seems just downright uncalled for.
c) Then there's a lot of swearing and general nastiness all round, many people should have long, hard looks at themselves.
d) Then, about 100 comments in or so (yeah, it made me procrastinate at work) us not in the know discover that it was a direct volley at choggie
e) Does that make the actions of choggie particularly cool? Don't think so
f) Is it particularly cool having posts made that are purely in-jokes? Also pretty crap as the rest of us stare on blankly and wonder where the general community feel is when individuals are making obscure jokes unto themselves in this way

Do I think that perhaps some people take the interwebs a bit seriously? yup

Am I probably ranting on to myself here?



*dum de dum*


There can't be an argument without at least two talented, willing participants. i haven't talked to BF since my return. Seems to me folks who tend not to engage in discussion would rather masturbate to their own reflection in the mirror.

This video??..Does not suck. The intent of the submitter, requires effort to resolve.

[email redacted]


>> ^Issykitty:

nochannel catsanddogs comedy controversy
Please go over the Terrible channel description. I think this is the most misused channel tag evar.

I think it could be justified, "Stuff that's so bad but you can't help but share".

I'd say that fits in here.

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