29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!

I had an implant put in 8 weeks ago called The Esteem Implant by Envoy Medical. I was born deaf and have worn hearing aids from the age of 2, but hearing aids only help so much. I have gotten by this long in life by reading lips. This was taken as they were activating the implant. -yt Thanks @WaterDweller

That is awesome. Makes me very happy to see this.

Question - why can she speak clearly, when most people I know of who are born without hearing do not develop enunciation and spoken language without a lisp?

Either way, that video made my day. Nothing is better than seeing a person who is in love with life itself. Nothing makes you appreciate that more than a handicap (and having it returned to you in some way).


What an identity changing moment. I would love to see her first hear Bach or Mozart ... or some early Kool and the Gang.

And to think .. she lived a GaGa free live up until now.


Really great video, but like @artician I am a bit confused by it. People born deaf from birth can't speak as clearly as she does. Something isn't quite right, I find it VERY hard to believe she was deaf from birth. Maybe only in the last few years...


Yay! Wow 29 years! I got mine when I was a few years old. I still use bone conduction analog hearing aid (don't like implants). I need to get a new one since mine is cracked and getting lots of interferences due to dying coils.


Interesting.. If she has been deaf from birth, how does she even know what sound is? I suppose she couldnt really mistake it when she heard it, but still, she seems to find it rather natural. The second thing is, how can she understand spoken language by hearing alone? Has she developed an intuition (through lip-reading) for how "Can you hear me?" would sound like if she could hear it?

I'm not so much questioning her or the video(whether its fake), but these are genuinely interesting questions about how our senses work.


Was she born partially deaf maybe? My cousin is deaf in one ear and half deaf in the other and has normal speech. At :56 the lady asked "can you hear me" while the girl had her head down and she responded with a head nod. I don't see how she could understand her so clearly if she was completely deaf before.

I also grew up having a friend in my grade who was completely deaf (only could hear VERY loud sounds) While he could talk, his speech wasn't even close to as clear as that.>> ^Hybrid:

Really great video, but like @artician I am a bit confused by it. People born deaf from birth can't speak as clearly as she does. Something isn't quite right, I find it VERY hard to believe she was deaf from birth. Maybe only in the last few years...


From the YT comments: “I had an implant put in 8 weeks ago called The Esteem Implant by Envoy Medical. I was born deaf and have worn hearing aids from the age of 2, but hearing aids only help so much. I have gotten by this long in life by reading lips. This was taken as they were activating the implant.”


This is so awesome. The tubes may be full of idiotic and egocentric douchebags, videos of death and suffering, and numberless cute fuzzy animals, but then you also get the occasional video of genuine, life-changing moments that reconcile you with humanity. Thank you so much for this find @eric3579, I will be smiling large and wide all day!


On how clearly she speaks, the poster wrote: "My whole life I've been complimented on how well I speak. I don't really have an answer for you other than I have always had a passion for reading, grammar, and English. My hearing loss was/is considered severe to profound. I've worked very hard to be able to interact and blend in.....only thing I can say is 'God is good'."


Remember that being classified as "deaf" doesn't mean you don't hear anything at all, just as it is with blindness. Most people that are blind don't "see" complete blackness, they can perceive light in some level.

Why didn't we get to hear the husbands first words dammit!!


>> ^Sarzy:

On how clearly she speaks, the poster wrote: "My whole life I've been complimented on how well I speak. I don't really have an answer for you other than I have always had a passion for reading, grammar, and English. My hearing loss was/is considered severe to profound. I've worked very hard to be able to interact and blend in.....only thing I can say is 'God is good'."

I really enjoyed the video. It was great. Then... she had to say something as stupid as God is Good. Yes.. God is SOOOO good, he let you be born a deaf. Then, not content with his/it own doucheness, he just let you carry on your life not reverting the deafness. God IS GREAT......... sure.

I'm getting really tired of this kind of attitude.


These are why we can't have nice things.

>> ^shuac:

>> ^quantumushroom:
An atheist bigot claiming there is no God didn't do much for her either.
>> ^hpqp:
and because I just can't help myself:
Can prayer do this, religitards?
Science: it works, bitches!

You mad, bro?


>> ^Sarzy:
On how clearly she speaks, the poster wrote: "My whole life I've been complimented on how well I speak. I don't really have an answer for you other than I have always had a passion for reading, grammar, and English. My hearing loss was/is considered severe to profound. I've worked very hard to be able to interact and blend in.....only thing I can say is 'God is good'."

I really enjoyed the video. It was great. Then... she had to say something as stupid as God is Good. Yes.. God is SOOOO good, he let you be born a deaf. Then, not content with his/it own doucheness, he just let you carry on your life not reverting the deafness. God IS GREAT......... sure.
I'm getting really tired of this kind of attitude.


Was anything I said not true somehow?

>> ^direpickle:

These are why we can't have nice things.
>> ^shuac:
>> ^quantumushroom:
An atheist bigot claiming there is no God didn't do much for her either.
>> ^hpqp:
and because I just can't help myself:
Can prayer do this, religitards?
Science: it works, bitches!

You mad, bro?

>> ^Sarzy:
On how clearly she speaks, the poster wrote: "My whole life I've been complimented on how well I speak. I don't really have an answer for you other than I have always had a passion for reading, grammar, and English. My hearing loss was/is considered severe to profound. I've worked very hard to be able to interact and blend in.....only thing I can say is 'God is good'."

I really enjoyed the video. It was great. Then... she had to say something as stupid as God is Good. Yes.. God is SOOOO good, he let you be born a deaf. Then, not content with his/it own doucheness, he just let you carry on your life not reverting the deafness. God IS GREAT......... sure.
I'm getting really tired of this kind of attitude.


Give it a break. It just gets old after awhile.


>> ^Sarzy:
On how clearly she speaks, the poster wrote: "My whole life I've been complimented on how well I speak. I don't really have an answer for you other than I have always had a passion for reading, grammar, and English. My hearing loss was/is considered severe to profound. I've worked very hard to be able to interact and blend in.....only thing I can say is 'God is good'."

I really enjoyed the video. It was great. Then... she had to say something as stupid as God is Good. Yes.. God is SOOOO good, he let you be born a deaf. Then, not content with his/it own doucheness, he just let you carry on your life not reverting the deafness. God IS GREAT......... sure.
I'm getting really tired of this kind of attitude.


I love being the person that shows things to people. New cool things that blows people minds. Being the person that gets to give hearing to a deaf person and watch them discover their voice though...I can't ever get tired of that.


As antitheist as I am, I just can't bring myself to have a problem with her saying that. If you've been brought up to thank God whenever something good happens, that's just what you're going to say, especially immediately after such a shocking change to one's life. I can only hope she comes 'round to thanking the doctors who helped her, and learn that it was science and not the invisible sky-daddy that brought her hearing back.

In the meantime, I'm going to watch the video again and bask in the happiness.

(I'd be much more pissed at commentator's saying "praise God" when they have the critical and emotional distance allowing them to realise that this is the result of scientific research.)>> ^EMPIRE:

>> ^Sarzy:
On how clearly she speaks, the poster wrote: "My whole life I've been complimented on how well I speak. I don't really have an answer for you other than I have always had a passion for reading, grammar, and English. My hearing loss was/is considered severe to profound. I've worked very hard to be able to interact and blend in.....only thing I can say is 'God is good'."

I really enjoyed the video. It was great. Then... she had to say something as stupid as God is Good. Yes.. God is SOOOO good, he let you be born a deaf. Then, not content with his/it own doucheness, he just let you carry on your life not reverting the deafness. God IS GREAT......... sure.
I'm getting really tired of this kind of attitude.


For those who kept asking, both "Deaf" and "Blind" aren't absolute things for most people. Many whom are touted as deaf or blind usually have what we would understand as near total impairment. There are those whom are completely deaf or blind, but they don't constitute the whole of deaf or blind labeled people. Many faith healers use this inherent misconception to dazzle audiences, or as in this case, not understand how this lady has any grasp of spoken language. @ant seems to have some personal experiences with this, perhaps you would like to share or elaborate?


This is like a cochlear implant, is it not? Amazing that the brain can process the information all of a sudden.
*body arguably * brain but jonny would disagree, so I'm not putting it in there.


Did your new robot legs come in yet? Those will be SWEET!>> ^ant:

Yay! Wow 29 years! I got mine when I was a few years old. I still use bone conduction analog hearing aid (don't like implants). I need to get a new one since mine is cracked and getting lots of interferences due to dying coils.

antjokingly says...

>> ^rottenseed:

Did your new robot legs come in yet? Those will be SWEET!>> ^ant:
Yay! Wow 29 years! I got mine when I was a few years old. I still use bone conduction analog hearing aid (don't like implants). I need to get a new one since mine is cracked and getting lots of interferences due to dying coils.

No. When is it supposed to come in? I didn't know it was coming to me as a free gift/present.


>> ^ant:

>> ^rottenseed:
Did your new robot legs come in yet? Those will be SWEET!>> ^ant:
Yay! Wow 29 years! I got mine when I was a few years old. I still use bone conduction analog hearing aid (don't like implants). I need to get a new one since mine is cracked and getting lots of interferences due to dying coils.

No. When is it supposed to come in? I didn't know it was coming to me as a free gift/present.


Damn it. Happy feel good video. No you'll ruin my grumpy attitude. Can't smile must think of bad things. Dead clowns, dead clowns damn it wrong thing. Smiling.... People near me are running for the exits....


I mean I'm not even sure if my tear-up was a happy tear-up; 29 years without hearing is pretty heartbreaking and then to see how sensitive & happy she is about hearing for the first time. I just can't even imagine what sounds would sound like for the first time. Amazing video because it's simultaneously heart-wrenching and super positive.

>> ^oohlalasassoon:

>> ^shagen454:
happy crying video made me happy cry.

Me too.
What an awesome occupation that would be, to get to help people in this way on a regular basis and see their happiness.


I have this girl in my salon as we speak. She is absolutely charming and amazing. Ive cried three times since meeting her. Shes truly amazing!!!!!! Very sad that she is getting hate mail. On the very good side, the company, Envoy, is doing her other ear for free!!!!


After speaking with her, her reply is that she has been in speech therapy all her life.
She does have the deaf kind of speech more so in person than you can tell on the video

>> ^artician:

That is awesome. Makes me very happy to see this.
Question - why can she speak clearly, when most people I know of who are born without hearing do not develop enunciation and spoken language without a lisp?
Either way, that video made my day. Nothing is better than seeing a person who is in love with life itself. Nothing makes you appreciate that more than a handicap (and having it returned to you in some way).


I agree with @EMPIRE.

@shponglefan The times to talk about things like illogical religious reasoning are when you DON'T want to hear them, not when you do. Then next great science breakthrough on the horizon is already on hold because people "don't want to play god" or some other nonsense.

Let's give credit where credit is due.


don't forget the engineers/scientists. Doctors are good to find out what's wrong with you and prescribe accordingly. But it's scientists/engineers who come up with the products to actually make you feel better/cure you.


Here's the link you lazy bastards. http://www.youtube.com/user/InvisibleHearing#p/c/1/xdBzjR-i9E0

Not a cochlear implant; its a little bone wobbler for people with screwed up eardrums/bones/muscles in their middle ear.

She probably had mostly working components, and heard stuff very faintly. Now its turned up to 11.

>> ^gwiz665:

This is like a cochlear implant, is it not? Amazing that the brain can process the information all of a sudden.
body arguably brain but jonny would disagree, so I'm not putting it in there.

>> ^Lann:

Was she born partially deaf maybe? My cousin is deaf in one ear and half deaf in the other and has normal speech. At :56 the lady asked "can you hear me" while the girl had her head down and she responded with a head nod. I don't see how she could understand her so clearly if she was completely deaf before.
I also grew up having a friend in my grade who was completely deaf (only could hear VERY loud sounds) While he could talk, his speech wasn't even close to as clear as that.>> ^Hybrid:
Really great video, but like @artician I am a bit confused by it. People born deaf from birth can't speak as clearly as she does. Something isn't quite right, I find it VERY hard to believe she was deaf from birth. Maybe only in the last few years...


Sweet. Everything is better at 11.
>> ^bamdrew:

Here's the link you lazy bastards. http://www.youtube.com/user/InvisibleHearing#p/c/1/xdBzjR-i9E0
Not a cochlear implant; its a little bone wobbler for people with screwed up eardrums/bones/muscles in their middle ear.
She probably had mostly working components, and heard stuff very faintly. Now its turned up to 11.
>> ^gwiz665:
This is like a cochlear implant, is it not? Amazing that the brain can process the information all of a sudden.
body arguably brain but jonny would disagree, so I'm not putting it in there.

>> ^Lann:
Was she born partially deaf maybe? My cousin is deaf in one ear and half deaf in the other and has normal speech. At :56 the lady asked "can you hear me" while the girl had her head down and she responded with a head nod. I don't see how she could understand her so clearly if she was completely deaf before.
I also grew up having a friend in my grade who was completely deaf (only could hear VERY loud sounds) While he could talk, his speech wasn't even close to as clear as that.>> ^Hybrid:
Really great video, but like @artician I am a bit confused by it. People born deaf from birth can't speak as clearly as she does. Something isn't quite right, I find it VERY hard to believe she was deaf from birth. Maybe only in the last few years...


>> ^inflatablevagina:

I have this girl in my salon as we speak. She is absolutely charming and amazing. Ive cried three times since meeting her. Shes truly amazing!!!!!! Very sad that she is getting hate mail. On the very good side, the company, Envoy, is doing her other ear for free!!!!

WTF!? What is she getting hate mail FOR?!?!


Before the true answer is given, can I guess that it's from deaf people?

There are a whole subset of deaf people who think that it is the way they should be and to try to alter that is a horrible thing and admitting that deafness is a bad thing. They really do have huge issues against people who don't like being deaf.

I could be wrong, but it's happened before.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^inflatablevagina:
I have this girl in my salon as we speak. She is absolutely charming and amazing. Ive cried three times since meeting her. Shes truly amazing!!!!!! Very sad that she is getting hate mail. On the very good side, the company, Envoy, is doing her other ear for free!!!!

WTF!? What is she getting hate mail FOR?!?!


a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

Bigots are everywhere, to the point the term is redundant. However, it seems quite a shock to Lefty when s/he is called one, e.g. the 'soft bigotry of low expectations' liberals reserve for minorities.

As for "Kenyawaiian", nothing could be more accurate, since according to the Department of Photoshop, His Earness was allegedly born in Hawaii and his papa was Kenyan.

>> ^JiggaJonson:

Scoff @ the bigot accusations coming from someone who still refers to our president as "The Kenyawaiian"


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Why do people think that atheists are obnoxious? I just don't get it. :-/>> ^hpqp:

and because I just can't help myself:
Can prayer do this, religitards?
Science: it works, bitches!


As Lucy Furr I humbly accept the compliment.

>> ^dag:

Why do people think that atheists are obnoxious? I just don't get it. :-/>> ^hpqp:
and because I just can't help myself:
Can prayer do this, religitards?
Science: it works, bitches!

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